Mo> if WIN
Mo> sysinit = tkgsWinInit.c
Mo> endif

Mo> if UNIX
Mo> sysinit = tkgsUnixInit.c
Mo> endif

Mo> libtkgs_la_SOURCES = \
Mo> [ ... ]
Mo> $(sysinit)

Mo> src/ warning: automake does not support conditional 
Mo> definition of sysinit in libtkgs_la_SOURCES

I'm a bit suprised that doesn't work.  Well, maybe not too suprised.
Dealing intelligently with conditionals in every situation is hard.
Hopefully the next reimplementation of automake will have a smarter
way of doing this.

Try something like:

    if WIN
    if UNIX

If that fails make the libtkgs_la_SOURCES variable itself conditional

    shared = list them
    if WIN
    libtkgs_la_SOURCES = $(shared) ...
    if UNIX

Let us know what you find it.
(It is particularly sad that I said that.  First, I should know.
Second, nobody should need to know.)


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