Dear Maintainer,

the style-file floatrow.el puts the function LaTeX-floatrow-auto-cleanup into
the hook TeX-auto-cleanup-hook. This function calls LaTeX-floatrow-env-init,
which re-sets the command to insert a figure-environment to
LaTeX-floatrow-env-figure. This is extremely confusing because
TeX-auto-cleanup-hook is run after any style-hooks are run and after
TeX-update-style-hook is run. I have my own figure-insertion-function and it
took me forever to find out why it wasn't called anymore when I did figure
insertion using LaTeX-environment even though I added it using the
TeX-update-style-hook to avoid style files overriding it. Isn't it enough to
override the default once? Can you please change how this is done so people with
their own functions aren't confused and frustrated when suddenly their functions
aren't called anymore (like me)?

Thank you for maintaining AucTeX, it is a great package otherwise,
Alexander Prähauser

  • Please reva... Alexander Prähauser via Discussion list for AUCTeX developers

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