I really have two questions. First, is there an easy way to extend
automake/autoconf to support perl package installations. I have a suite of
programs I've helped to write in perl and I want to package them up. The
package includes normal perl scripts and perl modules. I think I've figured
out how to make autoconf behave nicely (finding the right perl, substituting
in the right perl bin in the scripts) and I've even written a m4 macro that
checks to see if the perl modules that are needed by the package are
installed. But I can't seem to make automake behave nicely. I'm using
bin_SCRIPTS and libexec_SCRIPTS to do the make stuff, but I want a section
called make "docs" to be run when someone just types 'make' (basically
because make docs does a few pod2* commands). As it is now to completely
make the package one has to do:

make docs
make test
make prep
make install
make install-docs

That's a whole lotta steps. I want to role "make docs" into "make", and
"make prep" and "make install-docs" into "make install". So the steps look

make test
make install

 Is this possible?. If need be, I can send my configure.in, aclocal.m4, and
Makefile.am's. Thanks!

Ti Leggett

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