
aclocal is stripping comment lines from configure.in, but not from
other files.  Hence it can detect wrong dependencies and output useless
functions in aclocal.m4.

For instance the macro AC_PATH_GENERIC (from the autoconf
archive) refers to AM_PATH_GTK in its comments:

 % grep m4/generic_path.m4 AM_PATH_GTK
 dnl At present there is no support for additional "MODULES" (see AM_PATH_GTK)

Any use of AC_PATH_GENERIC will trigger the inclusion of AM_PATH_GTK:

 % aclocal --verbose
 saw macro AC_PATH_GENERIC
 aclocal: configure.in: 226: macro `AM_PATH_GTK' not found in library

Index: ChangeLog
from  Alexandre Duret-Lutz  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

	* aclocal.in (add_file): Strip comments while scanning for
	macro dependencies.

Index: aclocal.in
RCS file: /cvs/automake/automake/aclocal.in,v
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -u -r1.45 aclocal.in
--- aclocal.in	2000/03/20 00:12:59	1.45
+++ aclocal.in	2000/10/03 07:08:24
@@ -362,7 +362,11 @@
 	    push (@rlist, $1);
-	# This function constructed dynamically.
+	# Remove comments from current line.
+	s/\bdnl\b.*$//;
+	s/\#.*$//;
+	# The search function is constructed dynamically by scan_m4_files.
 	if (! &search && /(^|\s+)(AM_[A-Z_]+)/)
 	    # Macro not found, but AM_ prefix found.

Alexandre Duret-Lutz

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