Hi Arash,

>>>>> Arash Esbati <ar...@gnu.org> writes:
> And IIUC loading AUCTeX out of the local repo now only needs:

>   (load "~/development/auctex/auctex-autoloads.el" nil t t)

> instead of the old:

>   (setq TeX-data-directory "~/development/auctex"
>         TeX-lisp-directory TeX-data-directory)
>   (load "~/development/auctex/auctex.el" nil t t)
>   (load "~/development/auctex/preview-latex.el" nil t t)

It seems that we have to arrange the Info path additionally.  I need
this piece of code in my init.el:
(with-eval-after-load 'info
  (add-to-list 'Info-additional-directory-list

In addition, if we "make" auctex-autoloads.el with Emacs<29, 
>   (load "~/development/auctex/auctex-autoloads.el" nil t t)
fails to load tex-site.el because that auctex-autoloads.el lacks
the arrangement for `load-path'.

Maybe we should in GNUmakefile cater for only Emacs>=29 and simplify
| # If we were depending on emacs 29.1, we could simply use
| # loaddefs-generate.  If we were depending on 28.1, we could still use
| # update-directory-autoloads...
| AUTOLOAD=--eval '\
| (let* ((autoload-file (expand-file-name "$@")) \
|        (autoload-file-dir (file-name-directory autoload-file))) \
|   (if (fboundp `loaddefs-generate) \
|       (loaddefs-generate autoload-file-dir autoload-file \
|                          (list "tex-wizard.el") \
|                          "(add-to-list `load-path\n\
|                                        (directory-file-name\n\
|                                          (file-name-directory 
|     (mapc (lambda (file) \
|             (update-file-autoloads file nil autoload-file)) \
|           command-line-args-left)) \
|   (save-buffers-kill-emacs t))'

Ikumi Keita
#StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine
#Gaza #StopMassiveKilling #CeasefireNOW

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