Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the aarch64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.
Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug on For more information on filing bugs please see Packages changed: Mesa (24.1.7 -> 24.2.6) Mesa-drivers (24.1.7 -> 24.2.6) MozillaFirefox (131.0.3 -> 132.0.1) MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE akonadi (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) akonadi-calendar (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) akonadi-calendar-tools (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) akonadi-contacts (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) akonadi-import-wizard (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) akonadi-mime (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) akonadi-notes (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) akonadi-search (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) akregator (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) analitza (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) ark (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) baloo-widgets (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) blinken (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) bluez (5.78 -> 5.79) calendarsupport (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) curl (8.10.1 -> 8.11.0) dolphin (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) eventviews (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) expat (2.6.3 -> 2.6.4) ffmpegthumbs (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) file grantleetheme (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) grub2 gwenview (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) hwdata (0.384 -> 0.389) ibus (1.5.30 -> 1.5.31) incidenceeditor (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kaccounts-integration (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kaccounts-providers (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kaddressbook (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kalgebra (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kamera (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kanagram (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kapptemplate (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kate (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kbruch (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kcachegrind (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kcalc (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kcalutils (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kcharselect (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kcolorchooser (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kde-dev-utils (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kdeedu-data (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kdegraphics-mobipocket (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kdegraphics-thumbnailers (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kdenetwork-filesharing (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kdepim-addons (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kdevelop (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kdialog (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kf6-attica (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-baloo (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-bluez-qt (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-breeze-icons (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-frameworkintegration (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-karchive (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kauth (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kbookmarks (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kcalendarcore (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kcmutils (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kcodecs (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kcolorscheme (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kcompletion (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kconfig (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kconfigwidgets (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kcontacts (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kcoreaddons (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kcrash (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kdav (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kdbusaddons (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kdeclarative (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kded (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kdesu (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kdnssd (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kdoctools (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kfilemetadata (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kglobalaccel (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kguiaddons (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kholidays (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-ki18n (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kiconthemes (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kidletime (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kimageformats (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kio (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kirigami (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kitemmodels (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kitemviews (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kjobwidgets (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-knewstuff (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-knotifications (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-knotifyconfig (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kpackage (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kparts (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kplotting (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kpty (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kquickcharts (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-krunner (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kservice (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kstatusnotifieritem (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-ksvg (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-ktexteditor (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-ktexttemplate (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-ktextwidgets (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kunitconversion (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kuserfeedback (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kwallet (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kwidgetsaddons (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kwindowsystem (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-kxmlgui (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-modemmanager-qt (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-networkmanager-qt (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-prison (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-purpose (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-qqc2-desktop-style (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-solid (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-sonnet (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-syndication (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-syntax-highlighting (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kf6-threadweaver (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) kgeography (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) khangman (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) khelpcenter (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kidentitymanagement (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kig (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kimap (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kio-extras (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kio_audiocd (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kiten (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kitinerary (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kldap (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kleopatra (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kmag (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kmahjongg (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kmail (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kmail-account-wizard (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kmailtransport (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kmbox (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kmime (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kmines (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kmousetool (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kmplot (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kompare (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) konsole (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kontact (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kontactinterface (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) konversation (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) korganizer (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kpat (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kpimtextedit (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kpkpass (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kqtquickcharts (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kreversi (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) ksanecore (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) ksmtp (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) ksudoku (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) ktnef (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) ktouch (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kwalletmanager (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) kwordquiz (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libXcursor (1.2.2 -> 1.2.3) libgravatar (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libheif (1.19.1 -> 1.19.2) libkcddb-qt6 (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libkcompactdisc-qt6 (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libkdcraw-qt6 (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libkdegames (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libkdepim (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libkeduvocdocument (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libkexiv2-qt6 (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libkgapi6 (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libkleo (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libkmahjongg (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libkomparediff2 (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libksane (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libksieve (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) libnice (0.1.21 -> 0.1.22) libselinux libwebp llvm19 (18.1.8 -> 19.1.3) lokalize (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) mailcommon (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) mailimporter (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) markdownpart (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) mbox-importer (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) messagelib (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) mimetreeparser (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) okular (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) open-isns (0.102 -> 0.103+2.296d533bd52a) openSUSE-release (20241107 -> 20241111) parley (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) perl-Mail-SPF pim-data-exporter (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) pim-sieve-editor (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) pimcommon (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) python-Pillow (10.4.0 -> 11.0.0) python-certifi python-cryptography qt6-declarative qt6-wayland rebootmgr (2.4+git20240524.30e5383 -> 2.6+git20241108.fc0c103) signon-kwallet-extension (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) skanlite (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) spectacle (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) step (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) svgpart (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) u-boot-rpiarm64 umbrello (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) update-bootloader (1.18 -> 1.19) xf86-video-nouveau (1.0.17 -> 1.0.18) xfce4-branding-openSUSE (4.18.0+git5.88e05bf -> 4.18.0+git6.02f3c99) xfce4-weather-plugin (0.11.2 -> 0.11.3) xorg-x11-driver-video xrandr (1.5.2 -> 1.5.3) yast2-bootloader (5.0.11 -> 5.0.12) yast2-network (5.0.3 -> 5.0.4) === Details === ==== Mesa ==== Version update (24.1.7 -> 24.2.6) Subpackages: Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libglapi0 libgbm1 - 0001-dril-Fixup-order-of-pixel-formats-in-drilConfigs.patch * fixes colors for 'swrast' driver (boo#1230637, gitlab issue#11840) - Update to release 24.2.6 - -> - added -32bit package for Mesa-libva since it's needed by Steam; reported on packman ML: - Enable intel Vulkan backends on riscv64 (boo#1231756) - Enable iris Gallium backend on riscv64, Power and on Arm, too - Update to release 24.2.5 - -> - drop u_fix-llvm19-build.patch included in upstream - Update to release 24.2.4 - -> - u_mesa-CVE-2023-45913.patch * NULL pointer dereference via dri2GetGlxDrawableFromXDrawableId() (CVE-2023-45913, bsc#1222040) - u_mesa-CVE-2023-45919.patch * buffer over-read in glXQueryServerString() (CVE-2023-45919, bsc#1222041) - u_mesa-CVE-2023-45922.patch * segmentation violation in __glXGetDrawableAttribute() (CVE-2023-45922, bsc#1222042) - libvdpau_gallium was linked directly into libgallium-*.so.*. Drop the subpackage and provides/obsolete it via Mesa-dri which ships libgallium-*.so.*. - drop u_fix_rust_bindgen.patch included in update - Update to release 24.2.3 - -> - disable build of rusticl on sle15; meson is just too old ... - buildrequires: rusticl needs mesa >= 1.4.0 - tlsdesc_test.patch: disable LTO in tlsdesc_test to suppress TLS relaxation (patch by Andreas Schwab <>); see also - buildrequire llvm19-devel/clang19-devel on sle15-sp7 - Add u_fix-llvm19-build.patch to fix build with LLVM 19 on ARM. - Update minimum version requirements based on - Fix build on s390x: apparently we don't have ==== Mesa-drivers ==== Version update (24.1.7 -> 24.2.6) Subpackages: Mesa-dri Mesa-gallium Mesa-libva - 0001-dril-Fixup-order-of-pixel-formats-in-drilConfigs.patch * fixes colors for 'swrast' driver (boo#1230637, gitlab issue#11840) - Update to release 24.2.6 - -> - added -32bit package for Mesa-libva since it's needed by Steam; reported on packman ML: - Enable intel Vulkan backends on riscv64 (boo#1231756) - Enable iris Gallium backend on riscv64, Power and on Arm, too - Update to release 24.2.5 - -> - drop u_fix-llvm19-build.patch included in upstream - Update to release 24.2.4 - -> - u_mesa-CVE-2023-45913.patch * NULL pointer dereference via dri2GetGlxDrawableFromXDrawableId() (CVE-2023-45913, bsc#1222040) - u_mesa-CVE-2023-45919.patch * buffer over-read in glXQueryServerString() (CVE-2023-45919, bsc#1222041) - u_mesa-CVE-2023-45922.patch * segmentation violation in __glXGetDrawableAttribute() (CVE-2023-45922, bsc#1222042) - libvdpau_gallium was linked directly into libgallium-*.so.*. Drop the subpackage and provides/obsolete it via Mesa-dri which ships libgallium-*.so.*. - drop u_fix_rust_bindgen.patch included in update - Update to release 24.2.3 - -> - disable build of rusticl on sle15; meson is just too old ... - buildrequires: rusticl needs mesa >= 1.4.0 - tlsdesc_test.patch: disable LTO in tlsdesc_test to suppress TLS relaxation (patch by Andreas Schwab <>); see also - buildrequire llvm19-devel/clang19-devel on sle15-sp7 - Add u_fix-llvm19-build.patch to fix build with LLVM 19 on ARM. - Update minimum version requirements based on - Fix build on s390x: apparently we don't have ==== MozillaFirefox ==== Version update (131.0.3 -> 132.0.1) - require xdg-desktop-portal (boo#1233166) - Mozilla Firefox 132.0.1 * Fixed issues causing intermittent video playback problems on some sites. (bmo#1928484, bmo#1928798) - remove KDE integration patches - mozilla-kde.patch - firefox-kde.patch on KDE use these settings instead widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker=1 widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.mime-handler=1 (those are set by the latest branding package as well) - Mozilla Firefox 132.0 MFSA 2024-55 (bsc#1231879) * CVE-2024-10458 (bmo#1921733) Permission leak via embed or object elements * CVE-2024-10459 (bmo#1919087) Use-after-free in layout with accessibility * CVE-2024-10460 (bmo#1912537) Confusing display of origin for external protocol handler prompt * CVE-2024-10461 (bmo#1914521) XSS due to Content-Disposition being ignored in multipart/x-mixed-replace response * CVE-2024-10462 (bmo#1920423) Origin of permission prompt could be spoofed by long URL * CVE-2024-10463 (bmo#1920800) Cross origin video frame leak * CVE-2024-10468 (bmo#1914982) Race conditions in IndexedDB * CVE-2024-10464 (bmo#1913000) History interface could have been used to cause a Denial of Service condition in the browser * CVE-2024-10465 (bmo#1918853) Clipboard "paste" button persisted across tabs * CVE-2024-10466 (bmo#1924154) DOM push subscription message could hang Firefox * CVE-2024-10467 (bmo#1829029, bmo#1888538, bmo#1900394, bmo#1904059, bmo#1917742, bmo#1919809, bmo#1923706) Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 132, Thunderbird 132, Firefox ESR 128.4, and Thunderbird 128.4 - requires NSS 3.105 - rebased patches ==== MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE ==== - do not use XDG for mime-handler as it does not handle the default browser check correctly - add properties to use xdg-desktop-portal (boo#1226112) ==== akonadi ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6AkonadiAgentBase6 libKPim6AkonadiCore6 libKPim6AkonadiPrivate6 libKPim6AkonadiWidgets6 libKPim6AkonadiXml6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== akonadi-calendar ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-calendar kalendarac libKPim6AkonadiCalendar6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== akonadi-calendar-tools ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== akonadi-contacts ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-contacts libKPim6AkonadiContactCore6 libKPim6AkonadiContactWidgets6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== akonadi-import-wizard ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6ImportWizard6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== akonadi-mime ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-mime libKPim6AkonadiMime6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== akonadi-notes ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== akonadi-search ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6AkonadiSearch6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== akregator ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== analitza ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libAnalitza9 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * Fix QML issue in ExpressionInput of Kalgebra ==== ark ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libkerfuffle24 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== baloo-widgets ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== blinken ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== bluez ==== Version update (5.78 -> 5.79) Subpackages: bluez-auto-enable-devices bluez-cups bluez-obexd bluez-zsh-completion libbluetooth3 - Update to 5.79: * Fix issue with handling address type while pairing. * Add support for allowing to set A2DP transport delay. * Add support for persistent userspace HID operation. * Add support for handling syncing to multiple BISes. - Drop Fix-crash-after-bt_uhid_unregister_all.patch, merged upstream. ==== calendarsupport ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6CalendarSupport6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== curl ==== Version update (8.10.1 -> 8.11.0) Subpackages: curl-zsh-completion libcurl4 - Update to 8.11.0: * Security fixes: [bsc#1232528, CVE-2024-9681] - curl: HSTS subdomain overwrites parent cache entry * Changes: - curl: --create-dirs works for --dump-header as well - gtls: Add P12 format support - ipfs: add options to disable - TLS: TLSv1.3 earlydata support for curl - WebSockets: make support official (non-experimental) * Bugfixes: - build: clarify CA embed is for curl tool, mark default, improve summary - build: show if CA bundle to embed was found - build: tidy up and improve versioned-symbols options - cmake/FindNGTCP2: use library path as hint for finding crypto module - cmake: disable default OpenSSL if BearSSL, GnuTLS or Rustls is enabled - cmake: rename LDAP dependency config variables to match Find modules - cmake: replace 'check_include_file_concat()' for LDAP and GSS detection - cmake: use OpenSSL for LDAP detection only if available - curl: add build options for safe/no CA bundle search (Windows) - curl: detect ECH support dynamically, not at build time - curl_addrinfo: support operating systems with only getaddrinfo(3) - ftp: fix 0-length last write on upload from stdin - gnutls: use session cache for QUIC - hsts: improve subdomain handling - hsts: support "implied LWS" properly around max-age - http2: auto reset stream on server eos - cli-option '--json' is an alias of '--data-binary' - lib: move curl_path.[ch] into vssh/ - lib: remove function pointer typecasts for hmac/sha256/md5 - libssh.c: handle EGAINS during proto-connect correctly - libssh2: use the filename buffer when getting the homedir - multi.c: warn/assert on stall only without timer - negotiate: conditional check around GSS & SSL specific code - netrc: cache the netrc file in memory - ngtcp2: do not loop on recv - ngtcp2: set max window size to 10x of initial (128KB) - openssl quic: populate x509 store before handshake - openssl: extend the OpenSSL error messages - openssl: improve retries on shutdown - quic: use send/recvmmsg when available - schannel: fix TLS cert verification by IP SAN - schannel: ignore error on recv beyond close notify - select: use poll() if existing, avoid poll() with no sockets - sendf: add condition to max-filesize check - server/mqttd: fix two memory leaks - setopt: return error for bad input to CURLOPT_RTSP_REQUEST - setopt_cptr: make overflow check only done when needed - tls: avoid abusing CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_INITFAILED - tool: support --show-headers AND --remote-header-name - tool_operate: make --skip-existing work for --parallel - url: connection reuse on h3 connections - url: use same credentials on redirect - urlapi: normalize the IPv6 address - version: say quictls in MSH3 builds - vquic: fix compiler warning with gcc + MUSL - vquic: recv_mmsg, use fewer, but larger buffers - vtls: convert Curl_pin_peer_pubkey to use dynbuf - vtls: convert pubkey_pem_to_der to use dynbuf * Rebase curl-secure-getenv.patch ==== dolphin ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: dolphin-part dolphin-zsh-completion libdolphinvcs6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== eventviews ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6EventViews6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== expat ==== Version update (2.6.3 -> 2.6.4) Subpackages: libexpat1 - version update to 2.6.4 * Security fixes: [bsc#1232601] [#915] CVE-2024-50602 -- Fix crash within function XML_ResumeParser from a NULL pointer dereference by disallowing function XML_StopParser to (stop or) suspend an unstarted parser. A new error code XML_ERROR_NOT_STARTED was introduced to properly communicate this situation. // CWE-476 CWE-754 * Other changes: [#903] CMake: Add alias target "expat::expat" [#905] docs: Document use via CMake >=3.18 with FetchContent and SOURCE_SUBDIR and its consequences [#902] tests: Reduce use of global parser instance [#904] tests: Resolve duplicate handler [#317] #918 tests: Improve tests on doctype closing (ex CVE-2019-15903) [#914] Fix signedness of format strings [#919] #920 Version info bumped from 10:3:9 (libexpat*.so.1.9.3) to 11:0:10 (libexpat*.so.1.10.0); see for what these numbers do ==== ffmpegthumbs ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== file ==== Subpackages: file-magic libmagic1 - file-seccomp.patch: glibc uses getrandom in malloc, rseq and prctl in various other places, allow these syscalls in seccomp filter. ==== grantleetheme ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6GrantleeTheme6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== grub2 ==== Subpackages: grub2-arm64-efi grub2-common grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin - Fix previous change as the variable has to be set earlier * 0001-10_linux-Do-not-enable-BLSCFG-on-s390-emu.patch - Do not enable blscfg on s390-emu * 0001-10_linux-Do-not-enable-BLSCFG-on-s390-emu.patch - Fix xen package contains debug_info files with the .module suffix by moving them to a separate xen-debug subpackage (bsc#1232573) ==== gwenview ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== hwdata ==== Version update (0.384 -> 0.389) - update to 0.389: * Update pci and vendor ids - update to 0.385: * Update pci and vendor ids ==== ibus ==== Version update (1.5.30 -> 1.5.31) Subpackages: libibus-1_0-5 typelib-1_0-IBus-1_0 - Upstream update to 1.5.31 * Enhance CI for generic * Enhance CI for Wayland * Enhance compose keys * Update compose keys with latest Xorg and GTK * Use localectl to get current XKB in Wayland instead of setxkbmap * Update XKB engines * Update Unicode category * Change IBus unique name for security issue * Ignore Super modifier for compose keys for GNOME Wayland * Fix X11 application and game issues * Fix Emoji issues * Fix Flatpak issues * Fix preedit issues with m17n:sa:itrans * Code maintenance ==== incidenceeditor ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6IncidenceEditor6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kaccounts-integration ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libkaccounts6-2 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * Categorize logging * Abort gracefully when file to remove doesn't exist (kde#495344) * Avoid dangling reference in removeNetAttach ==== kaccounts-providers ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kaddressbook ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: kaddressbook-doc libKPim6AddressbookImportExport6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kalgebra ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kamera ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kanagram ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kapptemplate ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kate ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: kate-plugins - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * Fix sql copy/export is randomly ordered (kde#461419) * formatting: Listen to all process signals properly * KateViewSpace: Store session group name on save * Fix QString.arg calls * Add libffi8 needed by opensuse. * snapcraft: Fix ld-library-config. ==== kbruch ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kcachegrind ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * snapcraft: Release stable branch. ==== kcalc ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kcalutils ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6CalendarUtils6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kcharselect ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kcolorchooser ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kde-dev-utils ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kdeedu-data ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kdegraphics-mobipocket ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kdenetwork-filesharing ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kdepim-addons ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kdevelop ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: kdevplatform libkdevplatform60 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * MesonManager: remove test suites when a project is closing (kde#427157) * VcsEventLogModel: disconnect from log jobs when destroyed ==== kdialog ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kf6-attica ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Attica6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-baloo ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-baloo-file kf6-baloo-imports kf6-baloo-kioslaves kf6-baloo-tools libKF6Baloo6 libKF6Baloo6-lang libKF6BalooEngine6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * [excludeMimeTypes] Exclude model/obj and text/rust from content indexing * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-bluez-qt ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-bluez-qt-imports libKF6BluezQt6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 * Simplify PendingCallPrivate ==== kf6-breeze-icons ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6BreezeIcons6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add mimetype icons for text/x-typst * Monochromize not-explicitly-colorized symbolic folder icons (kde#494721) * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Unify common parts of index.theme for breeze and breeze-dark * Sync index.theme changes from breeze to breeze-dark (kde#494399) * Rename spinbox-* icons to value-* * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-frameworkintegration ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-frameworkintegration-plugin libKF6Style6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-karchive ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Archive6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Update version to 6.8.0 * [k7zip] Correctly handle pack sizes > INT_MAX ==== kf6-kauth ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kauth-lang libKF6AuthCore6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kbookmarks ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Bookmarks6 libKF6BookmarksWidgets6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Port to KStandardActions * Add missing include * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kcalendarcore ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Fix Duration's operator- accidentally adding instead of subtracting * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kcmutils ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kcmutils-imports libKF6KCMUtils6 libKF6KCMUtilsCore6 libKF6KCMUtilsQuick6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 * Fix compilation with Qt 6.9 (dev) ==== kf6-kcodecs ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Codecs6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add test for passing unknown codec to codecForName * Fix buffer overflow in Codec::codecForName * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kcolorscheme ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6ColorScheme6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Reset palette to default-constructed one when scheme is unset * Don't call activateSchemeInternal in init unless really needed * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kcompletion ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Completion6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add linux-qt6-static CI * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kconfig ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kconf_update6 kf6-kconfig-imports libKF6ConfigCore6 libKF6ConfigGui6 libKF6ConfigQml6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * kwindowconfig: If sizes are same as default, revert them to default when saving * Update version to 6.8.0 * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Correctly install QML module in a static build ==== kf6-kconfigwidgets ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6ConfigWidgets6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kcontacts ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Contacts6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Fix IM protocol resource data initialization in static builds * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kcoreaddons ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kcoreaddons-imports libKF6CoreAddons6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Make KJob::elapsedTime const * Fix absolute path generation into (not installed) header * KPluginMetaData: reduce string allocation * Update git blame ignore file * Reformat code with clang-format * Kjob: add elapsedTime() returns the ms the job ran * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Install QML module correctly when building statically * exportUrlsToPortal: use QScopeGuard::dismiss for the success code path * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kcrash ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Crash6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kdav ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6DAV6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kdbusaddons ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kdbusaddons-tools libKF6DBusAddons6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kdeclarative ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kdeclarative-imports libKF6CalendarEvents6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kded ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kdesu ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Su6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kdnssd ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kdoctools ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6DocTools6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Upload new file sq.xml * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kfilemetadata ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6FileMetaData3 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * UserMetadata: complete Windows implementation * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kglobalaccel ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6GlobalAccel6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add WITH_X11 option to re-enable X11 code after runtime cleanup * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kguiaddons ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6GuiAddons6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add namespace for Android as required by newer gradle versions * Update version to 6.8.0 * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Correctly install static QML modules ==== kf6-kholidays ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kholidays-imports libKF6Holidays6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Fix misunderstanding of All Saints Day in Swedish calendar * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-ki18n ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6I18n6 - Fix requires_eq call: it does not, and never did, work on virtual provides, only package names (in the past it was simply ignored, newly throws an error exposing those things). ==== kf6-kiconthemes ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kiconthemes-imports libKF6IconThemes6 libKF6IconWidgets6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Port to KStandardActions * Postpone spawning KColorSchemeManager instance * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Init mimeType icons on demand * Update version to 6.8.0 * Set up KColorSchemeManager on Android as well * Reduce temporary allocations ==== kf6-kidletime ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kidletime-plugins libKF6IdleTime6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kimageformats ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * TGA: Fixed GrayA image loading error * exr: Fix read/write with openexr 3.3 (kde#494571) * JXL improvements * Update version to 6.8.0 * JXR: Fixed image reading on sequential devices * Simplified read/verify header process ==== kf6-kio ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6KIO6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Too many changes since 6.7.0, only listing bugfixes: * http worker: handle dav[s] protocol (kde#365356) * KNewFileMenu: Prevent using home directory as template directory (kde#494679) * Preview: better clean after standard thumbnailer (kde#493274) * openurljob.cpp: Avoid opening files in endless loop if mimetype is set to open with xdg-open (kde#494335) * [KFilePlacesView] Improve automatic resize heuristic (kde#449544) * Clean up Properties dialog to follow HIG, improve UX, remove frames and fix padding regression (kde#484789) ==== kf6-kirigami ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kirigami-imports libKirigamiPlatform6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * TitleSubtitle: Don't explicit set renderType * Upper mound for overlaysheet width * SelectableLabel: fix a11y properties * Fix Kirigami Application (Qt6) template (kde#494478) * SelectableLabel: Use onPressedChanged * Reformat code with clang-format * Icon: Always respect the animated property (kde#466357) * Adjust tst_qicon for desktop theme * Fix loading desktop theme (kde#491294) * Fix presumable typos confusing background and foreground colors * Always print Theme file loading errors * SelectableLabel: override default padding values more completely (kde#495256) * Fix icon for positive state of InlineMessage * SelectableLabel: fix binding loop warning on cursorShape * ScrollablePage: Add properties to set if the scrollbars are interactive * SelectableLabel: use property alias instead of direct binding, expose more through aliases * Dialog: fix multiple binding loops (again) * Update version to 6.8.0 * make the close button actually close * layout: Reverse the stacking order of items inserted into ToolBarLayout * Modify SelectableLabel to use TextEdit instead * Cleanup and fix static QML module installation * Disable PageRow gesture on android * Make OverlaySheet look exactly like Dialog (kde#489357) * Top align icon in multiline InlineMessage ==== kf6-kitemmodels ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kitemmodels-imports libKF6ItemModels6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Install QML module correctly when building statically * Fix QML unit tests when building against a static Qt * Make unit tests independent of QtWidgets * Don't hardcode library type * Update version to 6.8.0 * kbihash: adapt to source incompatible change in Qt ==== kf6-kitemviews ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6ItemViews6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kjobwidgets ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6JobWidgets6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Hide arrowButton in KWidgetJobTracker on startup * Add dedicated WITH_X11 option to avoid automagic * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-knewstuff ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-knewstuff-imports libKF6NewStuffCore6 libKF6NewStuffWidgets6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * make sure the action's dialog closes (kde#492998) * put qnetworkreplys in a self-aborting unique_ptr * parent the xml loader's httpjob * filecopyworker: try to gracefully quit the thread. then terminate it * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-knotifications ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-knotifications-imports libKF6Notifications6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * typo-- * Add namespace for Android as required by newer gradle * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-knotifyconfig ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6NotifyConfig6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kpackage ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Package6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kparts ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Parts6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 * Define undeprecated Capabilities key in JSON metadata, define JSON schema, remove obsolete key ==== kf6-kplotting ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kpty ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Pty6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kquickcharts ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Correctly install static QML modules ==== kf6-krunner ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Runner6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kservice ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Service6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kstatusnotifieritem ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6StatusNotifierItem6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Fix absolute path generation in (not installed) header * typo-- * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-ksvg ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-ksvg-imports libKF6Svg6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-ktexteditor ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6TextEditor6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Vi mode: Don't infinite loop in searcher * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * remove unused var * fix ignores * less deprecated stuff used * Don't temporarily clear document URL during openUrl() * Only discard completion if the cursor was at the end of line * Update git blame ignore file * Reformat code with clang-format * Fix implicit conversion of Qt::Key in Qt 6.9 * Try to avoid unwanted completions * fix session restore of file type (kde#492201) * Make ViewPrivate::displayRangeChanged public * Set DocumentPrivate::m_reloading to false only if loading * Give a more proper name to the test * Fix multiblock range handling when unwrapping line (kde#494826) * Fix line removal not handled properly in KateTemplateHandler (kde#434093) * Update version to 6.8.0 * Inline blocksize into buffer * Improve MovingRangeTest::benchCheckValidity * Improve TextRange::checkValidity performance * do all testing in clean temp dirs * Add a swap file test * add benchmarks for moving stuff * Use std::vector for cursor storage * Allow disabling editorconfig (kde#471008) ==== kf6-ktexttemplate ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6TextTemplate6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Import i18n scripts from grantlee (kde#492237) * Fix "now" tag to allow single quoted strings * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-ktextwidgets ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Port to KStandardActions * Make implicit deps explicit * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kunitconversion ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6UnitConversion6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kuserfeedback ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kuserfeedback-imports kf6-kuserfeedback-lang libKF6UserFeedbackCore6 libKF6UserFeedbackWidgets6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kwallet ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kwallet-tools kwalletd6 libKF6Wallet6 libKF6WalletBackend6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Don't exclude deprecated functions from build (kde#493356) * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kwidgetsaddons ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6WidgetsAddons6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Fix time entry in locales with mixed-case AM/PM suffixes * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Don't use Oxygen style in KSeparator * Update version to 6.8.0 * KMessageWidget: Improve accessibility ==== kf6-kwindowsystem ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-kwindowsystem-imports libKF6WindowSystem6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-kxmlgui ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6XmlGui6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Fix window position not being restored (kde#493401) * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-modemmanager-qt ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6ModemManagerQt6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-networkmanager-qt ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-networkmanager-qt-imports libKF6NetworkManagerQt6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-prison ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-prison-imports libKF6Prison6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-purpose ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-purpose-services libKF6Purpose6 libKF6PurposeWidgets6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-qqc2-desktop-style ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * TextArea: Make placeholder wrap * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-solid ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-solid-tools libKF6Solid6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Restore MediaChanged handling for Audio CDs * Support reproducible builds by omitting host paths in bison/yacc outputs * [udisks] Don't add/remove devices in slotMediaChanged * Port implicit QByteArray, QChar and QString conversions in iokit * Drop unfinished Power API * fstabwatcher: use libmount monitor on Linux * fstabhandling: use libmount in Linux * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-sonnet ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-sonnet-imports libKF6SonnetCore6 libKF6SonnetUi6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add linux-qt6-static CI * Remove ASPELL runtime dependency from plugin building check * Provide SONNET_NO_BACKENDS option to deactivate build failures with no backends * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-syndication ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libKF6Syndication6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Add CI for static builds on Linux * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-syntax-highlighting ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: kf6-syntax-highlighting-imports libKF6SyntaxHighlighting6 - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * State: Fix inconsistent linkage warning on Windows * better contrast for search highlighting (kde#494599) * odin: Add escape character to strings * update * add comments * Add TLA+ syntax highlighting * init * move try to cflow_begin * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kf6-threadweaver ==== Version update (6.7.0 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 6.7.0: * Update dependency version to 6.8.0 * Update version to 6.8.0 ==== kgeography ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * snapcraft: Release stable branch. ==== khangman ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * snapcraft: Release stable branch. ==== khelpcenter ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kidentitymanagement ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: kidentitymanagement-lang libKPim6IdentityManagementCore6 libKPim6IdentityManagementWidgets6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kig ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kimap ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6IMAP6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kio-extras ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libkioarchive6-6 trash_kcm - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * thumbnail: image plugin add webp support * audiothumbnail and imagethumbnail: Mention supported mimetypes explicitly ==== kio_audiocd ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kiten ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kitinerary ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6Itinerary6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * Add extractor for Thai state railway tickets * Handle date format of NS RCT2 ticket barcodes * Add extractor script * Add VietJet Air extractor script * Add Spanish language plain text extraction patterns for * Sync OSM data types from KOSMIndoorMap * Make Renfe barcode trigger pattern more strict (kde#494613) * Extract passenger names from Renfe tickets when present * Make Renfe extractor script more robust (kde#494617) * Update Agoda extractor to handle confirmation mails in Spanish ==== kldap ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6LdapCore6 libKPim6LdapWidgets6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kleopatra ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * Fix crash on non-kwin wayland compositors (kde#488090) * Do not create RevokersWidget when gpgme is too old (kde#492829) ==== kmag ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kmahjongg ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * snapcraft: Release stable branch. ==== kmail ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: kmail-application-icons ktnef - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kmail-account-wizard ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kmailtransport ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6MailTransport6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kmbox ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6Mbox6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kmime ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6Mime6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kmines ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kmousetool ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kmplot ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * snapcraft: Release stable branch, ==== kompare ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== konsole ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: konsole-part konsole-part-lang konsole-zsh-completion - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * Fix OSC 4 past colorTable and apply the check to OSC 104 ==== kontact ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kontactinterface ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6KontactInterface6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== konversation ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== korganizer ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kpat ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kpimtextedit ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6TextEdit6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kpkpass ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6PkPass6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kqtquickcharts ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kreversi ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== ksanecore ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== ksmtp ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6SMTP6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== ksudoku ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== ktnef ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: ktnef-debug-categories libKPim6Tnef6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== ktouch ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kwalletmanager ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== kwordquiz ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libXcursor ==== Version update (1.2.2 -> 1.2.3) - Update to version 1.2.3 * Change all *LoadImage(..., size) APIs to always return a cursor with the requested size. * Remove unnecessary MIN calls * build-fix * fix compiler warnings * improve manpage formatting * trim redundant code from the resize-calls * add new property "resized" and environment "XCURSOR_RESIZED" * add getter/setter for "resized" property * restore behavior of image-loading, provide resizing via internal function * provide internal variants of existing functions to pass "resized" parameter * use resized-parameter where available when loading images * add/use _XcursorLibraryLoadImages to pass resized-parameter when loading * add debug-logging for file.c, to help with analysis * add traces for library.c and xlib.c, also another internal function for dpy * document the new XCURSOR_RESIZED environment variable and resource "resized" * document/tidy the new set/get functions * changes will suggest new release * ensure ncomment and nimage values are positive * add debug-trace for the configuration information * fix overlooked compiler-warning * reduce the message-check to ignore the over-long one * amend per merge_requests/22#note_2642034 * amend per merge_requests/22#note_2642042 * Ignore invalid cursor files ==== libgravatar ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6Gravatar6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libheif ==== Version update (1.19.1 -> 1.19.2) Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-loader-libheif libheif-aom libheif-dav1d libheif-ffmpeg libheif-jpeg libheif-openjpeg libheif-rav1e libheif-svtenc libheif1 - update to 1.19.2: * fix DLL symbol export for non MSVC-compilers on Windows * fix running the unit tests from the build directory when building with plugins * switch to catch2 testing framework. We can now check for prerequisites at runtime and skip tests accordingly - Remove patch that is no longer needed - only-run-test-when-HEVC-encoder-available.patch ==== libkcddb-qt6 ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKCddb5 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libkcompactdisc-qt6 ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKCompactDisc6-5 libkcompactdisc-lang - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libkdcraw-qt6 ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKDcrawQt6-5 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libkdegames ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libKDEGames6 libkdegames-imports - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libkdepim ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6Libkdepim6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libkeduvocdocument ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libkexiv2-qt6 ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKExiv2Qt6-0 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libkgapi6 ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6GAPICalendar6 libKPim6GAPICore6 libKPim6GAPIPeople6 libKPim6GAPITasks6 libkgapi6-lang libkgapi6-sasl2-kdexoauth2 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libkleo ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6libkleo6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * Watch the keyboxd database file for changes ==== libkmahjongg ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKMahjongg6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libkomparediff2 ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libksane ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKSaneWidgets6 libksane-icons libksane-lang - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libksieve ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libksieve6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== libnice ==== Version update (0.1.21 -> 0.1.22) Subpackages: gstreamer-libnice libnice10 - Update to version 0.1.22: + API: Make nice_address_is_local() available to applications + Make padding be all zeros to conform to RFC8489 + Fix interface listing on Android + Include TURN sockets in the list from nice_agent_get_sockets() + Set consent refresh timeout in line with RFC 7675 + Fix ifr_ifindex build with cland and OpenBSD - Drop 4b63250c.patch: Fixed upstream. - Rebase patch with quilt. ==== libselinux ==== Subpackages: libselinux1 selinux-tools - Drop check_runlevel from selinux-ready script and remove restorecond from check_packages as we don't require it to be selinux-ready. ==== libwebp ==== Subpackages: libsharpyuv0 libwebp7 libwebpdemux2 libwebpmux3 - switch to cmake based build as other packages now require the cmake finders ==== llvm19 ==== Version update (18.1.8 -> 19.1.3) Subpackages: clang-tools libclang13 - Update to version 19.1.3. * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 19.1.0 release. This release is API and ABI compatible with 19.1.0. - Rebase patches: * llvm-do-not-install-static-libraries.patch * llvm-suse-implicit-gnu.patch - Patch llvm-fix-build-failure-on-ppc64le.patch landed upstream. - Update llvm19.keyring from upstream. - Update to version 19.1.2. * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 19.1.0 release. This release is API and ABI compatible with 19.1.0. - Rebase llvm-do-not-install-static-libraries.patch. - Update to version 19.1.1. * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 19.1.0 release. This release is API and ABI compatible with 19.1.0. - Rebase llvm-do-not-install-static-libraries.patch. - Update to version 19.1.0. * For details, see the release notes: - - - - - * New LLVM tool: reduce-chunk-list to help find bugs using debug counters. See the Programmer's Manual for usage. * New Clang tools: clang-installapi for Apple-related package management, clang-nvlink-wrapper as a wrapper around `nvlink`. - No longer include OpenMP offload libraries. - Rebase patches: * clang-fix-openmp-test.patch * libcxx-test-library-path.patch * llvm-do-not-install-static-libraries.patch * llvm_build_tablegen_component_as_shared_library.patch - Remove obsolete patches: * lld-default-sha1.patch because upstream switched to sha1. * llvm-remove-clang-only-flags.patch because warning flags are no longer autodetected. * openmp-dont-run-gpu-arch.patch because we're excluding the offload project for now. - Add llvm-fix-build-failure-on-ppc64le.patch to fix ppc64le build. - Require Python 3.11 on Leap because we need Python >= 3.8 now. ==== lokalize ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * PO Summit wraps within <...> * Add craft windows CD ==== mailcommon ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6MailCommon6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== mailimporter ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6MailImporter6 libKPim6MailImporterAkonadi6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== markdownpart ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== mbox-importer ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== messagelib ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * fix(messagelist): refresh 'Today' and 'Yesterday' reference point every day ==== mimetreeparser ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6MimeTreeParserCore6 libKPim6MimeTreeParserWidgets6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== okular ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== open-isns ==== Version update (0.102 -> 0.103+2.296d533bd52a) - Update to version 0.103+2.296d533bd52a: * Cleanup build system: remove aclocal directory * Preparing for version 0.103 * Testing: update testing system * Update the git ignore list for meson * Remove old stale TODO item * Update HACKING file with memory debuging update * Disable broken memory debugging * Remove last remnants of the old Make/configure bulid system * Testing: remove deprecated perl testing code * isnsadm: more memleaks in error handling paths * isnsadm: free simp in list_objects * isnsadm: free qry in error paths * rebuild_proxy_list: free proxy on error * isns_get_address: free addrinfo on error * isns_msg_complete: msg_buf resource leak * register_exported_objects: move call definition insize loop * rebuild_proxy_list: move def inside loop to make lifetime clear to static checkers * refresh_registration: resource leak * isns_create_getnnext_response: resource leak * db mkdir: leak of strdup memory * libisns: fix print_size overrun * isns_proxy_free: fix free call on strdup string * logging: fix segfault on an underflow with an input string of all newlines * Fix the bug in compare value * Quiet a commpiler warning. - Removed pach (no longer needed in new version): * Quiet-a-commpiler-warning.patch ==== openSUSE-release ==== Version update (20241107 -> 20241111) Subpackages: openSUSE-release-appliance-custom openSUSE-release-dvd - automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen ==== parley ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== perl-Mail-SPF ==== - fix conflict with spfd daemon in libspf2 ==== pim-data-exporter ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== pim-sieve-editor ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== pimcommon ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) Subpackages: libKPim6PimCommon6 libKPim6PimCommonAkonadi6 - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== python-Pillow ==== Version update (10.4.0 -> 11.0.0) - Update to * Update licence to MIT-CMU #8460 [hugovk] * Conditionally define ImageCms type hint to avoid requiring core #8197 [radarhere] * Support writing LONG8 offsets in AppendingTiffWriter #8417 [radarhere] * Use ImageFile.MAXBLOCK when saving TIFF images #8461 [radarhere] * Do not close provided file handles with libtiff when saving #8458 [radarhere] * Support ImageFilter.BuiltinFilter for I;16* images #8438 [radarhere] * Use ImagingCore.ptr instead of #8341 [homm, radarhere, hugovk] * Updated EPS mode when opening images without transparency #8281 [Yay295, radarhere] * Use transparency when combining P frames from APNGs #8443 [radarhere] * Support all resampling filters when resizing I;16* images #8422 [radarhere] * Free memory on early return #8413 [radarhere] * Cast int before potentially exceeding INT_MAX #8402 [radarhere] * Check image value before use #8400 [radarhere] * Improved copying imagequant libraries #8420 [radarhere] * Use Capsule for WebP saving #8386 [homm, radarhere] * Fixed writing multiple StripOffsets to TIFF #8317 [Yay295, radarhere] * Fix dereference before checking for NULL in ImagingTransformAffine #8398 [PavlNekrasov] * Use transposed size after opening for TIFF images #8390 [radarhere, homm] * Improve ImageFont error messages #8338 [yngvem, radarhere, hugovk] * Mention MAX_TEXT_CHUNK limit in PNG error message #8391 [radarhere] * Cast Dib handle to int #8385 [radarhere] * Accept float stroke widths #8369 [radarhere] * Deprecate ICNS (width, height, scale) sizes in favour of load(scale) #8352 [radarhere] * Improved handling of RGBA palettes when saving GIF images #8366 [radarhere] * Deprecate isImageType #8364 [radarhere] * Support converting more modes to LAB by converting to RGBA first #8358 [radarhere] * Deprecate support for FreeType 2.9.0 #8356 [hugovk, radarhere] * Removed unused TiffImagePlugin IFD_LEGACY_API #8355 [radarhere] * Handle duplicate EXIF header #8350 [zakajd, radarhere] * Return early from BoxBlur if either width or height is zero #8347 [radarhere] * Check text is either string or bytes #8308 [radarhere] * Added writing XMP bytes to JPEG #8286 [radarhere] * Support JPEG2000 RGBA palettes #8256 [radarhere] * Expand C image to match GIF frame image size #8237 [radarhere] * Allow saving I;16 images as PPM #8231 [radarhere] * When IFD is missing, connect get_ifd() dictionary to Exif #8230 [radarhere] * Skip truncated ICO mask if LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES is enabled #8180 [radarhere] * Treat unknown JPEG2000 colorspace as unspecified #8343 [radarhere] * Updated error message when saving WebP with invalid width or height #8322 [radarhere, hugovk] * Remove warning if NumPy failed to raise an error during conversion #8326 [radarhere] * If left and right sides meet in ImageDraw.rounded_rectangle(), do not draw rectangle to fill gap #8304 [radarhere] * Remove WebP support without anim, mux/demux, and with buggy alpha #8213 [homm, radarhere] * Add missing TIFF CMYK;16B reader #8298 [homm] * Remove all WITH_* flags from _imaging.c and other flags #8211 [homm] * Improve ImageDraw2 shape methods #8265 [radarhere] * Lock around usages of imaging memory arenas #8238 [lysnikolaou] * Deprecate JpegImageFile huffman_ac and huffman_dc #8274 [radarhere] * Deprecate ImageMath lambda_eval and unsafe_eval options argument #8242 [radarhere] * Changed ContainerIO to subclass IO #8240 ... changelog too long, skipping 12 lines ... [hugovk, radarhere] ==== python-certifi ==== - Make the test suite working just with the standard library. ==== python-cryptography ==== - Fix requires_eq replacement for distributions which do not have python3-cffi installed (such as SLE15 python module pythons) * gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#185 - Remove outdated section in description ==== qt6-declarative ==== Subpackages: libQt6LabsAnimation6 libQt6LabsFolderListModel6 libQt6LabsPlatform6 libQt6LabsQmlModels6 libQt6LabsSettings6 libQt6LabsSharedImage6 libQt6LabsWavefrontMesh6 libQt6Qml6 libQt6QmlCore6 libQt6QmlLocalStorage6 libQt6QmlMeta6 libQt6QmlModels6 libQt6QmlNetwork6 libQt6QmlWorkerScript6 libQt6QmlXmlListModel6 libQt6Quick6 libQt6QuickControls2-6 libQt6QuickControls2Impl6 libQt6QuickDialogs2-6 libQt6QuickDialogs2QuickImpl6 libQt6QuickDialogs2Utils6 libQt6QuickEffects6 libQt6QuickLayouts6 libQt6QuickParticles6 libQt6QuickShapes6 libQt6QuickTemplates2-6 libQt6QuickTest6 libQt6QuickVectorImage6 libQt6QuickWidgets6 qt6-declarative-imports - Add patch (pending upstream) to fix properties getting GC'd: (QTBUG-128789, kde#494804) * 0001-WIP-speculative-gc-fix.patch ==== qt6-wayland ==== Subpackages: libQt6WaylandClient6 libQt6WaylandCompositor6 libQt6WaylandEglClientHwIntegration6 libQt6WaylandEglCompositorHwIntegration6 libQt6WlShellIntegration6 - Add 0001-fix-crash-issue.patch fix crash when attach differ shellsurface to the same shellsurfaceitem (boo#1233141) ==== rebootmgr ==== Version update (2.4+git20240524.30e5383 -> 2.6+git20241108.fc0c103) - Add compatibility symlink for rebootmgrctl to sbin - Update to version 2.6+git20241108.fc0c103: * Fix installation of .so man pages * Rework manpage generation * Switch from to meson * Document that timezones are not supported * Release version 2.5 ==== signon-kwallet-extension ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== skanlite ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * Make flatpak CI Qt6 ==== spectacle ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 24.08.2: * work around bugged qmlcachegen (kde#494281) * Fix negative animation duration without capture on click support (kde#495216) * AnnotationViewport: fix stretching odd sized images * Revert "Make screenshots with scales multiplied or divided by integers look sharper in AnnotationViewport" ==== step ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== svgpart ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== u-boot-rpiarm64 ==== Subpackages: u-boot-rpiarm64-doc Patch queue updated from tumbleweed-2024.10 * Patches added: 0019-scripts-dtc-pylibfdt-libfdt.i_shipp.patch ==== umbrello ==== Version update (24.08.2 -> 24.08.3) - Update to 24.08.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 24.08.2 ==== update-bootloader ==== Version update (1.18 -> 1.19) - merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#183 - adjust tests - update test results - 1.19 - merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#182 - Use sdbootutil to set default entry - User sdbootutil to install a new kernel - Set default entry and add a new kernel via sdbootutil ==== xf86-video-nouveau ==== Version update (1.0.17 -> 1.0.18) - update to 1.0.18 * Build xz tarballs instead of bzip2 * Update Sun license notices to current X.Org standard form * gitlab CI: add a basic build test * gitlab CI: stop requiring Signed-off-by in commits * gitlab CI: ensure libtool is installed in build container * nouveau: fixup driver for new X server ABI * bump minimal xorg version to 1.18 * drop check for xorg_list_init() * drop compat for ancient server versions * drop obsolete check for HAS_DIXREGISTERPRIVATEKEY * drop compat with ancient ABI_VIDEODRV_VERSION < 20 * use XNFalloc() instead of xnfalloc * use XNFcallocarray() instead of xnfcalloc macro * use dixDestroyPixmap() instead of direct driver call * remove sarea.h usage * Fix implicit declaration of wfbScreenInit * nouveau: Rename functions that has origin from modesetting * nouveau: fixup driver for new X server ABI * nouveau: Remove consider_disabled from nouveau_pick_best_crtc * nouveau: Use randr_crtc_covering_drawable used in modesetting * nouveau: use modesetting randr_crtc_covering_drawable implementation * nouveau: Implement nouveau_pick_best_crtc using rr_crtc_covering_box - supersedes U_nouveau-fixup-driver-for-new-X-server-ABI.patch ==== xfce4-branding-openSUSE ==== Version update (4.18.0+git5.88e05bf -> 4.18.0+git6.02f3c99) Subpackages: libgarcon-branding-openSUSE libxfce4ui-branding-openSUSE thunar-volman-branding-openSUSE xfce4-notifyd-branding-openSUSE xfce4-panel-branding-openSUSE xfce4-power-manager-branding-openSUSE xfce4-session-branding-openSUSE xfce4-settings-branding-openSUSE xfdesktop-branding-openSUSE xfwm4-branding-openSUSE - Update to version 4.18.0+git6.02f3c99: * Added symlinks for wallpapers in Leap 15.6 ==== xfce4-weather-plugin ==== Version update (0.11.2 -> 0.11.3) Subpackages: xfce4-weather-plugin-lang - Update to 0.11.3 * Use subdomain for * Avoid calling libsoup callbacks when dialogs are destroyed * weather-config: Fix memory leak on GtkBuilder * scan-build: Add false positive file * scan-build: Fix core.uninitialized.Branch * scan-build: Fix deadcode.DeadStores * scan-build: core.NullDereference * icon: Apply translate logic to get_symbol_name * build: Use XDT_VERSION_INIT and get rid of * weather-config: Fix memory management of source * I18n: Update po/LINGUAS list * build: Drop intltool requirements * Translation Updates - Refresh 0001-relax-json-c-version.patch ==== xorg-x11-driver-video ==== - remove requires to xf86-video-fbdev, which has been dropped for TW - small cleanup (remove stuff for sle12) ==== xrandr ==== Version update (1.5.2 -> 1.5.3) - Update to version 1.5.3 * set_gamma_info: remove unnecessary round-trip to server * Reworked transform fix from Arsalan Awan * xrandr: Print/consume the CTM prop in human readable form ==== yast2-bootloader ==== Version update (5.0.11 -> 5.0.12) - Sync warning text from s390 secure boot to be identical in installation proposal and on running system (bsc#1219989) - 5.0.12 ==== yast2-network ==== Version update (5.0.3 -> 5.0.4) - Try to assign default global routes to an specific connection when possible (bsc#1232531). - 5.0.4