On 12 Jun 2001 02:06:40 +0200, Guido Draheim wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> you do confuse me a bit - it seems as if you just missed the
> target by micrometer, especially the middle one of your
> examples looks very good....
> > OPTIONAL = lotsasource.c lotsayacc.y
> > else
> > endif
> > 
> The only thing that I can see is that you did not yet make
> a call to AM_CONDITIONAL (??) - that is the one that sets the
> two _SUBST-vars called MYCONDITIONAL_FALSE and its sister
> MYCONDITIONAL_TRUE, and these are probably the names that
> will be later warned about. Just a guess anyway....

Hehe - no, I definitely have AM_CONDITIONAL(MYCONDITIONAL, blah)
in my configure.in.  As Lars said, the reason I get the errors
is that the underlying functionality was broken/nonexistent up
until a few weeks ago.
Thanks for the suggestion though.

Tim Van Holder - Anubex N.V.
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