After building a C++ library (autoconf/automake/libtool setup), the build
process continues in a sub-project (a subdir with it's own configure setup)
to build some example programs using the libraryš. This is done with this
The example programs are also C++, and compile without any problem.
The examples/configure.in has got the following two lines at the top:
The problem is that when it's time to link against the C++ library in
the parent project, a C linker is chosen, which fails on a lot of
platforms (IRIX is one of them). For Linux, gcc handles it so it took
some time before we noticed the problem.
Does anyone know why $(LINK) is chosen instead of $(CXXLINK) in the
subproject, even though it's a C++ project, using the C++ compiler while
compiling the objects?
Lars J
[1] For those interested in the code, the projects are the GUI toolkit
libraries for Coin, an Open Inventor implementation.
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/export/cvsroot login (password: cvs)
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/export/cvsroot co simage
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/export/cvsroot co Coin
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/export/cvsroot co SoQt
(or SoXt if you don't have Qt)