New Vitality Newsletter
Green Tea Is It Nature's Answer?
You’ve probably read about it in the papers, heard about it on CNN and radio, and word
of mouth can be pretty powerful as well, but do you really know what Green Tea is all
about and what it can mean for your health?
Can Green Tea Help People Live Longer?
Consider the fact that presently Asian countries are the largest consumers of Green
Tea in the world and statistics show that Asians have greater life expectancies.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau:
a.. Chinese men have a life expectancy of 79.06 and Japanese men at 79.66 compared
to American men with an estimated expectancy of 73.1
b.. Chinese women rate at 85.84, Japanese women at 82.79 while American women are at
a life expectancy of 79.1
Statistics also show that Asians have lower incidents of obesity, cancer and heart
disease as compared to Americans. Could their secret be Green Tea?
Can Green Tea Help You Lose Weight?
Recently a study was conducted showing that Green Tea may be responsible for a
"significant increase" in energy expenditure, one of the only two ways to treat
obesity. This news comes as a welcome relief after the learning about the dangerous
side effects of some well known diet pills and fads. Not only has Green Tea been shown
to provide our bodies with the elements and nutrients needed to lose weight but it
also carries a bevy of other health benefits.
Here are the hard facts:
a.. According to the American Heart Association coronary heart disease is the single
largest killer of American males and females, having claimed the lives of more
Americans than all wars combined.
b.. About every 29 seconds an American will suffer a coronary event, and about every
minute someone will die from one.
c.. The Japanese rank among the lowest for death rates due to cardiovascular
diseases as well ranking among the biggest consumers of Green Tea.
d.. According to the American Heart Association, Japan claims an average of 568
lives per 100,000 population as compared to the United States with a projected 865.5
per 100,000 lives lost to cardiovascular disease.
e.. Agents in green tea have been found to reduce triglycerides by 33.3%; high
triglycerides are strongly associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease.
f.. Antioxidants, abundant in Green Tea, play a key role in the prevention and
slower progression of heart disease yet most Americans continue to ignore their
medicinal benefits.
g.. Researchers from the University of Kansas discovered that the antioxidant
content found in Green Tea is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times
more successful at protecting cells from damage linked to cancer, heart disease and
other illnesses.
h.. A recent study conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm claims that a
compound called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG, which is found in Green Tea,
impedes an enzyme necessary for cancer cell growth. During the study it was
discovered, through a series of tests conducted on mice, that EGCG is capable of
suppressing a process known as angiogenesis, or the growth of new blood vessels upon
which tumor growth is dependent on.
i.. Research has also shown that the antioxidants found in Green Tea have aided in
the prevention of rheumatoid arthritis, an auto-immune disorder where joints are
penetrated by inflammatory cells.
j.. Green tea possesses anti-diabetic activity that proves to be effective in both
the prevention and treatment of diabetes.
k.. Green tea has also been linked to improving the body’s immune system and
promoting anti-aging.
Award Winning!!
Green Tea PlusTM
NAC Vitamin Company, in collaboration with herbalist and nutritionist, Steve Halpern,
developed a unique Green Tea supplement, called Green Tea PlusTM . What makes it so
distinct? Every dropper contains the highest levels of polyphenols found in Green Tea.
This natural blend of antioxidants provides Green Tea with its health-enhancing
ingredients. The herb, magic fruit gives Green Tea PlusTM its sweet, succulent taste.
Magic fruit is 250 times sweeter than sugar, without the calories and it is safe for
diabetics. You get all of the benefits of Green Tea, plus taste and convenience. The
small two-ounce bottle allows you to carry it with you during the day. One bottle
equals two hundred fifty cups of Green Tea-active ingredients. Its liquid form means
maximum absorption, with no undigested or wasted pills. Green Tea Plus is fast
becoming the number one Green Tea supplement in the country. People are often
sensitive to caffeine. Green Tea PlusTM contains none, so enjoy it, withou!
t the jitters and problems associated with it.
So, if there is so much to benefit from drinking Green Tea, why isn’t everyone
drinking it? Medical studies have shown that four to six cups of potent Green Tea
daily is necessary for optimum results. Many Westerners dislike the taste of very
strong tea, by adding one teaspoon of sugar to three cups of tea each day, which adds
up to 73,000 calories per year!
Regular and flavored teas, popular as they may be, do not provide the many benefits
that Green Tea can. Tea bags can not guarantee sufficient amounts of anti-oxidants and
polyphenols and they are often bleached and treated with harmful chemicals.
You can order now by calling 1-800-908-8733. Tell them you heard about Green Tea
PlusTM through this special internet offer to receive the 4th bottle free.
Green Tea Plus Special Offer!
Buy 3 Bottles and Get 1 FREE!
CALL 1-800-908-8733
Special Offer:
1 Free Bottle of Echinacea
with your purchase of Green Tea PLUS Special Offer
mention code 5968
CALL 1-800-908-8733
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