Stefan Monnier <> writes:

>> +# If this is not a Git repository, just generate an empty ChangeLog.
>> +test -d .git || {
>> +  >"$output"
>> +  exit
>> +}
>> +
>>  # Get the new value for gen_origin from the latest version in the 
>> repository.
>>  new_origin=`git log --pretty=format:%H 'HEAD^!'` || exit
> I suspect it would be better to merge those two (i.e. instead of
> testing for the presence of `.git` just use `git log`s failure as the
> test).

gitlog-to-auctexlog is based on gitlog-to-emacslog.  Should the issue be
reported there as well?  gitlog-to-emacslog isn't different in this

Best, Arash

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