On Tue, 26 Nov 2024 17:26:07 -0500
Bill Merriam <li...@billmerriam.com> wrote:

> I keep seeing things about mainline kernel support for the RaspberryPi
> 5.  I certainly haven't been about to get anything but RP's own OS to

Yes, sometimes it's hard to stay on the right path ;)

> work.  Will their kernel build on openSUSE?

With some effort, yes. But given that this effort is in vain once all
features are mainline, nobody bothers, I guess. It will be a one-off.

> Should I just get cheap x86 machines instead?

Definitely not! There are even more powerful yet less popular ARM boards
available, check out the rk3588 SoC for example. Video out is in the
pipe, the dual monitor I'm expecting will take a bit longer...


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