Akim Demaille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Anyway, here is my proposal. Agreed, I am not entirely satisfied with
> Automake/, but otherwise it's a nightmare to try to reach
> Automake::Struct from an installed Automake, and from the current
> Automake (make check).
Yeah, you pretty much need an Automake directory like that. You'll find
it a lot easier when you add additional modules later, too. (You may want
to consider putting it down a level, like modules/Automake instead of just
Automake at the top level, but that's just my sense of aesthetics.)
> OK, the ENV{perllibdir} is puke puke puke, but I could not find any way
> to be sure it the version shipped with the package that will be used
> when make check. OK, doesn't matter a lot for Struct, but will for
> Automake::Macro, so let's do it right from now.
Unfortunately, use lib or unshift @INC both override -I flags on the Perl
command line, or I'd recommend just using that method. One doesn't have
this problem if one installs Perl modules into the Perl module tree, since
then there's no need to play games with @INC, but I don't suppose that's a
good idea.
Hm. One thing you could do is add Automake's Perl module directory to the
*end* of @INC instead of the beginning; i.e., use:
push (@INC, '@datadir@/@PACKAGE@/lib');
(you want to use single quotes and not double quotes, just in case someone
configures with a weird @datadir@). Since it's pretty unlikely that
there's going to be another Automake::Class floating around, that should
be equivalent, except that it has the nice plus of then letting you just
use $PERL -I$srcdir/.. in the test suite to run automake and force it to
use the version from the build tree rather than the installed version.
Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>