Hi all,

fixed in assp 2.6.8 *SPAM-Evaporator* build 22326:

- several interal statistics were unexpected cleared at startup, if 
'useDB4IntCache' was not set

- if a mail with the empty envelope recipient was received and the sending 
domain (from: or sender:) provided a DMARC record
  the DMARC check failed. The DMARC check is now skipped for such mails.


- the top ten statistc URL is expanded with a count parameter

  the number specifies the amount of the shown entries
  a negative value will show the less blocked entries
  the hidden variable $toptencount = 10; will set the default value

- the 'work with addresses and domains' GUI-dialog now allow to request a 
blockreport in the web session.
  ... blockreport: or block: or report: or blr: or bl: in front of an 
address or in the reason field will generate
  a blockreport in a new browser window - a trailing number and/or regex 
specifys the days and filter....

  NOTICE: these blockreports are internaly executed with EmailAdmin 
equivalent permission (no restriction)

- the 'work with IP-addresses' GUI-dialog supports the same blockreport 
option like the work with addresses and domains' GUI-dialog
  this option is and will be keeped undocumented

- admin users action permissions are enhanced with the 'action parameter' 
  so even an admin user is allowed to work with the addresses dialogs, it 
is possible to disallow the blockreport generation in the browser

- the 'work with IP-addresses' GUI-dialog is now able resolve SPF-records 
- simply write SPF:domain.org in to the input field

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