> >>>>> "Praveen" == Praveen Kumar Amritaluru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Praveen> As can be seen from the above message, there is no
> Praveen> action associated with the targets. As a result nothing is
> Praveen> getting done under these two directories m4 and tests.
> That's right, nothing to make in these directories. But did you run
> `make install' with GNU Make?
I used GNU make and now it is installing the m4 files. But I am
getting a new error when I try to execute automake. The error
is :
# /usr/local/bin/automake
syntax error in file /usr/local/bin/automake at line 3227, next 2 tokens
ist_common ("
Execution of /usr/local/bin/automake aborted due to compilation errors.
Praveen Kumar Amritaluru Phone (Off) : (91)(80)2251554 x 1306
HP India Software Operations Telnet : 847-1306
Bangalore 560 052