I've been searching for an answer to this all afternoon and haven't been
able to find anything useful, so I am hoping someone on this list can help
In a package I'm contributing to, we're looking for a way to include GNU
getopt in the sources if the build system does not have it installed.
I looked around for a way to do this, and the only thing semi-useful I
found was the AC_REPLACE_GNU_GETOPT macro.
Does this actually work? Whenever I use it in the configure.in I get a
./configure: AC_REPLACE_GNU_GETOPT: command not found
I figure I must either be missing something, or this is broken?
If this macro does work, how are the sources setup in the Makefile.am.
Currently, here's what I have, which I'm pretty sure is wrong:
EXTRA_DIST = getopt.c getopt.h getopt1.c
getopt.o: getopt.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c getopt.c
getopt1.o: getopt1.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c getopt1.c
Any suggestions would be very greatly appreciated. This one has been
frustrating me for some time now.