"Derek R. Price" wrote:

> "Derek R. Price" wrote:
> >     AUTOCONF='exit 77 &&'
> Excuse me:
>     AUTOCONF='exit 77 && dummy'
> to keep the parser eternally happy.

Or almost eternally happy.  Due to some wierdness where my Bash only evaluates a
variable as a single command (i.e. ignoring ';', '&&', & '||'), the following was

     test='eval exit 77 && dummy'

This does the Right Thing (tm) in all the following cases:

     $test -args and -more args
     :; $test; dummy; more
     : && $test
     : || $test
     false || $test
     false && $test
     $test && :
     $test || :
     $test && false
     $test || false
     if $test; then :; fi

I expect more parens aren't going to change anything.  Did I miss anything?

Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( http://CVSHome.org )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     OpenAvenue ( http://OpenAvenue.com )
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                        - Thomas Jefferson

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