Akim, what do you think of this patch?

2001-05-05  Tom Tromey  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * automake.in (conditional_true_when): Use a hash, not index().
        Also, a TRUE component always results in a true return.
        Fixes test cond10.test.  For PR automake/164.

I think the old code wasn't too reliable since index() doesn't tell us
if one condition is an initial substring of another.  Also the old
code failed when $COND was `TRUE'.


Index: automake.in
RCS file: /cvs/automake/automake/automake.in,v
retrieving revision 1.1067
diff -u -r1.1067 automake.in
--- automake.in 2001/05/05 21:16:36     1.1067
+++ automake.in 2001/05/06 00:40:00
@@ -5487,13 +5487,16 @@
     my ($cond, $when) = @_;
+    # Make a hash holding all the values from $WHEN.
+    my (%cond_vals);
+    grep ($cond_vals{$_} = 1, split (' ', $when));
     # Check each component of $cond, which looks `COND1 COND2'.
     foreach my $comp (split (' ', $cond))
-       if (index ($when, $comp) == -1)
-       {
-           return 0;
-       }
+       # TRUE is always true.
+       return 1 if $comp eq 'TRUE';
+       return 0 if ! defined $cond_vals{$comp};
     return 1;

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