On 9/3/23 01:33, aster...@phreaknet.org wrote:
Some architectural questions about the current incarnation of the builtin call pickup code... at some point I decided it was horribly deficient and wrote my own module that I typically use, but I wanted to see if I could get something to work for an environment just using simple building blocks.

A slightly atypical use case I was toying with was picking up incoming calls arriving on FXO ports (chan_dahdi), but that aren't ringing any FXS stations. For example, the call could come in on FXO line 1 and ring FXS line 1, and the call ringing FXS line 1 could be picked up, but I was trying to see if the original call to FXO 1 could be picked up without ringing any channels, i.e. pickup without ringing (which is maybe a bit contradictory). In the case of an FXO channel, it's already executing dialplan (so has a PBX), although it may still be in the "ring" state since it hasn't answered yet.

In pickup.c, a channel is only eligible for pickup if there is no PBX running on it[1], so this seems to preclude the case above. As such, I have a couple questions, just to confirm I'm understanding this right:

 * Semantically, should the above scenario work with the builtin pickup
   functionality, or is it by design that this case is excluded, e.g.
   channels with a PBX but not yet answered (I'm guessing no, since how
   would one distinguish between valid cases such as these, and most
   any other? After all, to the core, it's a channel that's executing
 * What would be the prototypical "Asterisk way" of doing the above
   scenario? Something like ChannelRedirect() should work, but I mean
   more within the bounds of the pickup construct (and maybe there
   isn't any, just want to confirm I haven't missed something). Put
   another way, how would you do the above, in the simplest way
   possible? (high level, no code necessary)
 * I'm thinking that one way to accomplish this given the way that
   pickup is would be to have some kind of dummy "sink" channel driver,
   e.g. something that can be called, but will never actually answer,
   and can't do anything useful. This should make the above scenario
   function without creating any further additional channels or ringing
   any "real" endpoints. Local channels would not suffice, because they
   begin executing dialplan immediately. The dummy channel driver
   wouldn't do that, or really do anything, it would just be a valid
   target for Dial() that would satisfy the properties expected by
   pickup.c, to allow a channel currently ringing the dummy channel
   driver to be picked up. A toy example:

[from-fxo-port] ; Allow the incoming call from the FXO port to be picked up by any station in the same call group for up to 30 seconds, go to voicemail otherwise. exten => s,1,NoOp(Incoming call from ${CALLERID(all)}) ; after 1 ring, chan_dahdi spawns PBX execution to handle the FXO port    same => n,Dial(WaitPickup/group1,30) ; not shown for simplicity, but would probably need to use a pre-dial subroutine to execute Set(CHANNEL(pickupgroup)=1) on the called channel, or the dummy driver would need to accept this and call ast_channel_callgroup_set in its _new callback.
   same => n,NoOp(channel was not picked up within 30 seconds)
   same => n,VoiceMail(1234)

Let's ignore exactly how an end user is alerted to the fact there is an incoming call on the FXO port; that's not relevant to the situation here - for example, suppose there's an external ringer in parallel on the line.

Any thoughts on doing something like this? I'm assuming there isn't such a channel driver already (since why would there be?), one would need to be written although it'd be fairly simple. Might there be a more elegant way of doing this that comes to mind?

[1] https://github.com/asterisk/asterisk/blob/master/main/pickup.c#L79

If you just want to avoid ringing extensions, sending the incoming call to a parking lot would suffice. To solve the "how to alert user" problem you can use ParkAndAnnounce() instead of Park(). Alternatively, AGI offers many options to DYI your own custom pickup.

Dennis Buteyn
Xorcom Ltd
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