Stefan Monnier <> writes:

>>> Why do you need to look at diffs?
>> In order to extract the version number.
> I don't understand: it's right there in the file, you don't need the
> diffs to extract it, no?

Yes, it is.  But I need the distinction if the current version got there
just now (in HEAD) or previously.

>> Does :manual ("doc/auctex.texi" "doc/preview-latex.texi") tell elpa
>> to build the docs again although the recipe's :make "all" did already
>> build them (but at the "wrong" location)?
> Yup (the two know nothing of each other).


>> That would be ok for me; I would also be willing to add a special
>> elpa make target moving the files or generating another top-level dir
>> file.
> You could also replace the "make all" with another target that doesn't
> build the docs.

Yes, I can do that, too.

> [ This assumes that the `:manual ...` thingy does
>   successfully&correctly build the docs.  ]

This is where I'm not sure.  At least it doesn't seem to have an effect
when running "make auctex.tar" locally (as said in my other mail).  The
tar file only contains the *.info files and the dir file in doc/ which
are build by running "make all".

>> But I certainly want the additional benefit of having the docs
>> linked.
> That happens only if you use `:manual ...`.



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