Hello Stephan,

I looked at the build management in kdebase-2.0. 
Very interesting to see how you guys did it.

Two questions:

1. I am still not sure, if modules should have their
   own configure script. 
   My position so far was that there is only one
   configuration, for the whole tree.
   What is the benefit of sub-configure scripts?
2. You use this sequence in your Makefile.cvs bootstrap:        

    @echo "*** Building Makefile templates (step one)"
    @echo "*** Scanning for moc files and kde tags"
    @perl admin/am_edit
    @echo "*** Building Makefile templates (step two)"

   Why does one need to have a autoconf call after
   the automake call?
   My belief was that automake is responsible for the
   autoconf calls.


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