Tom Tromey wrote:

> I imagine we'll have to radically revamp the test suite when we move
> to using autoconf's tracing feature.  The current test suite is very
> dumb and doesn't usually generate a correct

I'm working on this so I can test my conversion.  I've been reading the
puropse lines and I haven't noticed anything that looks like it's going
to ba a major problem yet, but can anybody else think of anything in
particular I should watch out for?

I'm just about through the 'c's and it's been pretty straightforward so
far.  Mostly just adding AC_INIT, AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE, & AC_OUTPUT, then
calling $ACLOCAL before calling $AUTOMAKE.  The tests I've fixed work
with and without amtraces as well.


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     OpenAvenue ( )
I will not torment the emotionally frail.
I will not torment the emotionally frail.
I will not torment the emotionally frail...

          - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

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