Please note that this mail was generated by a script.
The described changes are computed based on the aarch64 DVD.
The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.

Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading:

Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug
on For more information on filing bugs please

Packages changed:
  SDL2 (2.30.9 -> 2.30.10)
  akonadi (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  akonadi-calendar (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  akonadi-calendar-tools (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  akonadi-contacts (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  akonadi-import-wizard (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  akonadi-mime (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  akonadi-search (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  akregator (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  analitza (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  ark (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  baloo-widgets (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  blinken (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  calendarsupport (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  curl (8.11.0 -> 8.11.1)
  dolphin (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  dracut (059+suse.665.gd2af7028 -> 059+suse.669.g60f5981b)
  eventviews (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  ffmpegthumbs (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  geoclue2 (2.7.1 -> 2.7.2)
  gpg2 (2.5.1 -> 2.5.2)
  gpgme (1.24.0 -> 1.24.1)
  gpgmeqt6 (1.24.0 -> 1.24.1)
  grantleetheme (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  gwenview (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  incidenceeditor (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kaccounts-integration (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kaccounts-providers (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kaddressbook (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kalgebra (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kamera (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kanagram (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kapptemplate (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kate (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kbruch (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kcachegrind (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kcalc (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kcalutils (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kcharselect (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kcolorchooser (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kde-dev-utils (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kdeedu-data (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kdegraphics-mobipocket (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kdegraphics-thumbnailers (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kdenetwork-filesharing (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kdepim-addons (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kdepim-runtime (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kdevelop (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kdialog (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kernel-firmware (20241128 -> 20241211)
  kf6-attica (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-baloo (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-bluez-qt (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-breeze-icons (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-frameworkintegration (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-karchive (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kauth (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kbookmarks (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kcalendarcore (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kcmutils (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kcodecs (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kcolorscheme (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kcompletion (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kconfig (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kconfigwidgets (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kcontacts (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kcoreaddons (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kcrash (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kdav (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kdbusaddons (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kdeclarative (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kded (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kdesu (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kdnssd (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kdoctools (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kfilemetadata (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kglobalaccel (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kguiaddons (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kholidays (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-ki18n (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kiconthemes (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kidletime (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kimageformats (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kio (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kirigami (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kitemmodels (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kitemviews (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kjobwidgets (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-knewstuff (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-knotifications (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-knotifyconfig (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kpackage (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kparts (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kplotting (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kpty (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kquickcharts (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-krunner (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kservice (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kstatusnotifieritem (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-ksvg (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-ktexteditor (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-ktexttemplate (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-ktextwidgets (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kunitconversion (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kuserfeedback (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kwallet (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kwidgetsaddons (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kwindowsystem (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-kxmlgui (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-modemmanager-qt (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-networkmanager-qt (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-prison (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-purpose (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-qqc2-desktop-style (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-solid (6.8.0 -> 6.9.1)
  kf6-sonnet (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-syndication (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-syntax-highlighting (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kf6-threadweaver (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
  kgeography (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  khangman (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  khelpcenter (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kidentitymanagement (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kig (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kimap (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kio-extras (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kio_audiocd (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kiten (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kitinerary (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kldap (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kleopatra (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kmag (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kmahjongg (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kmail (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kmail-account-wizard (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kmailtransport (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kmbox (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kmime (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kmines (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kmousetool (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kmplot (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kompare (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  konsole (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kontact (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kontactinterface (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  konversation (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  korganizer (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kpat (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kpimtextedit (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kpkpass (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kqtquickcharts (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kreversi (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  ksanecore (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  ksmtp (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  ksudoku (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  ktnef (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  ktouch (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kwalletmanager (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  kwordquiz (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libXrender (0.9.11 -> 0.9.12)
  libeconf (0.7.5 -> 0.7.6)
  libgravatar (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libkcddb-qt6 (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libkcompactdisc-qt6 (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libkdcraw-qt6 (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libkdegames (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libkdepim (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libkeduvocdocument (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libkexiv2-qt6 (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libkgapi6 (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libkleo (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libkmahjongg (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libkomparediff2 (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libksane (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  libksieve (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  lokalize (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  mailcommon (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  mailimporter (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  markdownpart (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  mbox-importer (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  messagelib (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  mimetreeparser (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  okular (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  openSUSE-release (20241211 -> 20241215)
  parley (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  pim-data-exporter (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  pim-sieve-editor (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  pimcommon (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  python-httpx (0.27.2 -> 0.28.1)
  python-six (1.16.0 -> 1.17.0)
  selinux-policy (20241206 -> 20241213)
  signon-kwallet-extension (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  skanlite (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  socat ( ->
  spectacle (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  step (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  svgpart (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  tree-sitter (0.24.4 -> 0.24.5)
  umbrello (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
  xdg-dbus-proxy (0.1.5 -> 0.1.6)

=== Details ===

==== SDL2 ====
Version update (2.30.9 -> 2.30.10)

- Update to release 2.30.10
  * Improved the performance of whole surface fill operations
  * Fixed an assertion when connecting/disconnecting over RDP
  * Added support for mouse wheel and extended buttons on PS Vita
  * Fixed a rare crash on KMSDRM

==== akonadi ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6AkonadiAgentBase6 libKPim6AkonadiCore6 
libKPim6AkonadiPrivate6 libKPim6AkonadiWidgets6 libKPim6AkonadiXml6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes to list here.

==== akonadi-calendar ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-calendar kalendarac libKPim6AkonadiCalendar6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Readd windows CI support
  * Remove unused KF6::ConfigWidgets
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * setDynamicSortFilter(true); is default
  * kalendarac: don't show notification again while remind-later dialog is up
  * Cancel in the remind-later dialog should show the notification again
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Fix clang format
  * Fix duplicated text in "remind later" dialog
  * Remove duplicate includes
  * Set up crash handling for reminder daemon
  * Add i18nc

==== akonadi-calendar-tools ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Reformat code with clang-format

==== akonadi-contacts ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-contacts libKPim6AkonadiContactCore6 

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Use KStandardActions where is possible
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Fix KAddressBook crash when editing a contact with nonstandard phone type 
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * setDynamicSortFilter(true); is default
  * Use @option:check
  * Port away from KIconEngine
- Drop patch, merged upstream:
  * 0001-Fix-KAddressBook-crash-when-editing-a-contact-with-n.patch

==== akonadi-import-wizard ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6ImportWizard6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Prepare craft support
  * Add windows CI support
  * Add missing frameworks/kauth
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * setDynamicSortFilter(true); is default
  * Add i18nc

==== akonadi-mime ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-mime libKPim6AkonadiMime6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Use same list of files
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Fix reuse lint
  * .reuse file didn't need license but REUSE.toml needs it
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Reserve header mbox/address lists to avoid unnecessary allocations
  * Use i18nc

==== akonadi-search ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6AkonadiSearch6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Fix include
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Use @option:check
  * Remove qt < 6.7.0 check

==== akregator ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Adapt to new api
  * Fix bug 496413:  Whenever leaving telemetry screen in settings, user is 
asked for changes confirmation (kde#496413)
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes to list here.

==== analitza ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libAnalitza9

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Fix QML issue in ExpressionInput of Kalgebra
  * Switch to the CMake target for GLEW as it appears that GLEW_LIBRARY is no 
longer being set as a variable
  * Remove virtual keyword when we use override
  * Add Android CI
  * Proofreading

==== ark ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libkerfuffle24

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 24.11.90:
  * Treat absolute paths as relative paths during extraction
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Add developer name to appdata
  * fix clang-format
  * Disable "compress to tar.gz/zip" service menu items in read-only dirs
  * Re-enable clang-format CI job
  * Simply combine string for log message
  * Reformat with clang-format and avoid version differences
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * Fix clazy-non-pod-global-static warnings
  * Fix clazy-detaching-temporary warnings
  * Fix clazy-use-static-qregularexpression warnings
  * Fix clazy-fully-qualified-moc-types warnings
  * cliinterface: drop unnecessary qRegisterMetaType
  * Fix validation of tar mimetypes
  * PluginManager: add api to retrieve plugin by id
  * Fix display of ampersands in filename (kde#463279)
  * Initialize pointer
  * const'ify pointer + initialize to nullptr
  * Show headers in qtc6
  * Use modern kf6
  * Const'ify pointer
  * Set up KCrash after KAboutData::setApplicationData()
  * Port [=] operator

==== baloo-widgets ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * FileMetaDataProvider: Implement `refresh()`
  * FileMetaDataProvider: Implement `cancel()`
  * Require KF6

==== blinken ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Drop Qt6Qml dependency for the non-QML version
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Fix the  android deploy in CI
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Add android support for blinken

==== calendarsupport ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6CalendarSupport6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Add windows ci support
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * We don't need akonadi-notes
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Remove NoteEditDialog
  * Add i18nc

==== chromaprint ====

- Use kissfft for shared library, ffmpeg is only needed for the
  standalone fpcalc tool.

==== curl ====
Version update (8.11.0 -> 8.11.1)
Subpackages: curl-zsh-completion libcurl4

- Update to 8.11.1:
  * Security fixes:
  - netrc and redirect credential leak [bsc#1234068, CVE-2024-11053]
  * Bugfixes:
  - build: fix ECH to always enable HTTPS RR
  - cookie: treat cookie name case sensitively
  - curl-rustls.m4: keep existing 'CPPFLAGS'/'LDFLAGS' when detected
  - curl: use realtime in trace timestamps
  - digest: produce a shorter cnonce in Digest headers
  - docs: document default 'User-Agent'
  - docs: suggest --ssl-reqd instead of --ftp-ssl
  - duphandle: also init netrc
  - hostip: don't use the resolver for FQDN localhost
  - http_negotiate: allow for a one byte larger channel binding buffer
  - krb5: fix socket/sockindex confusion, MSVC compiler warnings
  - libssh: use libssh sftp_aio to upload file
  - libssh: when using IPv6 numerical address, add brackets
  - mime: fix reader stall on small read lengths
  - mk-ca-bundle: remove CKA_NSS_SERVER_DISTRUST_AFTER conditions
  - mprintf: fix the integer overflow checks
  - multi: fix callback for 'CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION' not being called again 
  - netrc: address several netrc parser flaws
  - netrc: support large file, longer lines, longer tokens
  - nghttp2: use custom memory functions
  - OpenSSL: improvde error message on expired certificate
  - openssl: remove three "Useless Assignments"
  - openssl: stop using SSL_CTX_ function prefix for our functions
  - pytest: add test for use of CURLMOPT_MAX_HOST_CONNECTIONS
  - rtsp: check EOS in the RTSP receive and return an error code
  - schannel: remove TLS 1.3 ciphersuite-list support
  - setopt: fix missing options for builds without HTTP & MQTT
  - socket: handle binding to "host!<ip>"
  - socketpair: fix enabling 'USE_EVENTFD'
  - strtok: use namespaced 'strtok_r' macro instead of redefining it
  * Remove 0001-duphandle-also-init-netrc.patch upstream

==== dolphin ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: dolphin-part dolphin-zsh-completion libdolphinvcs6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * natural sort: exclude extension when comparing filenames (kde#416025)
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * when splitting view, use selected folder as url (kde#483937)
  * ViewProperties: Store view properties in extended file attributes 
  * Add a sort by duration option for videos (kde#482508)
  * Add context menu items to Trash view and items (kde#493808)
  * dolphinview: when rename dialog finishes, immediately update the model and 
the selection (kde#481717)
  * dolphinview: after inline renaming, immediately update the selection 
  * KFileItemModel: fix `setData` in the renaming usage (kde#481561)
  * dolphinview: add error message when renaming failed in dialog mode 
  * DolphinViewContainer: Delay changing the url (kde#492277, kde#473377)
  * dolphintrash.cpp: Update trash dir on device changes (kde#493247)
  * settings: Fix the Use Current Location button (kde#491753)
  * KItemListRoleEditor: minimize resize() occurences (kde#479695)
  * Use QLocale to display localized time role group (kde#488088)
  * Fix display of filename ampersands in actions (kde#491684)
  * Only accept left mouse button for double click actions (kde#485295)
  * KStandardItemListWidget: select by number of unicode chars (kde#466814)
  * Kitemlistcontroller: only accept doubleclick for left mouse button 

==== dracut ====
Version update (059+suse.665.gd2af7028 -> 059+suse.669.g60f5981b)

- Update to version 059+suse.669.g60f5981b:
  * fix(systemd): copy 20-systemd-stub.conf into the initrd

==== eventviews ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6EventViews6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Add windows CI
  * Remove unused KF6::ConfigWidgets
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * setDynamicSortFilter(true); is default
  * Add autotests directory
  * Check license
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Remove create note

==== ffmpegthumbs ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary

==== gdb ====

- Maintenance script
  * Add PR32446 kfail.
  * Add to be investigated FAILs on Leap 15.6 ppc64le.
- Patches added:
  * gdb-testsuite-avoid-intermittent-failures-on-a-debug.patch
- Maintenance script
  * Add PR32439 kfail.
- Patches added (jsc#PED-10258):
  * gdb-tdep-s390-add-arch15-record-replay-support.patch
- Patches added (jsc#PED-10751):
  * s390-provide-ibm-z16-arch14-instruction-descriptions.patch
  * gdb-s390-add-arch14-record-replay-support.patch
- Maintenance script
  * Add PR32407 kfail.

==== geoclue2 ====
Version update (2.7.1 -> 2.7.2)
Subpackages: system-user-srvGeoClue typelib-1_0-Geoclue-2_0

- Update to version 2.7.2:
  * Don't warn about missing conf.d directory
  * Accept 11-part RMC NMEA sentences from pre NMEA v2.3 GPS sources
  * Log the service client list on SIGUSR1
  * Read GPS locations from non-enabled ModemManager modem, enabling
    GPS use without a SIM card
  * Bump ModemManager dependency to version 1.12
  * Mozilla Location Service (MLS) has been retired, remove MLS
    related constants and configs:
    If wifi URL is not set in config, disable wifi and 3g sources
    Remove Mozilla URLs from default config file
    Remove mozilla-api-key option from meson build
  * Allow specifying default Ichnaea-compatible locate and submit
    URLs in meson build
  * Allow setting an empty submission-nick in config
  * Add User-Agent header to locate and submit queries
  * Upgrade GLib / Gio dependency to version 2.74.0
  * Use GApplication in demo agent, ensuring a unique, user session
    bound process
  * The async constructor gclue_simple_new in libgeoclue now can be
    canceled properly

==== gpg2 ====
Version update (2.5.1 -> 2.5.2)
Subpackages: dirmngr

- Update to 2.5.2:
  * gpg: Add option 16 to --full-gen-key to create ECC+Kyber.  [T6638]
  * gpg: For composite algos add the algo string to the colons
    listings.  [T6638]
  * gpg: Validate the trustdb after the import of a trusted key.
  * gpg: Exclude expired trusted keys from the key validation process.
  * gpg: Fix a wrong decryption failed status for signed and OCB
    encrypted messages without a signature verification key.  [T7042]
  * gpg: Retain binary representation for import->export with Ed25519
    key signatures.  [T7426]
  * gpg: Fix comparing ed448 to ed25519 with --assert-pubkey-algo.
  * gpg: Avoid a failure exit code for expired ultimately trusted
    keys.  [T7351]
  * gpg: Emit status error for an invalid ADSK.  [T7322]
  * gpg: Allow the use of an ADSK subkey as ADSK subkey.  [T6882]
  * gpg: Fix --quick-set-expire for V5 subkey fingerprints.  [T7298]
  * gpg: Robust error handling for SCD READKEY.  [T7309]
  * gpg: Fix cv25519 v5 export regression.  [T7316]
  * gpgsm: Nearly fourfold speedup of validated certificate listings.
  * gpgsm: Improvement for some rare P12 files.  [rGf50dde6269]
  * gpgsm: Terminate key listing on output write error.  [T6185]
  * agent: Add option --status to the LISTRUSTED command.
  * agent: Fix detection of the yet unused trustflag de-vs.  [T5079]
  * agent: Allow ssh to sign data larger than the Assuan line length.
  * keyboxd: Fix a race condition on the database handle.  [T7294]
  * dirmngr: A list of used URLs for loaded CRLs is printed first in
    the output of the LISTCRL command.  [T7337]
  * scd: More mitigations against lock ups with multiple cards or
    apps.  [T7323, T7402]
  * gpgtar: Use log-file from common.conf only in --batch mode.
  * gpgtar: Fix directory creation during extraction.  [T7380]
  * gpg-mail-tube: Minor fixes.
  * gpgconf: Add list flag to trusted-key et al.  [T7313]
  * Implement GNUPG_ASSUME_COMPLIANCE envvar and registry key for
    testing de-vs compliance mode.  [rGb287fb5775,rG7b0be541a9]
  * Fix a race condition in creating the socket directory.  [T7332]
- Disable ibmswtpm2 on LoongArch64

==== gpgme ====
Version update (1.24.0 -> 1.24.1)
Subpackages: libgpgme11 libgpgmepp6

- Update to 1.24.1:
  * Support the Kyber algorithm in key listings.
  * Allow building on some older Linux platforms.  [rM4a62318422]
  * Interface changes relative to the 1.24.0 release:
    GPGME_PK_KYBER                          NEW enum value.

==== gpgmeqt6 ====
Version update (1.24.0 -> 1.24.1)

- Update to 1.24.1:
  * Support the Kyber algorithm in key listings.
  * Allow building on some older Linux platforms.  [rM4a62318422]
  * Interface changes relative to the 1.24.0 release:
    GPGME_PK_KYBER                          NEW enum value.

==== grantleetheme ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6GrantleeTheme6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Reduce list file for clang
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * QLatin1String is same as QLatin1StringView, in qt7 QLatin1String will be 
  * Add clang-format validation job

==== gvfs ====
Subpackages: gvfs-backend-afc gvfs-backend-goa gvfs-backend-samba gvfs-backends 

- Drop unused and obsolete pkgconfig(gcr-base-3) BuildRequires and
  replace it with pkgconfig(gcr-4) BuildRequires already pulled in
  via libgdata dependency.

==== gwenview ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Avoid QList clones when testing for indexed color
  * Fix color management for images in premultipled alpha format
  * Fix garbled colors when scaling indexed-color images (kde#459627)
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Fix flatpak
  * Update cfitsio
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Set up crash handling
  * Add formatting commit to ignore file
  * Re-run clang-format
  * Appdata Fixes
  * Make it optional to start over after last image (kde#458332)
  * documentview: fix whatsthis KUIT context marker
  * Use KDcraw for RAW thumbnails if available
  * Fix using KDcraw for thumbnails
  * fix ODR violation: many files had the wrong definition of Enum
  * Generate wayland code with PRIVATE_CODE
  * Add missing include moc
  * Make Name Filters Search Recursively
  * Remove virtual keyword when we use override
  * Fix sizing of ToolButton in KWidgetItemDelegate

==== incidenceeditor ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6IncidenceEditor6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Readd windows CI support
  * Use KStandardActions where is possible
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * setDynamicSortFilter(true); is default
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Remove duplicate find_packages
  * Port away from deprecated KMime API
  * Port to QIcon::fromTheme
  * Remove qt < 6.7.0 check

==== kaccounts-integration ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libkaccounts6-2

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Abort gracefully when file to remove doesn't exist (kde#495344)
  * Avoid dangling reference in removeNetAttach
  * Improve DAV plugin logging
  * Make logging less confusing
  * Remove superfluous whitespace from logging
  * Categorize logging
  * kcm: Simplify "add new" button name and icon
  * cmake-macros: Allow for non-intltool build

==== kaccounts-providers ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * i18n: drop intltool requirement

==== kaddressbook ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: kaddressbook-doc libKPim6AddressbookImportExport6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Fix Bug 496675: Fails to build with git pimcommon (kde#496675)
  * Fix apply settings
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes to list here.

==== kalgebra ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * fix clang-format
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Mobile UI: fix String
  * Fix Android version looks for KF5
  * Update CI dependencies for Android
  * Add Android CI
  * graphsplasmoid: Make sure it works fine with Plasma 6.0 (kde#490794)

==== kamera ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Remove unneeded values from KCM metadata
  * Add clang-format validation job

==== kanagram ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Main: Fix moreOptionsButton being cutoff on resize
  * Main: Use playericon leftMargin directly to set playerModeText width
  * Main: Adjust playericon height
  * Main: Reposition playericon to be more in line with powerButton
  * Main: Wrap 'Change Mode' text if it's too large
  * Main: Scale 'Next Anagram' text based on width of text
  * Main: Prevent playerBox from being offset on resize
  * Main: Increase size of 'Next Anagram' and 'Configure' text
  * Main: Increase size of moreOptionsText
  * Use modernize kf6

==== kapptemplate ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Drop unused dependencies
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Apply review feedback
  * Fix app resizing
  * Show pretty display name
  * Improve keyboard navigation
  * Port to QML

==== kate ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: kate-plugins

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 24.11.90:
  * Make placeholder text translatable
  * Add Kate branding color
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Add back distance check to hide tooltip
  * Fix #496460: Match export not working with lookarounds (kde#496460)
  * don't die if the arrays not only contain integers
  * don't pass a nullptr to ::fromLatin1 (kde#496602)
  * Update typescript-language-server url
  * Avoid ctag indexing the home/root dir
  * fix language ids for javascript derivates (kde#495805)
  * Try to have a PATH on macos when not launched from terminal
  * Build output improvements
  * Build: Append html output
  * try to properly use toLocalFile for local files
  * Skip "Save macro recording" action when recording is going on (kde#494464)
  * Ensure key press/release are sent to the same widget
  * Fix active tab not being set inactive
  * Fix snippet completion execution
  * Fix snippets not working unless completion is hard invoked (kde#495416)
  * Remove useless Qbytearray->QString conversion
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes to list here.

==== kbruch ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary

==== kcachegrind ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Re-enable the Flatpak CI
  * Fix minor typo (missing space)
  * implement a tool to visualize control-flow graphs
  * Show headers in qtc
  * Make optional doctools

==== kcalc ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Fix binary token insertion
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * fix clang-format
  * Remove dead code for non implemented token (kde#494799)
  * Bits frame: fixed flickering during resize (kde#453775)
  * Port kNumber testing to QTest
  * doc/index.docbook proofreading
  * fixed spelling in enum CalcEngine::ResultCode
  * Remove unused header/function
  * Rearrage header files
  * Add missing dependency to kde-ci
  * Add missing include moc
  * Add a couple of tests to cover the critical digit change
  * Support hex numbers that start with a letter (a-f) (kde#488728)
  * Organize knumber CMakeList
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Fix clang format
  * Set the correct infinity sign when invalid
  * Update README file
  * Update knumber library to comply KDE coding style
  * Clean up knumber library
  * kcalc.cpp call KCrash::initialize after 
  * Set error Index for edge cases (kde#491327)
  * CMakeLists.txt stop supporting KDE Frameworks 6 versions less than "6.0.0"
  * Better looking error messages
  * Add gitlab ci for the Windows operating system

==== kcalutils ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6CalendarUtils6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * port deprecated method
  * Fix list of files
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * QLatin1String is same as QLatin1StringView, in qt7 QLatin1String will be 
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * Add clang-format validation job

==== kcharselect ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Use KColorSchemeManager::instance in kf6.6
  * Set up KCrash after KAboutData::setApplicationData()

==== kcolorchooser ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Add clang CI
  * Add clang format ecm support

==== kde-dev-utils ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Allow opening an URL in the part loaded into kpartloader
  * Fallback to load parts from kf6/parts/
  * Supply error message when loading a kpart fails

==== kdeedu-data ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary

==== kdegraphics-mobipocket ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.08.3

==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary

==== kdenetwork-filesharing ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 24.11.90:
  * Use Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage for "can't install Samba" page
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Prompt for reboot, rather than immediately rebooting
  * UserPage Stop overriding default padding

==== kdepim-addons ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Fix loading calendar colors from EventViews in the events plugin 

==== kdepim-runtime ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 24.11.90:
  * iCal: propagate updated categories back to Akonadi
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Fix crash in iCal Categories to Tags migrator on payload mismatch 
  * EWS: Check that mEventReq is not null in EwsSubscriptionManager (kde#495155)
  * Forward network error to the resouce (kde#485799)
  * ews: Bound check calendar events (kde#491810)

==== kdevelop ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: kdevplatform

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * MesonManager: remove test suites when a project is closing (kde#427157)
  * QtHelpQtDoc: unregister obsolete documentations (kde#458510)
  * UsesWidget: don't try to insert items at invalid positions (kde#492221)

==== kdialog ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.08.3

==== kernel-firmware ====
Version update (20241128 -> 20241211)
Subpackages: kernel-firmware-all kernel-firmware-amdgpu kernel-firmware-ath10k 
kernel-firmware-ath11k kernel-firmware-ath12k kernel-firmware-atheros 
kernel-firmware-bluetooth kernel-firmware-bnx2 kernel-firmware-brcm 
kernel-firmware-chelsio kernel-firmware-dpaa2 kernel-firmware-i915 
kernel-firmware-intel kernel-firmware-iwlwifi kernel-firmware-liquidio 
kernel-firmware-marvell kernel-firmware-media kernel-firmware-mediatek 
kernel-firmware-mellanox kernel-firmware-mwifiex kernel-firmware-network 
kernel-firmware-nfp kernel-firmware-nvidia kernel-firmware-platform 
kernel-firmware-prestera kernel-firmware-qcom kernel-firmware-qlogic 
kernel-firmware-radeon kernel-firmware-realtek kernel-firmware-serial 
kernel-firmware-sound kernel-firmware-ti kernel-firmware-ueagle 

- Update to version 20241211 (git commit 163296523cd4):
  * rtl_nic: add firmware rtl8125d-2
  * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel BlazarU core
  * QCA: Add Bluetooth nvm files for WCN785x
  * QCA: Update Bluetooth WCN785x firmware to 2.0.0-00515-2
- Update to version 20241206 (git commit 209c18b0e7cd):
  * amdgpu: update dmcub firmware
  * Add top level license file.
- Update to version 20241203 (git commit f5aeeb47697c):
  * amdgpu: update raven firmware
  * amdgpu: update gc 11.0.3 firmware
  * amdgpu: update psp 13.0.14 firmware
  * amdgpu: update vcn 3.1.2 firmware
  * amdgpu: update vpe 6.1.3 firmware
  * amdgpu: update psp 14.0.4 firmware
  * amdgpu: update gc 11.5.2 firmware
  * amdgpu: update vcn 4.0.0 firmware
  * amdgpu: update gc 11.0.0 firmware
  * amdgpu: update picasso firmware
  * amdgpu: update beige goby firmware
  * amdgpu: update vangogh firmware
  * amdgpu: update dimgrey cavefish firmware
  * amdgpu: update navy flounder firmware
  * amdgpu: update gc 11.0.4 firmware
  * amdgpu: update green sardine firmware
  * amdgpu: update vcn 4.0.2 firmware
  * amdgpu: update gc 11.0.1 firmware
  * amdgpu: update sienna cichlid firmware
  * amdgpu: update vcn 4.0.6 firmware
  * amdgpu: update gc 11.5.1 firmware
  * amdgpu: update vcn 4.0.5 firmware
  * amdgpu: update psp 14.0.0 firmware
  * amdgpu: add vcn 5.0.0 firmware
  * amdgpu: add smu 14.0.3 firmware
  * amdgpu: add sdma 7.0.1 firmware
  * amdgpu: add psp 14.0.3 firmware
  * amdgpu: add gc 12.0.1 firmware
  * amdgpu: update navi14 firmware
  * amdgpu: update renoir firmware
  * amdgpu: add smu 14.0.2 firmware
  * amdgpu: add sdma 7.0.0 firmware
  * amdgpu: add psp 14.0.2 firmware
  * amdgpu: add gc 12.0.0 firmware
  * amdgpu: update navi12 firmware
  * amdgpu: update psp 13.0.6 firmware
  * amdgpu: update yellow carp firmware
  * amdgpu: update vcn 4.0.4 firmware
  * amdgpu: update gc 11.0.2 firmware
  * amdgpu: update navi10 firmware
  * amdgpu: update aldebaran firmware
  * upstream amdnpu firmware
- Add amdnpu entries
- Add missing license entry for amd_pmf

==== kf6-attica ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Attica6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-baloo ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-baloo-file kf6-baloo-imports kf6-baloo-kioslaves 
kf6-baloo-tools libKF6Baloo6 libKF6Baloo6-lang libKF6BalooEngine6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * [termgeneratortest] Rework unit test for negative numbers
  * Remove unneeded qOverload statements
  * ci: use suse-qt68 image for clang-format
  * [balooctl] Refactor the "index" and "clear" code
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-bluez-qt ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-bluez-qt-imports libKF6BluezQt6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in cem_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-breeze-icons ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6BreezeIcons6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bring back directory symlinks for breeze-dark (kde#482648)
  * Add symbolic version of system-software-update for small sizes (kde#399139)
  * Also link to 22px versions for Duplicate icons
  * Add symbolic version of preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcut
  * Add transport-mode-flight icon
  * Add symbolic version of preferences-system-users
  * Add symbolic version of preferences-desktop-notification-symbolic
  * Add symbolic version of preferences-desktop-theme-global
  * Generate index.theme unconditionally to fix qrc/rcc
  * Make qrc generation fail if no *.theme file was found
  * Add missing CSS properties for `blur` and `pixelate` icons (kde#495755)
  * Fix class attribute for places/32/folder-{log,podcast}.svg
  * Add boost and boost-boosted icons
  * Update WINE app icons to match new symbolic versions
  * Add wine-symbolic icon (kde#494450)
  * Add favorite-favorited, change favorite to non-filled
  * Make base donate and help-donate icons be hearts
  * Add love
  * Improve README with more guidelines and contributing information
  * Add icon for keyboard shortcut preferences
  * Add dialog-password icon
  * optimize-svg: Clarify that you need to install svgo globally
  * Add laser printer icon
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-frameworkintegration ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-frameworkintegration-plugin libKF6Style6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-karchive ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Archive6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * kzip: fix reading of ZIP64 fields on certain architectures
  * k7zip: fix/simplify GetUi*() functions
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Handle device open error
  * Remove usage of QMutableListIterator
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kauth ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kauth-lang libKF6AuthCore6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kbookmarks ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Bookmarks6 libKF6BookmarksWidgets6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kcalendarcore ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Use isEmpty() vs "count() > 0"
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kcmutils ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kcmutils-imports libKF6KCMUtils6 libKF6KCMUtilsCore6 

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * We depend against kf6.8.0
  * Split Quick library and QML module into different folders
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kcodecs ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Codecs6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kcolorscheme ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6ColorScheme6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Fix isKdePlatformTheme for Flatpaks (kde#494734)
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Now we depend against qt6.6
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kcompletion ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Completion6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Remove declaration of KLineEdit::setUrlDropsEnabled
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Add missing find_dependency calls for private dependencies
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kconfig ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kconf_update6 kf6-kconfig-imports libKF6ConfigCore6 
libKF6ConfigGui6 libKF6ConfigQml6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Add QML_REGISTRATION option to the config macro documentation
  * KWindowStateSaver: Increase the rate limit on the slow part of config saving
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Now we depend against qt6.6.0
  * Fix restoration of maximization state for QtQuick windows (for real) 
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kconfigwidgets ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6ConfigWidgets6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Combine doc comments
  * KRecentFilesAction: allow to specify mimeType for urls
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kcontacts ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Contacts6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kcoreaddons ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kcoreaddons-imports libKF6CoreAddons6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Provide more license for KAboutLicense
  * Add 7d4a6f31521 to git-blame-ignore-revs
  * Add Python bindings
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * kaboutdata: Add overload taking KAboutPerson and KAboutComponent
  * kfileutils: compare to basename in makeSuggestedName (kde#493270)
  * Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
  * Link with libnetwork on Haiku
  * Don't put copyright statements if the license is not BSD
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kcrash ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Crash6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Add static CI build
  * Disable X11 and link with libnetwork on Haiku
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kdav ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6DAV6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Compare HTTP headers types case-insensitively
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kdbusaddons ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kdbusaddons-tools libKF6DBusAddons6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Disable X11 on Haiku also
  * Extend timeout for --replace option
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kdeclarative ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kdeclarative-imports libKF6CalendarEvents6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kded ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kdesu ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Su6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kdnssd ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in cem_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kdoctools ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6DocTools6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kfilemetadata ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6FileMetaData3

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kglobalaccel ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6GlobalAccel6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kguiaddons ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6GuiAddons6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Bump PlasmaWaylandProtocols build dependency to 1.15.0
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Add Python bindings
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * kmodifierkeyinfo: Update to v5 of the Wayland protocol (kde#483657)
  * Don't try to access QDBusMessage if not successful reply
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kholidays ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kholidays-imports libKF6Holidays6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Update holiday_cn_zh-cn: add newline
  * Update holiday_cn_zh-cn for 2025 holidays
  * Adds public holiday for Nigeria
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * holiday_bj_fr - update Benin holidays (kde#496260)
  * Document HolidayRegion::rawHolidaysWithAstroSeasons()
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-ki18n ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6I18n6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Handle multiple country-specific locales for the same language correctly
  * Look up Qt translations catalogs ourselves
  * Add auto tests for Qt catalog loading
  * Improve fallback handling for Qt translation catalog loading
  * Fix license identifier
  * Remove obsolete Qt translation catalogs
  * Fix loading of Qt's translation catalogs on Android
  * Bump KF and QT versions in cem_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kiconthemes ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kiconthemes-imports libKF6IconThemes6 libKF6IconWidgets6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Now we depend against qt6.6.0
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kidletime ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kidletime-plugins libKF6IdleTime6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in cem_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Disable X11 and Wayland on Haiku also
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kimageformats ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * jxl: Disable color conversion for animations
  * Improve CMYK writing support
  * Improved write test
  * JXL: load error with some lossless file
  * JXR: jxrlib cannot write HDP and WDP formats
  * heif: avoid crash in heif_image_handle_has_alpha_channel
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * RGB: avoid to read wrong data
  * JXL: Fix OSS Fuzz issue 377971416
  * Fix compilation warnings
  * JXR: Fix libraries link under FreeBSD
  * JXL: fixed bug when saving grayscale images without color profile
  * PFM: extended to half float format
  * Rename SCT plugin for OSS-FUZZ
  * PCX: support for more formats
  * SCT: added read only support
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kio ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6KIO6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * adapt test to new error code
  * [ftp] Give better error message when creating files is not allowed
  * file_unix: check chown return when setting owner
  * CommandLauncherJob: fail when launch an non-existing executable
  * don't static cast qobjects
  * kpropertiesdialog: fix user display to actually use the user data 
  * Add autotest for parsing bug and actually report error status
  * Fix out of bounds for KRunMX1::expandEscapedMacro (kde#495606)
  * kcoredirlister: Remove iterator assert, use if instead (kde#493319)
  * Haiku support: Disable SHM, link to libnetwork, further fixes
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * KDirOperator: improve handling of forward/back mouse buttons
  * KUrlNavigator: Fix Tab order
  * Haiku build fixes
  * [previewjob] Assert that path is absolute
  * Deprecate http_update_cache
  * KUrlNavigatorDropDownButton: Add text and tooltip
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kirigami ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kirigami-imports libKirigamiPlatform6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Chip: Add visible hover state
  * Fix accessibility of InlineMessage
  * ActionMenuItem: make a11y press work
  * PrivateActionToolButton: make a11y press work
  * SelectableLabel: Allow disabling the built-in context menu
  * Always use a ToolBar for pages on the stack
  * SelectableLabel: Make selection persistent (kde#496214)
  * PlaceholderMessage: Let use overwrite icon color
  * PlaceholderMessage: Forward icon.width/icon.height to internal Icon
  * NavigationTabBar: Fix warning related to assigning a Repeater instead of a 
  * Use border for keyboard active focus in NavigationTabButton
  * SelectableLabel: Remove onLinkActivated
  * [SelectableLabel] restore font property
  * Add missing REQUIRED for ECM
  * Remove Useless empty contentItem
  * Fix mobile mode
  * Fix doc for PlatformTheme::ColorSet
  * ColumnView: Note that FixedColumns is the default value for columnResizeMode
  * Add optional Breeze style import also for static builds
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kitemmodels ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kitemmodels-imports libKF6ItemModels6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kitemviews ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6ItemViews6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Add Linux static CI build
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kjobwidgets ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6JobWidgets6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Add a first basic autotest
  * JobView: expose elapsedTime
  * Disable X11 on Haiku also
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-knewstuff ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-knewstuff-imports libKF6NewStuffCore6 libKF6NewStuffWidgets6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * transaction: use cache2 not the deprecated legacy cache
  * do not finish the transaction before it actually did anything (kde#496551)
  * cache: become a facade for Cache2
  * Use isEmpty() vs count() > 0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * providerbase: split done signal from loaded signal
  * staticxmlprovider: remove unused member
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * ResultsStream: Restore the providers upon ::fetchMore
  * fixup! the grand API refactor of 2024
  * the grand API refactor of 2024
  * Port test away from deprecated API
  * fix random timeouts in attica test
  * transaction: deprecate ambiguous install function
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-knotifications ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-knotifications-imports libKF6Notifications6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Add Python bindings
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Disable Canberra check for Haiku also
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-knotifyconfig ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6NotifyConfig6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kpackage ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Package6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Fix copyright utils
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kparts ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Parts6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kplotting ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kpty ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Pty6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kquickcharts ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-krunner ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Runner6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Allow to set RunnerManager instance in model from outside
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kservice ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Service6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kstatusnotifieritem ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6StatusNotifierItem6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-ksvg ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-ksvg-imports libKF6Svg6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-ktexteditor ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6TextEditor6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * sort and remove duplicates in outRanges in Kate::TextBuffer::rangesForLine
  * Add test case for line unwrapping crash
  * don't leave non-multiblock Kate::TextRange in m_buffer->m_multilineRanges
  * don't crash on insert at lastLine + 1 (kde#496612)
  * avoid closeUrl() call
  * Clear all references/uses of aboutToDeleteMovingInterfaceContent
  * Align completion with the word being completed (kde#485885)
  * try to relax unstable test
  * Use a QLabel for scrollbar linenumbers tooltip
  * Add functions for jumping to next/prev blank line
  * Disable ENABLE_KAUTH_DEFAULT on Haiku also
  * Remove misleading dead code
  * Fix crash if feedback or dyn attr is cleared before deletion (kde#495925)
  * Fix ranges with dynamic attribute dont notify deletion
  * Deprecate aboutToDeleteMovingInterfaceContent
  * Remove m_ranges from buffer
  * Dont take ownership of the MovingRange/MovingCursor
  * buffer: Remove m_invalidCursors
  * allow shifted numbers for Dvorak and Co. (kde#388138)
  * keep hinting as set by the user (kde#482659)
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-ktexttemplate ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6TextTemplate6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-ktextwidgets ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Add missing find_dependency calls for private dependencies
  * Add linux-qt6-static CI
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kunitconversion ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6UnitConversion6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Add missing since documentation for Xpf currency
  * Fix Xpf enum value
  * Install python bindings into site-packages dir
  * Add CFP franc to currencies list
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Add Python bindings
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kuserfeedback ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kuserfeedback-imports kf6-kuserfeedback-lang 
libKF6UserFeedbackCore6 libKF6UserFeedbackWidgets6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kwallet ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kwallet-tools kwalletd6 libKF6Wallet6 libKF6WalletBackend6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Link with libnetwork on Haiku
  * Add global option to disable X11
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kwidgetsaddons ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6WidgetsAddons6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Fix since version for KAdjustingScrollArea
  * kmessagebox: Add option to force label to be plain text
  * Install python bindings into site-packages dir
  * Add python examples
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Add Python bindings
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * KPageView: Strip mnemonics before matching search text
  * KPasswordDialog: Vertically center prompt
  * Introduce KAdjustingScrollArea
  * kratingwidget: Draw icon at native resolution
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kwindowsystem ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-kwindowsystem-imports libKF6WindowSystem6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * xcb: Be more strict about icon sizes.
  * Add manual test for activating window
  * Bump KF and QT versions in cem_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Disable Wayland and X11 on Haiku also
  * Make use of QWaylandWindow::surfaceRoleCreated for setMainWindow
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-kxmlgui ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6XmlGui6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * KXmlGuiWindow: Create KHelpMenu without application data
  * KHelpMenu: Use up-to-date application data if not set explicitly
  * Add Python bindings
  * kbugreport: Specify what the second version number refers too
  * AboutDialog: Add copy button for components info
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * about dialog: Put app specific components before generic components
  * KHelpMenu: Allow showing and hiding the What's This menu entry
  * KHelpMenu: Deprecate second constructor with bool parameter
  * KHelpMenu: Deprecate constructor with unused parameter
  * KHelpMenu: Remove unnecessary member variables
  * KHelpMenu: Remove long dead support for a simple About text
  * Ensure action insertion order is preserved
  * Skip first column when resizing columns
  * Simplify action storage in KActionCollection
  * Add Linux static CI build
  * Add component description to default components
  * Simplify about data dialog
  * [kactioncategory] Add new-style connect variants for addAction
  * [kactioncategory] Deprecate functions that use KStandardAction
  * [kactioncategory] Add overloads for KStandardActions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-modemmanager-qt ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6ModemManagerQt6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-networkmanager-qt ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-networkmanager-qt-imports libKF6NetworkManagerQt6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Stop spamming about Unhandled property "VersionId"
  * Bump KF and QT versions in cem_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-prison ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-prison-imports libKF6Prison6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-purpose ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-purpose-services libKF6Purpose6 libKF6PurposeWidgets6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * [imgur] Improve error reporting
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * clipboard: Also allow to export to the clipboard (kde#477553)
  * Introduce a clipboard plugin
  * AlternativesModel: Don't filter by fields that don't pertain to the current 
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-qqc2-desktop-style ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * org.kde.desktop: Add null contentItem checks to check/radio/switch controls
  * Use null contentItem instead of empty Item
  * Use Qt text rendering when high DPI scaling (kde#479891)
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Add a SwipeDelegate (kde#495291)
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-solid ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.1)
Subpackages: kf6-solid-tools libKF6Solid6

- Update to 6.9.1
  * Add null check for StorageAccess interface in
    storageAccessFromPath (kde#497299)
- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * battery: Add cycleCount
  * Bump KF and QT versions in cem_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * fstab: Fix memory leak when a network or overlay mount has changed
  * Fix build on Haiku
  * Consistenly use correct include statements for libmount
  * Add support for rclone mounts and fstab entries
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-sonnet ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-sonnet-imports libKF6SonnetCore6 libKF6SonnetUi6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-syndication ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: libKF6Syndication6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * ci: add Alpine/musl job
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-syntax-highlighting ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)
Subpackages: kf6-syntax-highlighting-imports libKF6SyntaxHighlighting6

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * Update odin highlighting
  * The lua indenter was removed long ago in ktexteditor
  * odin: Fix numbers getting highlighted in the middle of words
  * Highlight odin 'context' keyword differently
  * Improve odin lang highlighting
  * Bump KF and QT versions in ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions
  * cmake.xml: updates for the recently released CMake 3.31
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kf6-threadweaver ====
Version update (6.8.0 -> 6.9.0)

- Update to 6.9.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 6.8.0:
  * Update dependency version to 6.9.0
  * It compiles fine without deprecated methods
  * Build fix for Haiku
  * Update version to 6.9.0

==== kgeography ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Use ECMDeprecationSettings

==== khangman ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Drop unused kconfigwidgets dependency
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Port to REUSE.toml
  * Use modern kf version

==== khelpcenter ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Fix CMake include
  * Add clang-format git commit hook
  * Add git blame ignore file
  * Run clang-format
  * Categorize the app as "Documentation" and add "Center" to name
  * Fix cmakelint issues
  * searchhandlers: Replace Perl manpage script with Python (kde#493223)
  * Put more relevant man search results first
  * Fix links for Windows and Mac tips (spotted by smart.luck6184)

==== kidentitymanagement ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: kidentitymanagement-lang libKPim6IdentityManagementCore6 

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes to list here.

==== kig ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:

==== kimap ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6IMAP6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Port away from deprecated KMime::Content::decodedText API
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Fix reuse lint
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * Add clang-format validation job

==== kio-extras ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libkioarchive6-6 trash_kcm

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * sftp: close connection on fatal errors (kde#495801)
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * [FileNameSearch] Avoid repeated searches when following symlinks
  * thumbnail: image plugin add webp support
  * filenamesearch: use `ripgrep-all` or `ripgrep` for content search if 
  * add include moc
  * add pragma once
  * Remove leftover ServiceType desktop file for thumbnailers
  * recentlyused: override access time date with Backend value (kde#437382)
  * Implement new Windows executable thumbcreator.
  * kcms/proxy,trash: follow HIG on capitalization
  * kcms/webshortcuts: make labels more consistent
  * sftp: account for maximum request length when using sftp_aio (kde#488581)
  * thumbnail: Stop reading ServiceTypes key for plugins
  * thumbnail: Fetch the list of thumbnailer plugins only once
  * audiothumbnail and imagethumbnail: Mention supported mimetypes explicitly
  * [thumbnail] Print file name when asserting
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * kcms/netpref: Mimic Kirigami.FormLayout with flat QGroupBoxes
  * sftp: Use fancy defines from our own header if not available
  * sftp: Set permissions on mkdir rather than mkdir && chmod
  * sftp: fix windows build

==== kio_audiocd ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Fix clang format
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Capitalize title correctly in flac plugin
  * Center children of General config tab
  * Use FormLayouts with centered children for plugins
  * Use flat QGroupBoxes, set documentMode on QTabWidgets, and remove excess 

==== kiten ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * fix clang-format
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Time to use modern kf6
  * Remove this line.

==== kitinerary ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6Itinerary6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 24.11.90:
  * JsonLdImportFilter: Filter LodgingBusiness as a place
  * Update leoexpress.js
  * add: add Leo Express PkPass extractor
  * Add Dimedis Fairmate extractor
  * add: finish droplabs extractor
  * add: begin droplabs extractor
  * extractor for PKPass tickets from Droplabs
  * Handle French language European Sleeper seat reservations
  * Update RSP6 keys
  * add: Coloseum Ticket extractor
  * Fix pdf seats parsing for inoui trains
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * add: add luma extractor
  * fix according to reviews in MR
  * Update flixbus.js: remove console.logs
  * add: add parser for pkpasses
  * Build Flatpak and static extractor against release branches
  * Update Flatpak dependencies
  * Update static build versions
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Make Renfe barcode trigger pattern more strict (kde#494613)
  * Make Renfe extractor script more robust (kde#494617)
  * Add extractor script for Reisnordland ferries (kde#492096)
  * Relax MAV barcode matching pattern (kde#491403)
  * Add extractor script for EnTur PDF tickets (kde#490997)

==== kldap ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6LdapCore6 libKPim6LdapWidgets6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes to list here.

==== kleopatra ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Fix crash on non-kwin wayland compositors (kde#488090)
  * Fix double-& in desktop action names for folder actions (kde#491674)

==== kmag ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Drop the obsolete app screenshot

==== kmahjongg ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary

==== kmail ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: kmail-application-icons ktnef

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 24.11.90:
  * Remove craft support here. We use a meta package kontact
  * Remove unused include
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Fix use new signal
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Set the message signing state correctly when the composer is opened 
  * Fix bug 491076: do display one's own sender/recipient email address and 
name (kde#491076)

==== kmail-account-wizard ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Add craft support
  * Prepare to add craft support
  * Add windows CI support
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Use KLocalizedQmlContext
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Fix warning
  * Use else if here
  * Use QLatin1StringView
  * .reuse file didn't need license but REUSE.toml needs it
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Set up KCrash after KAboutData::setApplicationData()

==== kmailtransport ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6MailTransport6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes to list here.

==== kmbox ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6Mbox6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Reduce list of files
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Add clang-format validation job

==== kmime ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6Mime6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Restore compatibility with GCC 11
  * Declare ContentIndex as relocatable type
  * Make Content::bodyAsMessage() also const-correct
  * Make KMime::Content list API also const-correct
  * Change Headers::createHeader to use a QByteArrayView
  * Consistently use [[nodiscard]] attributes in all public API
  * Api changed => increase version
  * Change Content::decodedText to use an enum argument for trim options
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Remove KMime::HeaderBase::clear()
  * Unexport HeaderParsing::parseEncodedWord
  * Allow to directly set mbox/address lists on headers
  * Unexport more externally unused low-level header parsing methods
  * Use QByteArrayView for header query API
  * Remove unused includes
  * Fix potential out-of-bounds read for invalid Date header content
  * Unexport date/time header parsing functions
  * Make Content-Transfer-Encoding header work without extra allocations
  * Add static build support
  * Implement parseDotAtom without needing allocations
  * Protect against missing Content-Type headers

==== kmines ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary

==== kmousetool ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:

==== kmplot ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Remove virtual keyword when we use override

==== kompare ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:

==== konsole ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: konsole-part konsole-part-lang konsole-zsh-completion

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Fix crashes with context menus (kde#492465)
  * Fix Pty::setFlowControlEnabled to set IXON, not (IXON | IXOFF) (kde#495276)
  * Change text over sixel image behaviour to be compatible with xterm 
  * Fix crash when sending OSC 4 (RGB) color outside the 256 range (kde#494205)
  * shortcuts: do not grab F10 key (kde#482149)
  * Add support for setting the cursor color (OSC 12) (kde#488905)
  * Add support for OSC-52 write-only clipboard access (kde#372116)
  * url filter: remove trailing non-URL characters (kde#472274)

==== kontact ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Use org.kde.kalendarac
  * Reactivate craft support
  * Remove unused variables
  * Use KStandardActions where is possible
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Remove old code
  * USe QLatin1String
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * setDynamicSortFilter(true); is default
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * _version.h is not necessary now
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Fix clang format
  * Use KColorSchemeManager::instance in kf6.6
  * Set up KCrash after KAboutData::setApplicationData()
  * Add TODO
  * Remove QDBusInterface about knotes
  * knotes is dead now
  * Use @title:window for title

==== kontactinterface ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6KontactInterface6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Add clang-format validation job

==== konversation ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Tray icon activation now optional
  * Set tray icon to active when the window is closed (kde#494194)
  * Port KPasswordLineEdit usage away from deprecated method
  * Improve code glanceability
  * Add todo with notes re QIODevice::Unbuffered
  * Remove updateConnectionState call in Server constructor
  * Stabilize the identity group keys in the RC (kde#454262)
  * Use modernized kf6
  * Use runtime-version 6.7

==== korganizer ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Fix apply settings
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes to list here.

==== kpat ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Fix Theme change not being saved (kde#495973)
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Use shuffle icon for new deal action
  * Remove virtual keyword when we use override

==== kpimtextedit ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6TextEdit6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Add i18nc
  * Use @option:check

==== kpkpass ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6PkPass6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Reduce list of files
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense

==== kqtquickcharts ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.08.3

==== kreversi ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary

==== ksanecore ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Require Qt6
  * take page height and width options into account when available (kde#476838)
  * remove more usage of deprecated qAsConst
  * remove usage of deprecated qAsConst
- Drop the KF5 flavor, support was removed upstream

==== ksmtp ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6SMTP6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Reduce clang-format list of files
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Add clang-format validation job

==== ksudoku ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * fix flatpak build
  * flatpak: Update glu URL and tag

==== ktnef ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: ktnef-debug-categories libKPim6Tnef6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Reduce clang-format list of files
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Fix clang format
  * Use qCWarning

==== ktouch ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.08.3

==== kwalletmanager ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * fix clang-format
  * check _managerWidget ptr before using it.
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Fix clang format
  * Fix service file name (kde#492138)
  * konfigurator: Use flat QGroupBoxes and set documentMode on QTabWidget
  * Repair missing menus due to xmlgui file not found
  * Set up KCrash after KAboutData::setApplicationData()
  * Add i18n context

==== kwordquiz ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Fix creating new decks (kde#496591)
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Fix clang format

==== libXrender ====
Version update (0.9.11 -> 0.9.12)

- Update to version 0.9.12
  * configure: Use LT_INIT from libtool 2 instead of deprecated AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
  * Ensure all BufAlloc calls have trailing semicolon
  * XRenderQueryFormats: add missing allocation failure check
  * Ensure XRenderInfo pointers are appropriately aligned

==== libcap ====

- Disable psx_test and b219174 tests in qemu emulation

==== libeconf ====
Version update (0.7.5 -> 0.7.6)

- Update to version 0.7.6:
  * Do not try to parse files with name like ".." and "." (#227)
  * using econf_readConfig in econftool

==== libgravatar ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6Gravatar6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Add missing KConfigWidgets dep
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Remove old code
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * _version.h is not necessary now
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Fix KLocalization::setupSpinBoxFormatString usage
  * KF6::TextWidgets is unused now
  * Port KPluralHandlingSpinBox
  * Use @option:check
  * Use widget parent

==== libheif ====
Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-loader-libheif libheif-aom libheif-dav1d libheif-ffmpeg 
libheif-jpeg libheif-openjpeg libheif-rav1e libheif-svtenc libheif1

- complete rpm changelog:
  * 0.18.0 fixed CVE-2023-0996 [bsc#1208640] and
    CVE-2024-41311 [bsc#1231714]
  * 1.15.2 fixed CVE-2023-29659 [bsc#1211174]

==== libkcddb-qt6 ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKCddb5

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Use expanded tabbar
  * Use flat QGroupBoxes, set documentMode on QTabWidget and center children of 

==== libkcompactdisc-qt6 ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKCompactDisc6-5 libkcompactdisc-lang

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Add clang format support
  * Add license
  * Add CMakePresets.json
  * Require KF6

==== libkdcraw-qt6 ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKDcrawQt6-5

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.08.3

==== libkdegames ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libKDEGames6 libkdegames-imports

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Fix compile on apple
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Fix clang-format support

==== libkdepim ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6Libkdepim6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * USe same list
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Clean up

==== libkeduvocdocument ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * fix clang-format
  * Port deprecated methods
  * Remove Qt6 prefix now

==== libkexiv2-qt6 ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKExiv2Qt6-0

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.08.3

==== libkgapi6 ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6GAPICalendar6 libKPim6GAPICore6 libKPim6GAPIPeople6 
libKPim6GAPITasks6 libkgapi6-lang libkgapi6-sasl2-kdexoauth2

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Fix invalid conversion from StatusFilters to StatusFilter
  * Fix building FakeAuthBrowser with Qt 6.9
  * FileFetchJob: fix static initialization order problem
  * job.cpp: output reply url in case of error

==== libkleo ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6libkleo6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Use ECM's DATAROOTDIR instead of a custom variable
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Add tests for Formatting::prettySignature (kde#493963)
  * Fix regression that user ID wasn't HTML escaped anymore (kde#493963)
  * Fix composition of localized message (kde#493963)

==== libkmahjongg ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKMahjongg6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary

==== libkomparediff2 ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.08.3

==== libksane ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKSaneWidgets6 libksane-icons libksane-lang

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Require Qt6
  * Initialize value
- Drop the KF5 flavor, support was removed upstream

==== libksieve ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libksieve6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Fix bug 494307:  Tools->Edit "Out of office" Replies dialog is empty 
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Add missing KColorScheme dep
  * Use KStandardActions where is possible
  * Use KStandardActions where is possible
  * Use uint8_t for enum
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Modernize VacationEditWidget KMime usage
  * .reuse file didn't need license but REUSE.toml needs it
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Add context i18n
  * Add i18n context
  * Use @option:check

==== libnettle ====
Subpackages: libhogweed6 libnettle8

- ppcl64le: POWER10 performance enhancements for cryptography [jsc#PED-9904]
  * powerpc64/sha256: fix loading overreads by loading less and shifting
  * powerpc64/sha256: adjust stack offset for storing non-volatile registers
  * powerpc64: remove use of m4_unquote in the load step for sha256
  * Temporarily skip the gcm test: libnettle-powerpc64-skip-AES-GCM-test.patch
  * Add patches:
  - libnettle-powerpc64-sha256-fix-loading-overreads.patch
  - libnettle-powerpc64-remove-m4_unquote-sha256.patch

==== liburing ====

- switch to signed tarball -- thanks to

==== libvirt ====
Subpackages: libvirt-client libvirt-daemon-common libvirt-daemon-config-network 
libvirt-daemon-driver-network libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev 
libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu 
libvirt-daemon-driver-secret libvirt-daemon-driver-storage 
libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-core libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-disk 
libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi-direct 
libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-logical libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-mpath 
libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-scsi 
libvirt-daemon-lock libvirt-daemon-log libvirt-daemon-plugin-lockd 
libvirt-daemon-qemu libvirt-libs

- qemu: tpm: do not update profile name for transient domains
  Fixes a crash when starting a transient domain

==== lokalize ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 24.11.90:
  * Make TsStorage/XliffStorage::isEmpty work again (kde#496916)
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Fix variable names
  * Resize TMV and ATV when shown
  * Accept unicode chars in regexps (kde#495785)
  * Fix failing test
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Search across full relative paths of files and dirs in Project Overview 
  * Separate translation entry previous msgctxt into context string in AltTrans 
struct (kde#493709)
  * Fix Translation Memory import job not finishing (kde#451461)
  * Translation Memory: Set correct query type on startup (kde#491113)
  * Make leading/trailing spaces and other invisible character easier to see 
  * Fix porting regression in diff computation (kde#490837)
  * Add option QRegularExpression::UnanchoredWildcardConversion to addPart and 
delPart diff regexes (kde#490441)

==== mailcommon ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6MailCommon6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Fix 491533: Add filter option for attachments. (kde#491533)

==== mailimporter ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6MailImporter6 libKPim6MailImporterAkonadi6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Remove text status unused

==== markdownpart ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Use KStandardActions where possible

==== mbox-importer ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Add windows CI support
  * USe ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * setDynamicSortFilter(true); is default
  * Add clang-format validation job

==== meson ====
Subpackages: meson-vim

- Drop meson-testsuite-with-cmake-3.31.patch: the actual fix was
  done in CMake 3.31.2.

==== messagelib ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Fix 494603: Some scam emails are not properly detected( (kde#494603)

==== mimetreeparser ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6MimeTreeParserCore6 libKPim6MimeTreeParserWidgets6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 24.11.90:
  * Use DecryptVerifyJob to decrypt and/or verify inline PGP message blocks
  * Avoid test failure because of different date/time text representation
  * Fix gpgme++ includes
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes to list here.

==== mozilla-nss ====
Subpackages: libfreebl3 libsoftokn3 mozilla-nss-certs mozilla-nss-sysinit 

- fix build on loongarch64 (setting it as 64bit arch)

==== okular ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * CI: Remove AnalyzeTemporaryDtors from clang-tidy
  * Make sure signatures have a fieldPartialName
  * Don't (ab)use enum for integer constant
  * Fix C++20 deprecation warnings
  * Bump C++ standard to 20
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Fix changing between pages on SinglePage mode with "high frenequency wheel" 
mouses (kde#494881)
  * SignaturePropertiesDialog: wrap reason (kde#495251)
  * Pipe pdf file to printer rather than converting to PostScript first if 
possible (kde#467328)
  * Support pdf Default Page Layout (kde#188239)
  * Add support for zstd-compressed files. (kde#490153)

==== openSUSE-release ====
Version update (20241211 -> 20241215)
Subpackages: openSUSE-release-appliance-custom openSUSE-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== openexr ====
Subpackages: libIex-3_2-31 libIlmThread-3_2-31 libOpenEXR-3_2-31 

- Build AVX2 enabled hwcaps library for x86_64-v3

==== parley ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Remove virtual keyword when we use override

==== pim-data-exporter ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Add craft support
  * Prepare to add craft support
  * Add windows CI support
  * Add missing HAVE_KDBUSADDONS
  * Use KStandardActions where is possible
  * Reformat code with clang-format
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * Fix autotest
  * setDynamicSortFilter(true); is default
  * .reuse file didn't need license but REUSE.toml needs it
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Fix clang format
  * Remove Akonadi Notes
  * Removing duplicate "KF6WidgetsAddons"
  * Set up KCrash after KAboutData::setApplicationData()
  * Add i18nc
  * Use @option:check

==== pim-sieve-editor ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Add craft support build
  * Prepare to add craft support
  * Use KStandardActions where is possible
  * Remove old code
  * Don't look at build dir folder for clang format
  * Use ECMCheckOutboundLicense
  * _version.h is not necessary now
  * .reuse file didn't need license but REUSE.toml needs it
  * Convert .reuse/dep5 to REUSE.toml
  * Add clang-format validation job
  * Use KColorSchemeManager::instance in kf6.6
  * Add i18nc
  * Use @option:check

==== pimcommon ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)
Subpackages: libKPim6PimCommon6 libKPim6PimCommonAkonadi6

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Fix double messagebox when we cancel change
  * Add include moc
  * Use enum here
  * Draw checkbox
  * Show checkbox
  * Fix BUG:473855 In Plugins Configure settings, the configure buttons of 
plugins are not visible on some languages (kde#473855)
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes to list here.

==== python-httpx ====
Version update (0.27.2 -> 0.28.1)

- Update to 0.28.1
  * Fix SSL case where verify=False together with client side
- Release 0.28.0
  [#]# Deprecations:
  * We are working towards a simplified SSL configuration API.
  * For users of the standard verify=True or verify=False cases, or
    verify=<ssl_context> case this should require no changes. The
    following cases have been deprecated...
  - The verify argument as a string argument is now deprecated
    and will raise warnings.
  - The cert argument is now deprecated and will raise warnings.
  * Our revised SSL documentation covers how to implement the same
    behaviour with a more constrained API.
  [#]# The following changes are also included:
  * The deprecated proxies argument has now been removed.
  * The deprecated app argument has now been removed.
  * JSON request bodies use a compact representation. (#3363)
  * Review URL percent escape sets, based on WHATWG spec. (#3371,
  * Ensure certifi and httpcore are only imported if required.
  * Treat socks5h as a valid proxy scheme. (#3178)
  * Cleanup Request() method signature in line with
    client.request() and httpx.request(). (#3378)

==== python-six ====
Version update (1.16.0 -> 1.17.0)

- update to 1.17:
  * Add python 3.9 testing
  * Fix UserDict move in Python2
  * Delete pep8ignore and flakes-ignore
  * tkinter.tix was removed from Python 3.13, skip the test
  * Fix deprecation warning from setuptools
  * Python 3.14 removed the URLopener and FancyURLopener classes,
    from urllib.requests
  * Update copyright years
  * Expunge travis

==== qemu ====
Subpackages: qemu-arm qemu-audio-spice qemu-block-curl qemu-block-nfs 
qemu-block-rbd qemu-chardev-spice qemu-guest-agent qemu-hw-display-qxl 
qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci 
qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga qemu-hw-usb-host qemu-hw-usb-redirect 
qemu-hw-usb-smartcard qemu-img qemu-ipxe qemu-ksm qemu-pr-helper qemu-tools 
qemu-ui-curses qemu-ui-gtk qemu-ui-opengl qemu-ui-spice-app qemu-ui-spice-core 

- Fix bsc#1232712. The problem must be addressed upstream. This is
  only a temporary measure, that should be reverted as soon as
  * Revert "ui/curses: Do not use console_select()" (bsc#1232712)
  * Revert "hw/xen: Register framebuffer backend via xen_backend_init()" 

==== rubygem-nokogiri ====

- allow other versions than ruby 3.3

==== selinux-policy ====
Version update (20241206 -> 20241213)
Subpackages: selinux-policy-targeted

- Update to version 20241213:
  * Add policy for importctl (bsc#1232670)
- Fix minimum policy by readding rpm module (bsc#1234314)

==== signon-kwallet-extension ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.08.3

==== skanlite ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * USe clang format
  * Ignore auto-generated .clang-format
  * Use clang format
  * Use nullptr
  * Remove qt5 code
  * Initialize to nullptr
  * Use std::as_const directly
  * Add parent directly
  * Fix mem leak
  * Use ECMDeprecationSettings
  * It's qt6 now
  * Require Qt6
  * Initialize KCrash
  * Choose icon name that more suitable for its behavior
  * flatpak: Update to Sdk version 6.7

==== socat ====
Version update ( ->

- Update to
  - Security fix for arbitrary file overwrite via predictable /tmp
    directory (bsc#1225462 CVE-2024-54661)
- Update to
  - Bug fixes
  - UDP-SENDTO, UDPLITE-SENDTO, and IP-SENDTO addresses now select an IPv4
    address in case the server name resolves to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
  - Guard applyopts_termios_value() with WITH_TERMIOS.
  - In some situations xioclose() was called nested what could cause hanging
    of OpenSSL in pthread_rwlock_wrlock().
  - socat with addresses of type RECVFROM and option fork, where the
    second address failed to connect/open in the child process, entered a
    fork loop that was only stopped by FD exhaustion caused by FD leak.
  - socat had an FD leak with addresses of type RECVFROM with fork.
  - With version, options ipv6-join-group and ipv6-join-source-group
    did not work.
  - IP-SENDTO and option pf (protocol-family) with protocol name (vs.numeric
    argument) failed with message: E retropts_int(): trailing garbage in
    numerical arg of option "protocol-family".
  - Fixed a possible buffer overrun with long log lines. In fact it does not
    write beyond end of buffer but lets pass excessive data to the write()
  - Reworked domain name resolution, centralized IPv4/IPv6 sorting.
  - Print warning about not checking CRLs in OpenSSL only in the first child
  - Features
  - Total inactivity timeout option -T 0 now means 0.0 seconds;
  - Changed,, and to work with
    older Socat versions.
  - and, when run as root, now internally use
    low (512..1023) UDP ports to increase security.
  - Added option ai-all (sets AI_ALL flag of getaddrinfo() resolver)
  - Socks5 now also allows syntax without socks port, and supports option
- Removed 0004-udp-listen-bind4.patch (fixed by upstream socat-
- Refreshed socat-test-without-tty.patch to match socat-

==== spectacle ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * Fix webp capitalization
  * Add warning notification when WebP support is missing
  * Revert "Require webp for recording system tray icon"
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Require webp for recording system tray icon
  * Use kstandardactions
  * Fix negative animation duration without capture on click support 
  * cmake: remove excess include dir
  * work around bugged qmlcachegen (kde#494281)
  * AnnotationViewport: fix stretching odd sized images
  * ImagePlatformKWin: Use a 60 second timeout for CaptureInteractive
  * ExportManager: fix crash when saving while timezone is misconfigured 
  * ExportManager: rename removeEmptyPlaceholderAndSeparators to 
  * ExportManager: Fix Save As using default filename template and wrong folder 
for filename formatting (kde#493370)
  * ExportManager: Make Placeholder a bit more efficient
  * Use blur and pixelate icons for blur and pixelate tools
  * Generate wayland code with PRIVATE_CODE
  * Round mouse positions to physical pixels (kde#489448)
  * Set fallback icon theme (kde#492824)
  * Reuse tooltip for annotation tool buttons
  * Make it easier to click annotation tool buttons
  * Don't disable AnnotationEditor with NoTool selected
  * Move undo/redo shortcuts to AnnotationEditor
  * Fix InlineMessage headers/appearance on "no screenshot" dialog
  * Set suggested filename for copied images
  * Go back to copying images with setImageData (kde#485096)
  * Set maximum pending frame buffer size based on available memory
  * VideoPlatformWayland: remove inaccurate comment
  * Fix deprecated version
  * Set up crash handling
  * Sanitise html in barcodes

==== step ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:

==== svgpart ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- No code change since 24.11.80
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.08.3:
  * Don't include quiet packages in feature_summary
  * Fix clang-format

==== tpm2-0-tss ====
Subpackages: libtss2-esys0 libtss2-fapi-common libtss2-fapi1 libtss2-mu0 
libtss2-rc0 libtss2-sys1 libtss2-tcti-device0 libtss2-tctildr0

- the post scriptlet calls udevadm but Requires(post): udev is missing,
  adding it

==== tree-sitter ====
Version update (0.24.4 -> 0.24.5)

- update to 0.24.5:
  * fix(lib): correct next sibling of zero width node
  * fix(lib): use clock_gettime on macOS again
  * feat: move scripts to xtasks
  * build: configure clippy lints at the workspace level
  * chore: remove unnecessary fuzz and profile helpers
  * build: tune compiler warnings
  * fix: compiler warning
  * build: treat incompatible pointer warning as error
  * fix(lib): handle compiler warnings
  * build(cmake): link wasmtime dependencies
  * fix: sync cmake with master

==== umbrello ====
Version update (24.08.3 -> 24.12.0)

- Update to 24.12.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 24.11.90
- Update to 24.11.90
  * New feature release
- Changes since 24.11.80:
  * CI: Don't depend on kdev-php & friends
- Update to 24.11.80
  * New feature release
- Too many changes since 24.08.3, only listing bugfixes:
  * Fix building png images from svg files caused by broken attribute 
'xlink:href="#(null)"' (kde#492246)
  * Fixed a possible crash when selecting a cursor in the work toolbar without 
an open diagram (kde#491789)

==== xdg-dbus-proxy ====
Version update (0.1.5 -> 0.1.6)

- Update to version 0.1.6:
  + Use lower serial bits to differentiate proxy / client serials,
    and handle non-monotonically increasing serials better.
  + Fix various GVariant reference leaks.
  + Don't require talk permission for broadcast rules.
  + Support sdbus clients.

==== xf86-video-voodoo ====

- 0002-configure-Use-LT_INIT-from-libtool-2-instead-of-depr.patch
  * latest changes to fix build against current xserver
- u_buildfix.patch
  * fixes build on i586 (hopefully)

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