Just to share with the list what I had to do to do a build on a Max
OS X platform. I don't have access to such a machine, but someone
with one told me what he had to do to do a build
= In my top level Makefile.am, I added the target...
rm -rf */*.o
c++ -bundle -I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers \
-I. -o libhippoplot.jnilib -framework JavaVM \
jni/*.cxx pattern/*.cxx reps/*.cxx src/*.cxx transforms/*.cxx \
Yeh, remove all compiled coce that the all: target built, than compile
again. Seems strange, but I'm told Apple recommends the above c++ command.
The -I argument is to find the Java JNI headers.
So for a Mac OS X user to do a build he does...
make bundle
and nothing else had to change in my mixed Java/C++ build environment.