Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

> The following works for me.
>     1. Fresh clone,
>        a. .autogen.sh

Actually, you can skip 1.a. on main; you can start waiting directly with:

>        b. make -j (but still wait 3 min)
>     2. (setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name 
> "~/emacs/site-lisp/packages/src/Auctex/auctex-hg-branches")  load-path))
>     3. (load "auctex-autoloads.el" nil t t)
> And I am back in business 


> BTW, (using emacs 29.2, still), I obtain.
> ,----
> | tex-info.el: Warning: the function ‘cl-member’ might not be defined at 
> runtime.
> | 
> | In bib-find-next:
> | bib-cite.el:947:8: Warning: ‘find-tag’ is an obsolete function (as
> | of 25.1); use ‘xref-find-definitions’ instead.
> `----

I get them as well, and I don't know where the warning about `cl-member'
is coming from.

I also get:

  In TeX-modes-set:
  tex-site.el:147:43: Warning: reference to free variable ‘TeX-modes’

but this is easy to fix.

Best, Arash

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