>> Thanks.  Then it makes more sense to keep both auctex and
>> preview-latex in the same package (more specifically to do the "mv
>> preview/* ./").
> As said, that's fine with me.  But auctex/preview/ has its own autotools
> build setup that needs to be merged with auctex's.  I've never used the
> autotools other than from a plain user perspective, so I can't do that.

OK, so GNU ELPA is now at 11.87.
This package was built from a Git repository
which is based on the AUCTeX Git (currently only updated up to 11.87),
but with all the preview files moved one level up, and with the
auto-generated files stored in the repository.

The auto-generated files were not built with the provided configure+make
rules, since those are broken there because of the file-moves.
Instead I added a GNUmakefile which "does the job for now".

For now, this is the best I can do on elpa's side to get closer to
AUCTeX's Git tree.  Any effort AUCTeX itself can do to get closer to
elpa's tree will be appreciated (I don't expect nor encourage AUCTeX to
include the auto-generated files, but mirroring my "mv preview/* ./"
would be great to help future syncs).

I'll try and setup some system that will send you a copy of any commit
made to elpa's repository, so you can try and incorporate it into
AUCTeX's code.


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