The goal of the next dozen of patches is to merge the handling of
suffix rules and per object rules into a single routine and a single
file.  Currently there is ext-compile and depen2, and special cases a
bit everywhere dependending on why the case is special.  It turns out
everything can be handled uniformly, with a single file.

I tried to do that as smoothly as I could, which explains why there
are so many small (?) patches.

Index: ChangeLog
from  Akim Demaille  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * (&depend2): Remove, merged in...
        (&handle_languages): here.

--- Thu, 29 Mar 2001 01:38:54 +0200 akim (am/f/39_automake.i 1.228 755)
+++ Thu, 29 Mar 2001 01:41:33 +0200 akim (am/f/39_automake.i 1.228 755)
@@ -1438,9 +1438,76 @@ sub handle_languages
         if ($lang->autodep ne 'no')
-           add_depend2 ($lang);
+           # Get information on $LANG.
+           my $pfx = $lang->autodep;
+           my $fpfx = ($pfx eq '') ? 'CC' : $pfx;
+           my $flag = $lang->flags || '';
+           # First include code for ordinary objects.
+           my %transform = ('PFX'  => $pfx,
+                            'FPFX' => $fpfx,
+                            'LIBTOOL' => $seen_libtool,
+                            'AMDEP'   => $use_dependencies ? 'AMDEP' : 'FALSE');
+           # This function can be called even when we don't want dependency
+           # tracking.  This happens when we need an explicit rule for some
+           # target.  In this case we don't want to include the generic code.
+           if ($use_dependencies)
+             {
+               my $compile = '$(' . $pfx . 'COMPILE)';
+               my $ltcompile = '$(LT' . $pfx . 'COMPILE)';
+               my %transform = (%transform,
+                                'GENERIC'   => 1,
+                                'BASE'      => '$*',
+                                'SOURCE'    => '$<',
+                                'OBJ'       => '$@',
+                                'LTOBJ'     => '$@',
+                                'OBJOBJ'    => '$@',
+                                'COMPILE'   => $compile,
+                                'LTCOMPILE' => $ltcompile);
+               foreach my $ext (grep ($extension_seen{$_}, @{$lang->extensions}))
+                 {
+                   $output_rules .= (&file_contents ('depend2',
+                                                     (%transform,
+                                                      'EXT' => $ext))
+                                     . "\n");
+                 }
+             }
+           # Now include code for each specially handled object with this
+           # language.
+           my %seen_files = ();
+           foreach my $file (@{$lang_specific_files{$lang->name}})
+             {
+               my ($derived, $source, $obj) = split (' ', $file);
+               # We might see a given object twice, for instance if it is
+               # used under different conditions.
+               next if defined $seen_files{$obj};
+               $seen_files{$obj} = 1;
+               my $val = "${derived}_${flag}";
+               (my $obj_compile = $lang->compile) =~ s/\(AM_$flag/\($val/;
+               my $obj_ltcompile = '$(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile ' . $obj_compile;
+               # Generate a transform which will turn suffix targets in
+               # into real targets for the particular objects we
+               # are building.
+               $output_rules .= &file_contents ('depend2',
+                                                (%transform,
+                                                 'GENERIC'   => 0,
+                                                 'BASE'      => $obj,
+                                                 'SOURCE'    => $source,
+                                                 'OBJ'       => "$obj.o",
+                                                 'OBJOBJ'    => "$obj.obj",
+                                                 'LTOBJ'     => "$obj.lo",
+                                                 'COMPILE'   => $obj_compile,
+                                                 'LTCOMPILE' => $obj_ltcompile))
+             }
-    }
+      }

 # Output a rule to build from a YACC source.  The output from YACC is
@@ -1643,7 +1710,7 @@ sub handle_single_transform_list ($$$@)
             # generate an explicit rule.  Actually, in any case
             # where the object is not in `.' we need a special
             # rule.  The per-object rules in this case are
-            # generated later, by add_depend2.
+            # generated later, by handle_languages.
             if (($use_dependencies
                  && $rule ne ''
                  && $lang->autodep ne 'no')
@@ -3035,84 +3102,6 @@ sub handle_dist
     $output_rules .= &file_contents ('distdir', %transform);

-# add_depend2 ($LANG)
-# -------------------
-# A subroutine of handle_dependencies.  This function includes
-# `depend2' with appropriate transformations.
-sub add_depend2
-    my ($lang) = @_;
-    # Get information on $LANG.
-    my $pfx = $lang->autodep;
-    my $fpfx = ($pfx eq '') ? 'CC' : $pfx;
-    my $flag = $lang->flags || '';
-    # First include code for ordinary objects.
-    my %transform = ('PFX'  => $pfx,
-                    'FPFX' => $fpfx,
-                    'LIBTOOL' => $seen_libtool,
-                    'AMDEP'   => $use_dependencies ? 'AMDEP' : 'FALSE');
-    # This function can be called even when we don't want dependency
-    # tracking.  This happens when we need an explicit rule for some
-    # target.  In this case we don't want to include the generic code.
-    if ($use_dependencies)
-    {
-        my $compile = '$(' . $pfx . 'COMPILE)';
-       my $ltcompile = '$(LT' . $pfx . 'COMPILE)';
-       my %transform = (%transform,
-                        'GENERIC'   => 1,
-                        'BASE'      => '$*',
-                        'SOURCE'    => '$<',
-                        'OBJ'       => '$@',
-                        'LTOBJ'     => '$@',
-                        'OBJOBJ'    => '$@',
-                        'COMPILE'   => $compile,
-                        'LTCOMPILE' => $ltcompile);
-       foreach my $ext (grep ($extension_seen{$_}, @{$lang->extensions}))
-       {
-           $output_rules .= (&file_contents ('depend2',
-                                             (%transform,
-                                              'EXT' => $ext))
-                             . "\n");
-       }
-    }
-    # Now include code for each specially handled object with this
-    # language.
-    my %seen_files = ();
-    foreach my $file (@{$lang_specific_files{$lang->name}})
-    {
-        my ($derived, $source, $obj) = split (' ', $file);
-       # We might see a given object twice, for instance if it is
-       # used under different conditions.
-       next if defined $seen_files{$obj};
-       $seen_files{$obj} = 1;
-       my $val = "${derived}_${flag}";
-       (my $obj_compile = $lang->compile) =~ s/\(AM_$flag/\($val/;
-       my $obj_ltcompile = '$(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile ' . $obj_compile;
-       # Generate a transform which will turn suffix targets in
-       # into real targets for the particular objects we
-       # are building.
-       $output_rules .= &file_contents ('depend2',
-                                        (%transform,
-                                         'GENERIC'   => 0,
-                                         'BASE'      => $obj,
-                                         'SOURCE'    => $source,
-                                         'OBJ'       => "$obj.o",
-                                         'OBJOBJ'    => "$obj.obj",
-                                         'LTOBJ'     => "$obj.lo",
-                                         'COMPILE'   => $obj_compile,
-                                         'LTCOMPILE' => $obj_ltcompile))
-    }

 # Handle subdirectories.
 sub handle_subdirs

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