Tom Tromey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >>>>> "Diego" == Diego Sevilla Ruiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Diego> IDL_DEPS(anyfile.idl)
> There was a discussion on this on the automake list in the past.
> I don't remember the outcome.
> I think the best approach would be to have an autoconf macro to find
> the IDL compiler, and then have that macro generate information used
> by automake.  This would mean extending automake to understand IDL as
> well.
> I'm not planning to do this but I would check in clean patches which
> did.
> Tom

A year ago (or so) I proposed some patches to make automake support IDL 
files. Of course I've lost these patches since then, but here are some
new ones. (diff -rc3 automake-1.4 automake-1.4.1)

Attached is a patch for automake-1.4 to make it understand .idl.

Since different idl-compilers breaks the basename of the idl-file
in both a) adding a suffix to the filename and b) setting a new
extention to the file I needed some means of specifying the modifiers.
Here is the all extensible FAQ :-)

1. AM_PROG_IDLC(a, b)
   Macro for setting up compiler and option
   a) compiler-program name
   b) options to the compiler

   Macro for setting server-side output-source-files
   something.idl -> somethingSK.hh
   something.idl -> somethingHEI.cpp

3. AM_IDL_CLIENT(a,b,c,d)
   Macro for setting client-side output-source-files
   Works like the AM_IDL_SERVER() but is used if server-side
   is different from client-side generated stubs

You could leave some of the parameters blank if your compiler does
not modify the basename of the idl-file.

automake will add dependencies so that modifying an idl-file will
automatically run the idl-compiler to regenerate the source-files.

TODO: make maintainer-clean should remove the generated source-files
and leave the idl files.
I guess I've learned more perl since I wrote this patch and someone
with perl-knowledge would probably clean it up better :-)

Here is how I'm using it (excerpt from my

dnl omniORB2 compiler
AM_PROG_IDLC(omniidl2,-s .cpp -h .h)

dnl I think you could use this line for the tao-compiler
dnl AM_PROG_IDLC(tao_idl,-ss -hs _s.hh -hc _c.hh -cs
dnl AM_PROG_SERVER(_s,hh,_c,cc)

dnl orbix idl-compiler would probably work this way:
dnl AM_PROG_IDLC(idl,-A -I. -B -cC.cxx -sS.cxx)
dnl AM_IDL_SERVER(,hh,S,cxx)
dnl AM_IDL_CLIENT(,,C,cxx)

In addition I've supplied the following sniplet in acinclude.m4 to 
find the omniORB2 includes/libraries and setup the proper defines.
Just call CDDB_CHECK_OMNIORB2 from to make configure
support --with-omniorb2-dir=/usr/local/omniORB2. guess you would
add something like this to find your idl-directories

dnl ###################################
dnl Find omniORB2 package



[  --with-omniorb2-dir=omniorb2-dir   use omniORB2 installed in omniORB2 dir],
dnl Find omniorb2 include-path
omniorb2_incdirs="$ac_omniorb2_dir $ac_omniorb2_dir/include /usr/local/include"
AC_FIND_FILE(omnithread.h, $omniorb2_incdirs, omniorb2_incdir)
if test ! -r $omniorb2_incdir/omnithread.h; then
        AC_MSG_ERROR(omnithread.h file not found in [$omniorb2_incdirs])

dnl Find omniorb2 lib-path
omniorb2_libdirs="$ac_omniorb2_dir $ac_omniorb2_dir/lib /usr/local/lib"
AC_FIND_FILE(libomniORB2.a, $omniorb2_libdirs, omniorb2_libdir)
if test ! -r $omniorb2_libdir/libomniORB2.a; then
        AC_MSG_ERROR(-lomniORB2 not found in [$omniorb2_libdirs])

AC_MSG_RESULT([includes: $omniorb2_incdir libraries: $omniorb2_libdir])

AC_MSG_CHECKING([which defines should be set for omniORB2])

dnl set flags for specific opsys
case "$host" in
  *-pc-linux*)  AC_DEFINE(__x86__)
                OMNIORB2CPPFLAGS="-D__x86__ -D__linux__ -D__OSVERSION__=2 
-D__OMNIORB2__ -DUsePthread" 
                OMNIORB2LIBRARIES="-L$omniorb2_libdir -lomniORB2 -lomnithread 
-ltcpwrapGK -lomniLC"
  *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Unknown target [$host], don't know how to define compile-flags and 
libraries for omniORB2]) ;;


Bjørn Wennberg       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        ms: +47 9599 2657

diff -rc3 automake-1.4/ automake-1.4.1/
*** automake-1.4/	Fri Jan 15 01:42:36 1999
--- automake-1.4.1/	Sun Mar  5 21:25:17 2000
*** 56,61 ****
--- 56,63 ----
  $AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE_PATTERN = "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE\\([^,]*,([^,)]+)[,)]";
  $AM_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATTERN = "^\\s*\\[?([^]\\s]+)\\]?\\s*\$";
  # Note that there is no AC_PATH_TOOL.  But we don't really care.
*** 214,219 ****
--- 216,233 ----
  # TRUE if we've seen AC_ENABLE_MULTILIB.
  $seen_multilib = 0;
+ # IDL-Compiler helpers
+ $idlc = 0;
+ $idlcflags = 0;
+ $idl_server_header_suffix = 0;
+ $idl_server_source_suffix = 0;
+ $idl_server_header_ext    = 0;
+ $idl_server_source_ext    = 0;
+ $idl_client_header_suffix = 0;
+ $idl_client_source_suffix = 0;
+ $idl_client_header_ext    = 0;
+ $idl_client_source_ext    = 0;
  # Hash table of discovered configure substitutions.  Keys are names,
  # values are `FILE:LINE' strings which are used by error message
  # generation.
*** 326,331 ****
--- 340,346 ----
  &register_language ('ratfor', 'F77LINK', 0,
+ &register_language ('idl', '', 0, 'idl');
  # Parse command line.
*** 922,927 ****
--- 937,943 ----
      local ($non_c) = 1;
      foreach $ext (sort keys %extension_seen)
+ 	#print "finish_language: extension '$ext'\n";
  	$lang = $extension_map{$ext};
  	next if defined $done{$lang};
  	$done{$lang} = 1;
*** 929,934 ****
--- 945,951 ----
  	# Compute the function name of the finisher and then call it.
  	$name = 'lang_' . $lang . '_finish';
+ 	#print "$name\n";
  	do $name ();
*** 951,956 ****
--- 968,974 ----
  # Output a rule to build from a YACC source.  The output from YACC is
  # compiled with C or C++, depending on the extension of the YACC file.
  sub output_yacc_build_rule
*** 1084,1131 ****
  	    $extension = $2;
  	    local ($lang) = $extension_map{$extension};
! 	    if ($lang)
  		&saw_extension ($extension);
  		# Found the language, so see what it says.
! 		local ($subr) = 'lang_' . $lang . '_rewrite';
  		# Note: computed subr call.
! 		local ($r) = do $subr ($base, $extension);
! 		# Skip this entry if we were asked not to process it.
  		next if ! $r;
  		# Now extract linker and other info.
  		$linker = $language_map{$lang . '-linker'};
! 		if ($language_map{$lang . '-ansi-p'})
! 		    $object = $base . $obj;
! 		    $object = $base . $nonansi_obj;
-  	    elsif ($extension =~ /^$source_suffix_pattern$/) 
-  	    {
- 		# We just rewrite it.  Maybe we should do more.
- 		$object = $base . '.' . $suffix_rules{$extension};
- 		$linker = '';
-  	    }
- 	    else
- 	    {
- 		# No error message here.  Used to have one, but it was
- 		# very unpopular.
- 		next;
- 	    }
- 	    $linkers_used{$linker} = 1;
- 	    push (@result, $object);
- 	    # Transform .o or $o file into .P file (for automatic
- 	    # dependency code).
- 	    $dep_files{'.deps/' . $base . '.P'} = 1;
--- 1102,1175 ----
  	    $extension = $2;
  	    local ($lang) = $extension_map{$extension};
! 	    if ($lang && $lang eq "idl")
  		&saw_extension ($extension);
  		# Found the language, so see what it says.
! 		local ($subr) = 'lang_' . $lang . '_src_rewrite';
  		# Note: computed subr call.
! 		local ($r, @new_bases) = do $subr ($base, $extension);
  		next if ! $r;
  		# Now extract linker and other info.
  		$linker = $language_map{$lang . '-linker'};
+ 		$linkers_used{$linker} = 1;
! 		local $new_base;
! 		foreach $new_base (@new_bases) {
! 		    $object = $new_base . $nonansi_obj;
! 		    push (@result, $object);
! 		    # Transform .o or $o file into .P file (for automatic
! 		    # dependency code).
! 		    $dep_files{'.deps/' . $new_base . '.P'} = 1;
! 		}
! 	    }
! 	    else {
! 		if ($lang)
! 		{
! 		    &saw_extension ($extension);
! 		    # Found the language, so see what it says.
! 		    local ($subr) = 'lang_' . $lang . '_rewrite';
! 		    # Note: computed subr call.
! 		    local ($r) = do $subr ($base, $extension);
! 		    # Skip this entry if we were asked not to process it.
! 		    next if ! $r;
! 		    # Now extract linker and other info.
! 		    $linker = $language_map{$lang . '-linker'};
! 		    if ($language_map{$lang . '-ansi-p'})
! 		    {
! 			$object = $base . $obj;
! 		    }
! 		    else
! 		    {
! 			$object = $base . $nonansi_obj;
! 		    }
! 		}
! 		elsif ($extension =~ /^$source_suffix_pattern$/) 
! 		    # We just rewrite it.  Maybe we should do more.
! 		    $object = $base . '.' . $suffix_rules{$extension};
! 		    $linker = '';
! 		    # No error message here.  Used to have one, but it was
! 		    # very unpopular.
! 		    next;
+ 		$linkers_used{$linker} = 1;
+ 		push (@result, $object);
+ 		# Transform .o or $o file into .P file (for automatic
+ 		# dependency code).
+ 		$dep_files{'.deps/' . $base . '.P'} = 1;
*** 4215,4220 ****
--- 4259,4273 ----
  	    $configure_vars{$1} = $filename . ':' . $.;
+ 	# Extract the information from the idl-compiler init-lin
+ 	    ($idl_server_header_suffix, $idl_server_header_ext, $idl_server_source_suffix, $idl_server_source_ext) = split(/,/,$1);
+ 	}
+ 	    ($idl_client_header_suffix, $idl_client_header_ext, $idl_client_source_suffix, $idl_client_source_ext) = split(/,/,$1);
+ 	}
  	if (/$AC_CHECK_PATTERN/o)
  	    $configure_vars{$3} = $filename . ':' . $.;
*** 4440,4445 ****
--- 4493,4535 ----
      return 0;
+ # Special case. in the we specify a file name 'xxx.idl'
+ # but the idl-compiler will generate a '' file, thus we need
+ # to rename the 'object'-output.
+ sub lang_idl_src_rewrite
+ {
+     local ($base, $ext) = @_;
+     $idl_sources{$base . '.' . $ext} = 1;
+     if ($idl_server_header_ext) {
+ 	&saw_extension($idl_server_header_ext);
+     }
+     if ($idl_server_source_ext) {
+ 	&saw_extension($idl_server_source_ext);
+     }
+     if ($idl_client_header_ext) {
+ 	&saw_extension($idl_client_header_ext);
+     }
+     if ($idl_client_source_ext) {
+ 	&saw_extension($idl_client_source_ext);
+     }
+     local @base_list = ($base);
+     local $idx = 0;
+     if ($idl_server_skeleton_suffix) {
+ 	$base_list[0] = $base . $idl_server_skeleton_suffix;
+ 	$idx++;
+     }
+     if ($idl_client_stub_suffix && $idl_client_stub_suffix ne $idl_server_skeleton_suffix) {
+ 	$base_list[$idx]= $base . $idl_client_stub_suffix;
+ 	$idx++;
+     }
+     return (1, @base_list);
+ }
  # Rewrite a single yacc file.
  sub lang_yacc_rewrite
*** 4615,4620 ****
--- 4705,4806 ----
+ sub idl_extensions
+ {
+     local ($key, @r);
+     foreach $key (sort keys %extension_seen)
+     {
+ 	push (@r, '.' . $key) if $extension_map{$key} eq 'idl';
+     }
+     return @r;
+ }
+ sub lang_idl_finish
+ {
+     local (@idl_list) = &idl_extensions;
+     local ($idl_count) = scalar @idl_list;
+     if ($idl_count)
+     {
+ 	push(@suffixes, @idl_list);
+ 	&define_variable('IDLCOMPILE', '$(IDLC) $(IDLCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) ');
+ 	if (! defined $configure_vars{'IDLC'})
+ 	{
+ 	    &am_error ("IDL source seen but \'IDLC\' not defined in \'\'");
+ 	}
+     }
+     local (@idl_files) = sort keys %idl_sources;
+     foreach $file (@idl_files) {
+ 	# print "$file\n";
+ 	$file =~ /^(.*)\.idl$/;
+ 	$base = $1;
+ 	local ($idl_server_header_name, $idl_server_source_name, $idl_client_header_name, $idl_client_source_name) = ();
+ 	if ($idl_server_header_ext) {
+ 	    $idl_server_header_name = $base;
+ 	    if ($idl_server_header_suffix) {
+ 		$idl_server_header_name .= $idl_server_header_suffix;
+ 	    }
+ 	    $idl_server_header_name .= ("." . $idl_server_header_ext);
+ 	}
+ 	if ($idl_server_source_ext) {
+ 	    $idl_server_source_name = $base;
+ 	    if ($idl_server_source_suffix) {
+ 		$idl_server_source_name .= $idl_server_source_suffix;
+ 	    }
+ 	    $idl_server_source_name .= ("." . $idl_server_source_ext);
+ 	}
+ 	if ($idl_client_header_ext) {
+ 	    $idl_client_header_name = $base;
+ 	    if ($idl_client_header_suffix) {
+ 		$idl_client_header_name .= $idl_client_header_suffix;
+ 	    }
+ 	    $idl_client_header_name .= ("." . $idl_client_header_ext);
+ 	}
+ 	if ($idl_client_source_ext) {
+ 	    $idl_client_source_name = $base;
+ 	    if ($idl_client_source_suffix) {
+ 		$idl_client_source_name .= $idl_client_source_suffix;
+ 	    }
+ 	    $idl_client_source_name .= ("." . $idl_client_source_ext);
+ 	}
+ 	if ($idl_server_header_name ne $idl_client_header_name) {
+ 	    if ($idl_server_header_name) {
+ 		$output_rules .= "$idl_server_header_name ";
+ 	    }
+ 	    if ($idl_client_header_name) {
+ 		$output_rules .= "$idl_client_header_name ";
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	if ($idl_server_source_name ne $idl_client_source_name) {
+ 	    if ($idl_server_source_name) {
+ 		$output_rules .= "$idl_server_source_name ";
+ 	    }
+ 	    if ($idl_client_source_name) {
+ 		$output_rules .= "$idl_client_source_name ";
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	$output_rules .= (": $file\n"
+ 			  . "\t\$(IDLCOMPILE) \$<\n");
+ # test	
+ #	$output_rules .= ("$base\@IDL_SERVER_HEADER_SUFFIX\@.\@IDL_SERVER_HEADER_EXT\@ "
+ #			  . ": $file\n"
+ #			  . "\t\$(IDLCOMPILE) \$<\n");
+     }
+ }
  sub lang_header_finish
      # Nothing to do.
*** 6361,6366 ****
--- 6547,6553 ----
      # filenames instead of raw count so that multiple instances are
      # counted correctly (eg one yacc file can appear in multiple
      # programs without harm).
+     %idl_sources = ();
      %yacc_sources = ();
      %lex_sources = ();
diff -rc3 automake-1.4/m4/ automake-1.4.1/m4/
*** automake-1.4/m4/	Wed Oct 28 02:49:16 1998
--- automake-1.4.1/m4/	Sun Mar  5 21:25:17 2000
*** 7,12 ****
  m4data_DATA = ccstdc.m4 cond.m4 dmalloc.m4 error.m4 header.m4 init.m4 \
  lex.m4 lispdir.m4 maintainer.m4 missing.m4 mktime.m4 multi.m4 \
  obstack.m4 protos.m4 ptrdiff.m4 regex.m4 sanity.m4 strtod.m4 \
! termios.m4 winsz.m4
  EXTRA_DIST = $(m4data_DATA)
--- 7,12 ----
  m4data_DATA = ccstdc.m4 cond.m4 dmalloc.m4 error.m4 header.m4 init.m4 \
  lex.m4 lispdir.m4 maintainer.m4 missing.m4 mktime.m4 multi.m4 \
  obstack.m4 protos.m4 ptrdiff.m4 regex.m4 sanity.m4 strtod.m4 \
! termios.m4 winsz.m4 idl.m4
  EXTRA_DIST = $(m4data_DATA)
diff -rc3 automake-1.4/m4/ automake-1.4.1/m4/
*** automake-1.4/m4/	Fri Jan 15 01:55:39 1999
--- automake-1.4.1/m4/	Sun Mar  5 21:25:17 2000
*** 67,73 ****
  MAINT_CHARSET = latin1
  m4datadir = $(datadir)/aclocal
! m4data_DATA = ccstdc.m4 cond.m4 dmalloc.m4 error.m4 header.m4 init.m4 lex.m4 lispdir.m4 maintainer.m4 missing.m4 mktime.m4 multi.m4 obstack.m4 protos.m4 ptrdiff.m4 regex.m4 sanity.m4 strtod.m4 termios.m4 winsz.m4
  EXTRA_DIST = $(m4data_DATA)
--- 67,73 ----
  MAINT_CHARSET = latin1
  m4datadir = $(datadir)/aclocal
! m4data_DATA = ccstdc.m4 cond.m4 dmalloc.m4 error.m4 header.m4 init.m4 lex.m4 lispdir.m4 maintainer.m4 missing.m4 mktime.m4 multi.m4 obstack.m4 protos.m4 ptrdiff.m4 regex.m4 sanity.m4 strtod.m4 termios.m4 winsz.m4 idl.m4
  EXTRA_DIST = $(m4data_DATA)

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