hi peeps
enclosed is a patch which emits targets for partially specified conditional targets
bin_PROGRAMS = do_me
do_me_SOURCES = do_me.c
    echo ok do me
    touch do_me
both targets get generated, with the proper test. nested stuff works too it seems
Index: automake.in
RCS file: /cvs/automake/automake/automake.in,v
retrieving revision 1.975
diff -u -r1.975 automake.in
--- automake.in 2001/03/08 13:23:15 1.975
+++ automake.in 2001/03/09 02:33:13
@@ -6750,20 +6750,36 @@
     # Free lance dependency.  Output the rule for all the
     # targets instead of one by one.
+    # Some hair to avoid spurious trailing blank
+    # when there are no dependencies.
+    my $tmp_rules = "";
+    $tmp_rules .= "$separator$comment";
+    $tmp_rules .= "$targets:";
+    $tmp_rules .= " $dependencies"
+      if $dependencies;
+    $tmp_rules .= "\n";
+    # Only add actions if we found some.  Otherwise
+    # we can end up with a spurious newline.  See
+    # pr87.test.
+    $tmp_rules .= "$actions\n"
+      if $actions;
     if (!defined $targets{$targets})
+      {
+        $output_rules .= $tmp_rules;
+      }
+    else
-        # Some hair to avoid spurious trailing blank
-        # when there are no dependencies.
-        $result_rules .= "$separator$comment";
-        $result_rules .= "$targets:";
-        $result_rules .= " $dependencies"
-   if $dependencies;
-        $result_rules .= "\n";
-        # Only add actions if we found some.  Otherwise
-        # we can end up with a spurious newline.  See
-        # pr87.test.
-        $result_rules .= "$actions\n"
-     if $actions;
+        # Emit a conditional rule if necessary.
+        my @r = &conditional_target_rule($_);
+        if (scalar(@r) == 1)
+   {
+     my $cond = &make_condition(&not_condition(@r));
+     $tmp_rules =~ s/\n$//;
+     $tmp_rules =~ s/\n/\n$cond/g;
+     $tmp_rules .= "\n\n";
+     $output_rules .= $tmp_rules;
+   }
     $comment = $separator = '';
@@ -7669,3 +7685,32 @@
   exit 0;
+# &conditional_target_rule ($TARGET)
+# ----------------------------------
+# If TARGET is defined as a conditional target, return the rules that
+# satisfy the condition as array, otherwise just return undef.
+sub conditional_target_rule ($)
+  my $target = shift;
+  my @conds;
+  foreach my $cond (keys %{$target_conditional{$target}})
+    {
+      push(@conds, $cond) if ($target_conditional{$target}{$cond} == 1);
+    }
+  return(@conds);
+# &not_condition (@CONDITIONS)
+# ---------------------------
+# Returns the logical inverse of each condition.
+sub not_condition (@)
+  return map
+    {
+      my $cond = $_;
+      $cond =~ s/_TRUE$/_FALSE/ unless ($cond =~ s/_FALSE/_TRUE/);
+      $cond;
+    } @_;

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