Allan Clark wrote:
> Perhaps the tack to sail on this component is not "make rpm" but "make
> package", where a number of files is converted to a ~.spec,
> prototype/pkginfo, ~.cmpnt/~.pkg/, or whatever:
> 1) list of files (source -> target)
> 2) inittab mods
> 3) rc.d mods
> 4) copywrite (with shorthand for current GPL, MPL, etc)
> 5) meta info: html webtree, author email, bugreport email
> 6) meta: requires package, conflicts with package

I am able and prepared to generate any or all of
these packaging files.  All I ask is this:

1.  A precise specification of what information needs
    to be present in each of these kinds of files
2.  a method of transforming the build information
    into a collection of named values.  Something like
    this has to be done regardless.  I am suggesting
    a "canonical" syntax that can then be converted
    into any desired output.  I would also suggest my
    syntax, of course ( )
    but anything that maps instance names (e.g.
    program names) to type names (e.g., in C:
    char* prog = "prog-name";) will do just fine.

Unfortunately, all the information needed for a package
cannot be extracted from the files.
Therefore, an additional file would be needed
to contain additional named values required to
generate the packaging output.  The named values
required would, of course, depend on the needs
of the various packaging products.

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