
Zack Weinberg wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 14, 2023, at 9:19 AM, KO Myung-Hun wrote:
>> OS/2 does not allow chmod() on an opened file.
>> * bin/autom4te.in (handle_output): Ignore setting mode failure on OS/2.
> Not OK, for two reasons: (1) IIRC this is used to create scripts with the
> execute bit set in at least one place.  Ignoring the chmod failure will
> cause confusing errors downstream of where the problem actually was.  (2)
> Having a temporary file that's potentially writable by other user ids,
> even briefly, risks a variety of security problems.
> Also, for maintainability's sake, no checks of $^O anywhere in autoconf's
> Perl code unless there is absolutely no alternative.

How about this ?

1. create and close a temporary file
2. chmod() on it
3. re-open it with O_TRUNC ?

KO Myung-Hun

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