"Derek R. Price" wrote:

> I'm in the middle of an attempt to convert CVS to use automake but I'm
> having some trouble.  Is there some way to selectively override clean
> targets created by default for info targets without having to specify
> the entire clean target manually?
> I specified
>     info_TEXINFOS = cvs.texinfo cvsclient.texi
> and it seems to be creating a clean target that removes the 'cvs.ps'
> file despite the fact that 'cvs.ps' is listed in EXTRA_DIST.

Here's a patch that subtracts any generated files listed in EXTRA_DIST from the
mostlyclean-aminfo targets and adds them to the maintainer-clean-aminfo targets.
It seems to me that this might be more generalizable (anything in EXTRA_DIST, if
it exists in any clean target, should be moved into the maintainer-clean targeet,
but this patch does what I need.


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( http://CVSHome.org )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     OpenAvenue ( http://OpenAvenue.com )
Boy:  A noise with dirt on it

--- /usr/bin/automake   Wed Jul 12 05:40:03 2000
+++ /tmp/automake       Tue Nov 14 16:01:58 2000
@@ -1984,7 +1984,25 @@
                            'ky', 'kys', 'ps', 'log', 'pg', 'toc', 'tp', 'tps',
                            'vr', 'vrs', 'op', 'tr', 'cv', 'cn')
-           push (@texi_cleans, $infobase . '.' . $tc_cursor);
+           if (&variable_defined ('EXTRA_DIST'))
+           {
+               local $temp_clean = $infobase . '.' . $tc_cursor;
+               local @extra_dist = &variable_value_as_list ('EXTRA_DIST', '');
+               $temp_clean =~ s/\W/\\$&/g;
+               $temp_clean = '^' . $temp_clean . '$';
+               if (grep /$temp_clean/, @extra_dist)
+               {
+                   push (@texi_maintainercleans, $infobase . '.' . $tc_cursor);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                   push (@texi_cleans, $infobase . '.' . $tc_cursor);
+               }
+           }
+           else
+           {
+               push (@texi_cleans, $infobase . '.' . $tc_cursor);
+           }
@@ -2047,7 +2065,8 @@
     # How to clean.  The funny name is due to --cygnus influence; in
     # Cygnus mode, `clean-info' is a target that users can use.
     $output_rules .= "\nmostlyclean-aminfo:\n";
-    &pretty_print_rule ("\t-rm -f", "\t  ", @texi_cleans);
+    &pretty_print_rule ("\t-rm -f", "\t  ", @texi_cleans)
+       if (scalar @texi_cleans);
     $output_rules .= ("\nclean-aminfo:\n\ndistclean-aminfo:\n\n"
                      . "maintainer-clean-aminfo:\n\t"
                      # Eww.  But how else can we find all the output
@@ -2059,6 +2078,9 @@
                      . "\t" . '    rm -f $$i-[0-9]*;' . " \\\n"
                      . "\t" . '  fi;' . " \\\n"
                      . "\tdone\n");
+    &pretty_print_rule ("\t-rm -f", "\t  ", @texi_maintainercleans)
+       if (scalar @texi_maintainercleans);
+    $output_rules .= "\n";
     &push_phony_cleaners ('aminfo');
     if ($cygnus_mode)

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