> From: "T.V Raman" <ra...@google.com>
> Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 07:39:26 -0700
> 1. Running Emacs 31 build from latest Git @HEAD
> 2. auctex  "14.0.6" installed via package.el
> 3. I have package-initialize in my init and do not  do anything else as
>    recommended by the auctex docs to install.
>    When Emacs starts:
>    1. (featurep 'tex-site) ==t
>    2. tex-mode and latex-mode come from the built-in Emacs tex mode
>    3. tex.el from auctex is not yet loaded.
>    4. LaTeX docs start off in latex-mode (emacs builtin) -- not the
>       Auctex LaTeX-mode
>    5. It's all very confusing.
>       Auctex sanity gets restored if I explicitly call M-x LaTeX-mode
>       after opening a LaTeX file.

Does it help to read bug#71902?

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