Tassilo Horn <t...@gnu.org> writes:

Ah, sorry, it seems I forgot to Cc you.
> Hi Stefan,
>> Here's another one.
> Does "another one" mean "another one within a few days"?  Then I
> probably have missed the first one(s).
>> There's still lots of warnings, and some of the warnings left in the
>> files I touched below seem serious (e.g. use of
>> custom-buffer-done-function which seems to be a variable that doesn't
>> exist).
> Oh, that used to exist at least back in 2005 according to
>   https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2005-01/msg00812.html
> Hm, so I guess what we should do here is set `custom-buffer-done-kill'
> to t and also add `exit-recursive-edit' to `kill-buffer-hook', both
> buffer-locally, right?
> Bye,
> Tassilo

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