Once again, we interrupt your regularly scheduled posts with another news 

I am proud to present patch release 2 from the automake-1.4 maintenance 
branch.  The main purpose of this release is to fix some irritating but small 
bugs that remained in patch release 1.  It is available now from:


Or as a a diff or xdelta against the previous release:


...and shortly from all GNU mirror sites.  Or else directly from anonymous 
CVS using the tag `Release-1-4-p2'.

The changes in this release since version 1.4-p1 are as follows:

        * Deal with AC_CONFIG_FILES from autoconf-2.50.
        * Improvements to f77 support.
        * DESTDIR now works for script targets.
        * distcheck-hook works correctly.
Please download, compile, install and enjoy.  We now return you to your 
regular programming...

  ())_.  Gary V. Vaughan     gary@(oranda.demon.co.uk|gnu.org)
  ( '/   Research Scientist  http://www.oranda.demon.co.uk        ,_())____
  / )=   GNU Hacker          http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool   \'      `&
`(_~)_   Tech' Author        http://sources.redhat.com/autobook    =`---d__/

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