----- Original Message -----
From: "Akim Demaille" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Robert Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: Feature request.
> | I haven't dug into automakes internals.. or I'd consider hacking
this up
> | myself. It seems to me that a useful feature would be a DEFINES
> | that allows extra DEFINES on a per program basis.
> |
> | i.e (drawing on a similar example in the documentation)
> | instead of
> | bin_PROGRAMS = etags ctags
> | ctags_SOURCES =
> | ctags_LDADD = ctags.o
> |
> | etags.o: etags.c
> | $(COMPILE) -DETAGS_REGEXPS -c etags.c
> |
> | ctags.o: etags.c
> | $(COMPILE) -DCTAGS -o ctags.o -c etags.c
> |
> | we could do
> | bin_PROGRAMS = etags ctags
> | ctags_SOURCES = etags.c
> | ctags_DEFINES = -DCTAGS
> IIRC, there is already _CFLAGS support, which should be enough. Am I
> missing something? See tests/specflags*.test.
Thanks, I will do that.