I several warnings of the form :

src/Makefile.am:42: squid_SOURCES includes configure substitution

for a makefile.am containing (trimmed for clarity):

EXTRA_squid_SOURCES = dns.c dns_internal.c

squid_SOURCES = \
access_log.c acl.c asn.c auth_modules.c authenticate.c cache_cf.c
cf_parser.h \
disk.c @DNS_SOURCE@ errorpage.c

        @SNMPLIB@ @LIB_MALLOC@ ../lib/libmiscutil.a @XTRA_LIBS@

Depending on configure switches, either dns.c or dns_internal.c is
linked into squid. Going on the doco from
I should put the conditionally included source in EXTRA_squid_SOURCES -
which I have, and then (extrapolating from the example given for cpio
and EXTRA_PROGRAMS a few paragraphs later, I should put DNS_SOURCE in
the real SOURCES line as well.

The resulting Makefile (after configureing) has the appropriate dns*.c
module in the squid_SOURCES entry, but nothing in the squid_OBJECTS or
am_squid_OBJECTS entries.... any hints? need more info?


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