> You're right: line endings are to blame... the funny thing is that I got
> the sources from a Linux CVS server, and the uncorrect line endings seem
> to have been added during the dowloading... (actually I used WinCVS, so
> this is quite likely).
If you're using WinCVS and working with Unix/Linux-based repositories, I'd
recommend checking the 'Use Unix line endings (0xa)' option in the
preferences; this preserves Unix-style text on the client side. Make sure
you're not using a DOSsy editor that converts them back to CRLF or inserts
CRLF on edited lines though. You'll also have to do a nex checkout, as
enabling this option also uses binary mode for CVS' administrative files.
If you're using the command-line cvs that comes with WinCVS, use its --lf
option (I have it set in my .cvsrc for convenience).
> I didn't understand this last point: what should I check? What is cvs
> automake?
The current development version of Automake (which is available through