I have three questions:
1) Based on a recent comment on this list,
I have
noinst_LIBRARIES = libfoo.a
lib_foo_a_SOURCES = foo/a.c foo/b.c foo/c.c
upon entering this particular directory, make dist does:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `foo.c', needed by `distdir'. Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/ambuild/src/fs'
It seems to be losing the directory prefix.
I know I'm on the bleeding edge here :]. BTW: I haven't introduced
libtool to the project yet. The goal is automake first, libtool second,
as two separate tasks.
2) Do the stub directories such as foo, which only have 2 or three c
files need Makefile.am's ?
3) This is an academic question: I'm not experiencing difficulties due
to this...
Is it expected behaviour for a.o,b.o ans c.o from the above example to
be created in ., or in foo/ ?
It would be good if they could be created in foo/ rather than the
current directory (in case of name collisions.
(Or does automake care of that)?