Wow.  Good call!  It seems so obvious now that you mention it =)O|

I was thinking that it might be better to note in the autoconf manual
(or perhaps add the functionality to `automake --add-missing') to
use a project local gnugetopt.h and change getopt.c and getopt1.c to
#include the renamed header. would need:

    AC_CHECK_FUNC(getopt_long, [],
      [Define this if there is a system getopt.h header])
The file the makes use of getopt would have:

    #  include <config.h>
    #  include <getopt.h>
    #  include "gnugetopt.h"
getopt.c and getopt1.c would still be compiled in unconditionally.


On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 07:19:55AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > packages I've seen that have local copies of getopt.h use that copy
> > when compiling their files, regardless of whether or not the system or
> > the package supplies the actual getopt functions.  On some systems
> BTW, in the past I've fixed this by moving getopt.h to,
> replacing getopt.o in the objects list with LIBOBJS, putting something
> like the following in, and regenerating configure:
>   # We use our own version of getopt (including our own header file) if
>   # the system libs don't have getopt.  The problem we have is that we
>   # can't just arbitrarily use the one in libs.  Some systems, notably
>   # those that use the Microsoft style of shared library linkage,
>   # require special "cruft" in the declarations (__declspec(dllimport))
>   # to properly import global variables set by the shared library
>   # functions.  Thus we not only have to use the version of getopt
>   # supplied by the system, but we must also ensure that we use the
>   # getopt.h supplied by the system.  On the other hand, if we use our
>   # replacement getopt, then we must ensure that we also use the
>   # corresponding replacement getopt.h.  Using the system getopt() with
>   # our getopt.h or vice versa, is a sure recipe for disaster if there
>   # is any mismatch.
>   private_getopt=
>   AC_CHECK_FUNC(getopt, :, private_getopt=yes)
>   AC_CHECK_HEADER(getopt.h, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETOPT_H), private_getopt=yes)
>   if test -n "$private_getopt"; then
>     getopt_used=getopt.h
>     LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS getopt.o"
>   fi
>   AC_LINK_FILES($getopt_dist,$getopt_used)
> -Fred

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