> Sent: Friday, August 09, 2024 at 9:57 AM > From: "Tassilo Horn" <t...@gnu.org> > To: "Christopher Dimech" <dim...@gmx.com>, "Arash Esbati" <ar...@gnu.org> > Cc: "Miguel V. S. Frasson" <mvsfras...@gmail.com>, auctex-devel@gnu.org > Subject: Re: Some font faces have poor contrast > > Am Do, 8. Aug 2024, um 20:36, schrieb Christopher Dimech: > >> If someone is willing to come up with new fontification rules better > >> than what we have right now, I'd appreciate patches. > > > > It is not difficult. It is a shame that almost nobody setting faces > > gives a care about the quality of work. > > It's a shame that the people who complain the most are the ones who > contribute the least. Well, except their precious beliefs and advice, of > course. > > Thanks Miguel, your contribution is highly welcome! > Tassilo
Same old, same old. Congratulations.