
The following patch fixes a problem with CVS autoconf, if a recent
enough CVS snapshot of automake was used on it.  

The problem is that 'automake' now depends on the AC_SUBSTs in
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE to subst in VERSION and PACKAGE.  Since the same
'automake' doesn't understand 'm4_include's, it does not see the
actual definition of AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE (autoconf bypasses the 'aclocal'
mechanism).  Here's a patch to autoconf to fix this.

Index: aclocal.m4
RCS file: /cvs/autoconf/aclocal.m4,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -p -u -r1.9 aclocal.m4
--- aclocal.m4	2000/05/24 13:00:34	1.9
+++ aclocal.m4	2001/04/05 22:35:48
@@ -3,3 +3,11 @@ m4_include([m4/missing.m4])
+# Most versions of 'automake' subst these in when 'AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE'
+# is present in configure.in.  However, some versions don't -- they
+# depend on the fact that aclocal.m4 will have lines that subst them in.
+# Some of those versions also don't understand 'm4_include'. 
+# Help them along. 

- Hari
Raja R Harinath ------------------------------ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"When all else fails, read the instructions."      -- Cahn's Axiom
"Our policy is, when in doubt, do the right thing."   -- Roy L Ash

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