
This patch mentions the fact that mentioning a directory in EXTRA_DIST will
also included any CVS/RCS version control files. An example is given to
remove these using a dist-hook target.


Ganesan R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   | Ph: 91-422-549 860 (Home)
Novell India, Bangalore              | #include <std_disclaimer.h>
Index: automake.texi
RCS file: /cvs/automake/automake/automake.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.188
diff -u -r1.188 automake.texi
--- automake.texi       2000/12/23 20:26:10     1.188
+++ automake.texi       2000/12/31 10:18:40
@@ -2952,7 +2952,9 @@
 the @code{EXTRA_DIST} variable.  You can mention files from
 subdirectories in @code{EXTRA_DIST}.  You can also mention a directory
 there; in this case the entire directory will be recursively copied into
-the distribution.
+the distribution. Please note that this will also copy @emph{everything} 
+in the directory, including CVS/RCS version control files. 
 @vindex EXTRA_DIST
 Sometimes you need tighter control over what does @emph{not} go into the
@@ -2996,6 +2998,16 @@
         mkdir $(distdir)/random
         cp -p $(srcdir)/random/a1 $(srcdir)/random/a2 $(distdir)/random
+@end example
+Another way to to use this is for removing unnecessary files that get
+recursively included by specifying a directory in EXTRA_DIST:
+       rm -rf `find $(distdir)/doc -name CVS`
 @end example
 Automake also generates a @code{distcheck} target which can be of help

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