Hi all:

        Does automake support the autoconf macro AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS? It is
suposed that autoconf will run "configure" from the subdirectories listed,
but.. does automake support this macro and descend to the subdirectories
to build Makefile.in, etc? (and autoconf for generating its corresonding
subdir/configure? or must I do it myself?

        The main reason for this is that I want to split the
"AC_OUTPUT" specifications for some directory. For example, supose I have
a software package that has a subdirectory with samples. The directory
structure is something like that:

<root> (with configure.in, etc)
 - other dirs
 - samples dir (with, I want, its own configure.in)
   * sample1
   * sample2

the samples/configure.in can have a macro call like this:

AC_OUTPUT(sample1/Makefile sample2/Makefile ...)

and then only the configure.in of samples directory has to list those
output files. 

If I had to include all those files in the root configure.in, it could
turn into a management nightmare...

        Regards and thank in advance.

Diego Sevilla Ruiz - http://ditec.um.es/~dsevilla/ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Departamento de Ingeniería y Tecnología de Computadores
Facultad de Informática. Universidad de Murcia
Campus de Espinardo - 30080 Murcia (SPAIN). Tel. +34-968-367570
\huge d\em\kern-.36em\lower-.2ex\hbox{\small sevilla}\[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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=$@[$p+=($q&15)    -4];$q>>=4;$c+=33  ;$c>98   &&($c-=98);}};print@z;

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