Hi Raman, >>>>> "T.V Raman" <ra...@google.com> writes: > check if package-quickstart contains stuff from tex-site.
It doesn't, but it includes (require 'tex-site) instead. Thus I'm pretty sure that my emacs loads tex-site.el when it loads package-quickstart.el(c). > Also eliminate the local variables section That didn't make difference, either. I still think that the first step to investigate the issue further is to know your values of `major-mode-remap-alist' and `major-mode-remap-defaults' (without your workaround). Are there any reasons that it's difficult to provide them to us? Regards, Ikumi Keita #StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine #Gaza #StopMassiveKilling #CeasefireNOW