Please note that this mail was generated by a script.
The described changes are computed based on the aarch64 DVD.
The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.

Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading:

Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug
on For more information on filing bugs please

Packages changed:
  apache2-mod_php8 (8.3.12 -> 8.3.13)
  bluedevil6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  breeze6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  breeze6-gtk (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  discover6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  distribution-logos-openSUSE (20240429 -> 20241022)
  drkonqi6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  flatpak-kcm6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  gawk (5.3.0 -> 5.3.1)
  gpg2 (2.4.5 -> 2.5.1)
  kactivitymanagerd6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kde-cli-tools6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kde-gtk-config6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kdecoration6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kdeplasma6-addons (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kernel-source (6.11.3 -> 6.11.5)
  kgamma6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kglobalacceld6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kinfocenter6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kmenuedit6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kpipewire6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kscreen6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kscreenlocker6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  ksshaskpass6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  ksystemstats6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kwayland-integration6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kwayland6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  kwin6 ( -> 6.2.2)
  kwrited6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  layer-shell-qt6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  libkscreen6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  libksysguard6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  libplasma6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  mailutils (3.16 -> 3.17)
  milou6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda (555.42.06_k6.11.3_2 -> 
  ocean-sound-theme6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  openSUSE-release (20241023 -> 20241027)
  orca (47.0 -> 47.1)
  pam (1.6.1 -> 1.7.0)
  pam-full-src (1.6.1 -> 1.7.0)
  pam_kwallet6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  php8 (8.3.12 -> 8.3.13)
  pipewire (1.2.5 -> 1.2.6)
  plasma5support6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-activities (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-activities-stats (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-browser-integration (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-desktop (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-disks (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-integration (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-nm (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-pa (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-print-manager (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-systemmonitor (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-thunderbolt (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  plasma6-workspace ( -> 6.2.2)
  polkit-kde-agent-6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  powerdevil6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  pulseaudio-qt6 (1.6.0 -> 1.6.1)
  python-gevent (24.2.1 -> 24.10.3)
  python-gssapi (1.8.3 -> 1.9.0)
  python-idna (3.8 -> 3.10)
  python-immutables (0.20 -> 0.21)
  qqc2-breeze-style6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  rubygem-ruby-augeas (0.5.0 -> 0.6.0)
  sddm-kcm6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  systemsettings6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  usbutils (017 -> 018)
  util-linux (2.40.1 -> 2.40.2)
  util-linux-systemd (2.40.1 -> 2.40.2)
  wacomtablet-kcm6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  wicked (0.6.76 -> 0.6.77)
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde6 (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
  zenity (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3)

=== Details ===

==== apache2-mod_php8 ====
Version update (8.3.12 -> 8.3.13)

- version update to 8.3.13
    Fixed GH-16240: jdtounix overflow on argument value.
    Fixed GH-16241: easter_days/easter_date overflow on year argument.
    Fixed GH-16263: jddayofweek overflow.
    Fixed GH-16234: jewishtojd overflow.
    Fixed bug GH-16137: duplicate http headers when set several times by the 
    Fixed bug GH-16054 (Segmentation fault when resizing hash table iterator 
list while adding).
    Fixed bug GH-15905 (Assertion failure for TRACK_VARS_SERVER).
    Fixed bug GH-15907 (Failed assertion when promoting Serialize deprecation 
to exception).
    Fixed bug GH-15851 (Segfault when printing backtrace during cleanup of 
nested generator frame).
    Fixed bug GH-15866 (Core dumped in Zend/zend_generators.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16188 (Assertion failure in Zend/zend_exceptions.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16233 (Observer segfault when calling user function in 
internal function via trampoline).
    Fixed bug GH-16039 (Segmentation fault (access null pointer) in 
    Fixed bug GH-16149 (Null pointer dereference in 
    Fixed bug GH-16151 (Assertion failure in ext/dom/parentnode/tree.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16150 (Use after free in php_dom.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16152 (Memory leak in DOMProcessingInstruction/DOMDocument).
    Fixed bug GH-15168 (stack overflow in json_encode()).
    Fixed bug GH-16232 (bitshift overflow on wbmp file content reading / fix 
backport from upstream).
    Fixed bug GH-12264 (overflow/underflow on imagerotate degrees value) (David 
    Fixed bug GH-16274 (imagescale underflow on RBG channels / fix backport 
from upstream).
    Fixed bug GH-16032 (Various NULL pointer dereferencements in 
    Fixed bug GH-16101 (Segfault in ldap_list(), ldap_read(), and ldap_search() 
when LDAPs array is not a list).
    Fix GH-16132 (php_ldap_do_modify() attempts to free pointer not allocated 
by ZMM.).
    Fix GH-16136 (Memory leak in php_ldap_do_modify() when entry is not a 
proper dictionary).
    Fixed bug GH-16261 (Reference invariant broken in mb_convert_variables()).
    Fixed stub for openssl_csr_new.
    Fixed bug GH-16189 (underflow on offset argument).
    Fixed bug GH-16184 (UBSan address overflowed in ext/pcre/php_pcre.c).
    Fixed bug GH-15901 (phpdbg: Assertion failure on i funcs).
    Fixed bug GH-16181 (phpdbg: exit in exception handler reports fatal error).
    Fixed bug GH-16187 (Assertion failure in ext/reflection/php_reflection.c).
    Fixed bug GH-15395 (php-fpm: zend_mm_heap corrupted with cgi-fcgi request).
    Fixed bug GH-15837 (Segmentation fault in ext/simplexml/simplexml.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16267 (socket_strerror overflow on errno argument).
    Fixed bug #73182 (PHP SOAPClient does not support stream context HTTP 
headers in array form).
    Fixed bug #62900 (Wrong namespace on xsd import error message).
    Fixed bug GH-15711 (SoapClient can't convert BackedEnum to scalar value).
    Fixed bug GH-16237 (Segmentation fault when cloning SoapServer).
    Fix Soap leaking http_msg on error.
    Fixed bug GH-16256 (Assertion failure in ext/soap/php_encoding.c:460).
    Fixed bug GH-16259 (Soap segfault when classmap instantiation fails).
    Fixed bug GH-15918 (Assertion failure in ext/spl/spl_fixedarray.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16053 (Assertion failure in Zend/zend_hash.c).
    Fixed bug GH-15169 (stack overflow when var serialization in 
    Fixed bugs GH-15908 and GH-15026 (leak / assertion failure in streams.c).
    Fixed bug GH-15980 (Signed integer overflow in main/streams/streams.c).
    Prevent closing of unrelated handles.

==== bluedevil6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== branding-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: grub2-branding-openSUSE libreoffice-branding-openSUSE 
plymouth-branding-openSUSE wallpaper-branding-openSUSE 

- The wallpapers-openSUSE-extra complete the distribution wallpaper
  collection starting by Leap 16.0. We want the latest on TW too.
  * Suggest wallpapers-openSUSE-extra on Leap 16+ and TW
  * Expectation is to have 5/6 wallpapers alltogether.
  * Might be skipped from LIVE
- Unified 4096x4096 TW wallpaper for Tumbleweed
  * Graphics from @hellcp. Many thanks for all the work!
  * Resolves TW part of gh#openSUSE/branding#135
  * Covers both dark and light variant.
  * Use single 4096x4096 file as mentioned in gh#openSUSE/branding#161
  * Use the dark 800x600 also for the back.png.
  * Use default.png instead of default-light.png to maximize compatability.
  * Stop using static/dynamic xml files.
  * Drop resolution-specific .desktop files.
  they're useless now when we have single default.png
  and default-dark.png. Entry in
  /usr/share/gnome-background-properties is enough.
  * Generate a compat symlink 1920x1200.png used by SLES/cockpit,
  XFce, and KDE.

==== breeze6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: breeze6-cursors breeze6-decoration breeze6-style

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== breeze6-gtk ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze6 gtk3-metatheme-breeze6 
gtk4-metatheme-breeze6 metatheme-breeze6-common

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== discover6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: discover6-backend-flatpak discover6-backend-fwupd 
discover6-backend-packagekit discover6-notifier

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== distribution-logos-openSUSE ====
Version update (20240429 -> 20241022)
Subpackages: distribution-logos-openSUSE-Aeon 
distribution-logos-openSUSE-Tumbleweed distribution-logos-openSUSE-icons

- Update to version 20241022:
  * TW: rename highcolor back to hicolor
- Update to version 20241017:
  * Add new Tumbleweed logos
  * Increade horizontal padding for light-inline
  * Make square-symbolic edge to edge
  * Optimize PNGs
  * Make favicon multisize
  * Optimize SVGs
  * Narrow down light-inline
  * Resize square-symbolix to 16x16
  * Resize symbolic icon to 16x16

==== drkonqi6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * kwallet: set folder explicitly
  * update version for new release

==== flatpak-kcm6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- No code changes since 6.2.1

==== gawk ====
Version update (5.3.0 -> 5.3.1)

- update to 5.3.1:
  * More subtle issues related to uninitialized array elements
    have been fixed.
  * A number of bugs in the debugger related to handling of
    arrays have been fixed.
  * Some subtle bugs in the API have been fixed.
  * Use of MPFR is now possible again on 32-bit Power PC Mac
  * Race conditions around broken pipes for system() and read
    and write pipes should now be closed off.
  * Support for OSF/1 has been removed.
  * The never-documented --nostalgia option has been removed.
    It was causing bug reports.
  * The implementation of printf/sprintf has been thoroughly
    reworked in order to make the code more maintainable and to
    fix a goodly number of corner cases.

==== glib2-branding-openSUSE ====

- Align default wallpaper and screensaver urls with new light and dark
  theme wallpaper for Tumbleweed gh#openSUSE/branding#154
  and gh#openSUSE/branding#160
- openSUSE no longer uses static/dynamic xml.
  See issue gh#openSUSE/branding#161
- Use zoom instead of streched with 4096x4096 unified wallpaper

==== gpg2 ====
Version update (2.4.5 -> 2.5.1)
Subpackages: dirmngr

- Update to 2.5.1:
  * gpg: The support for composite Kyber+ECC public key algorithms
    does now use the final FIPS-203 and LibrePGP specifications. The
    experimental keys from 2.5.0 are no longer supported. [T6815]
  * gpg: New commands --add-recipients and --change-recipients. [T1825]
  * gpg: New option --proc-all-sigs. [T7261]
  * gpg: Fix a regression in 2.5.0 in gpgme's tests. [T7195]
  * gpg: Make --no-literal work again for -c and --store. [T5852]
  * gpg: Improve detection of input data read errors. [T6528]
  * gpg: Fix getting key by IPGP record (rfc-4398). [T7288]
  * gpgsm: New option --assert-signer. [T7286]
  * gpgsm: More improvements to PKCS#12 parsing to cope with latest
    IVBB changes. [T7213]
  * agent: Fix KEYTOCARD command when used with a loopback pinentry. [T7283]
  * gpg-mail-tube: Make sure GNUPGHOME is set in vsd mode.  New option
  - -as-attach. [rG4511997e9e1b]
  * Now uses the process spawn API from libgpg-error. [T7192,T7194]
  * Removed the --enable-gpg-is-gpg2 configure time option.
  * Rebase patches:
  - gnupg-add_legacy_FIPS_mode_option.patch
  - gnupg-revert-rfc4880bis.patch
  - gnupg-nobetasuffix.patch

==== gpgme ====
Subpackages: libgpgme11 libgpgmepp6

- add python313.patch to enable python 3.13 building

==== gpgmeqt6 ====

- add python313.patch to enable python 3.13 building

==== gstreamer-plugins-good ====
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-good-gtk

- Drop pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) and pkgconfig(libsoup-gnome-2.4)
  BuildRequires: Build soup plugin linking only to libsoup-3.0.

==== kactivitymanagerd6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kbd ====

- Enable libkfont
- Rename libkeymap-devel to just kbd-devel (the recommendation is
  to reuse the SRPM base name)
- Fix subpackage names and their dependencies.
- Add missing ldconfig scriptlets.
- Build libkeymap and create additional subpackages.

==== kde-cli-tools6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kde-gtk-config6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: kde-gtk-config6-gtk3

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kdecoration6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: libkdecorations2-6 libkdecorations2private11

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kdeplasma6-addons ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kernel-source ====
Version update (6.11.3 -> 6.11.5)

- Linux 6.11.5 (bsc#1012628).
- btrfs: fix uninitialized pointer free in add_inode_ref()
- btrfs: fix uninitialized pointer free on read_alloc_one_name()
  error (bsc#1012628).
- ksmbd: fix user-after-free from session log off (bsc#1012628).
- ALSA: scarlett2: Add error check after retrieving PEQ filter
  values (bsc#1012628).
- ALSA: hda/conexant - Fix audio routing for HP EliteOne 1000 G2
- mptcp: pm: fix UaF read in mptcp_pm_nl_rm_addr_or_subflow
- net: enetc: remove xdp_drops statistic from enetc_xdp_drop()
- net: enetc: block concurrent XDP transmissions during ring
  reconfiguration (bsc#1012628).
- net: enetc: disable Tx BD rings after they are empty
- net: enetc: disable NAPI after all rings are disabled
- net: enetc: add missing static descriptor and inline keyword
- posix-clock: Fix missing timespec64 check in pc_clock_settime()
- udp: Compute L4 checksum as usual when not segmenting the skb
- arm64: dts: marvell: cn9130-sr-som: fix cp0 mdio pin numbers
- arm64: probes: Remove broken LDR (literal) uprobe support
- arm64: probes: Fix simulate_ldr*_literal() (bsc#1012628).
- arm64: probes: Fix uprobes for big-endian kernels (bsc#1012628).
- net: macb: Avoid 20s boot delay by skipping MDIO bus
  registration for fixed-link PHY (bsc#1012628).
- net: microchip: vcap api: Fix memory leaks in
  vcap_api_encode_rule_test() (bsc#1012628).
- selftests: mptcp: join: test for prohibited MPC to port-based
  endp (bsc#1012628).
- maple_tree: correct tree corruption on spanning store
- nilfs2: propagate directory read errors from nilfs_find_entry()
- fat: fix uninitialized variable (bsc#1012628).
- selftests/mm: replace atomic_bool with pthread_barrier_t
- selftests/mm: fix deadlock for fork after pthread_create on ARM
- mm/mremap: fix move_normal_pmd/retract_page_tables race
- mm: khugepaged: fix the arguments order in
  khugepaged_collapse_file trace point (bsc#1012628).
- mm/mglru: only clear kswapd_failures if reclaimable
- mm/swapfile: skip HugeTLB pages for unuse_vma (bsc#1012628).
- mm/damon/tests/sysfs-kunit.h: fix memory leak in
  damon_sysfs_test_add_targets() (bsc#1012628).
- tcp: fix mptcp DSS corruption due to large pmtu xmit
- net: fec: Move `fec_ptp_read()` to the top of the file
- net: fec: Remove duplicated code (bsc#1012628).
- mptcp: prevent MPC handshake on port-based signal endpoints
- iommu/vt-d: Fix incorrect pci_for_each_dma_alias() for non-PCI
  devices (bsc#1012628).
- s390/sclp: Deactivate sclp after all its users (bsc#1012628).
- s390/sclp_vt220: Convert newlines to CRLF instead of LFCR
- KVM: s390: gaccess: Check if guest address is in memslot
- KVM: s390: Change virtual to physical address access in diag
  0x258 handler (bsc#1012628).
- x86/cpufeatures: Define X86_FEATURE_AMD_IBPB_RET (bsc#1012628).
- x86/cpufeatures: Add a IBPB_NO_RET BUG flag (bsc#1012628).
- x86/entry: Have entry_ibpb() invalidate return predictions
- x86/bugs: Skip RSB fill at VMEXIT (bsc#1012628).
- x86/bugs: Do not use UNTRAIN_RET with IBPB on entry
- fgraph: Use CPU hotplug mechanism to initialize idle shadow
  stacks (bsc#1012628).
- Input: xpad - add support for 8BitDo Ultimate 2C Wireless
  Controller (bsc#1012628).
- blk-rq-qos: fix crash on rq_qos_wait vs. rq_qos_wake_function
  race (bsc#1012628).
- io_uring/sqpoll: close race on waiting for sqring entries
- blk-mq: setup queue ->tag_set before initializing hctx
- ublk: don't allow user copy for unprivileged device
- io_uring/sqpoll: ensure task state is TASK_RUNNING when running
  task_work (bsc#1012628).
- selftest: hid: add the missing tests directory (bsc#1012628).
- Input: xpad - add support for MSI Claw A1M (bsc#1012628).
- scsi: mpi3mr: Validate SAS port assignments (bsc#1012628).
- scsi: ufs: core: Set SDEV_OFFLINE when UFS is shut down
- scsi: ufs: core: Fix the issue of ICU failure (bsc#1012628).
    ... changelog too long, skipping 507 lines ...
- commit f22376e

==== kgamma6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kglobalacceld6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: libKGlobalAccelD6-0

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kinfocenter6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kmenuedit6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kpipewire6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: kpipewire6-imports libKPipeWire6 libKPipeWireDmaBuf6 

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kscreen6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kscreenlocker6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: libKScreenLocker6

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== ksshaskpass6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== ksystemstats6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kwayland-integration6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kwayland6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: libKWaylandClient6

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== kwin6 ====
Version update ( -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: kwin6-x11 libkwin6

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since
  * update version for new release
  * backends/drm: leave all outputs disabled by default, including VR headsets 
  * cmake: fix build with KWIN_BUILD_X11_BACKEND
  * cmake: don't try to build kwin_x11 when KWIN_BUILD_X11_BACKEND is turned off
  * ci: Switch to Qt 6.8
  * Initialize KCrash for kwin_x11 too
  * backends/drm: don't allow tearing until the cursor plane is disabled 
  * core: make sure we don't call a null buffer
  * Revert "temporarily revert version number for respin"
  * effect: Make opengl context current in OffscreenEffect::unredirect() and 
  * backends/drm: check for the output being active before setting legacy gamma
  * Avoid creating Unmanaged for reparented window

==== kwrited6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== layer-shell-qt6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: libLayerShellQtInterface6

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== less ====

- Change preprocessor dependencies from Requires to Recommends. It's disabled by
  default and they are not necessary for less.

==== libcryptui ====
Subpackages: libcryptui-data libcryptui0 seahorse-daemon

- Add GnuPG 2.5.x to the list of supported GnuPG versions.

==== libkscreen6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: libKF6Screen8 libKF6ScreenDpms8 libkscreen6-plugin

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== libksysguard6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: ksysguardsystemstats6-data libKSysGuardSystemStats2 
libksysguard6-imports libksysguard6-plugins

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== libplasma6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: libPlasma6 libplasma6-components libplasma6-desktoptheme

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== mailutils ====
Version update (3.16 -> 3.17)
Subpackages: libmailutils9

- Add patch MALLOC_PERTURB_.patch
  * Fix memory pool handling which otherwise cause failing
    mimeview due missing mime types due set MALLOC_PERTURB_
    environment variable
- Update to mailutils 3.17:
  * Use of TLS in pop3d and imap4d
    If not explicitly specified, the TLS mode to use (ondemand, connect,
    etc.) is derived from the configured port.  E.g., for imap4d, port 143
    implies ondemand mode, and port 993 implies connection mode.
    The global tls-mode setting is used only when the mode cannot be
    detemined otherwise, i.e. neither per-server tls-mode is given nor
    the port gives any clues as to the TLS mode to use.
  * Bugfixes
  + movemail: fix handling of -P option.
  + pop3d, imap4d: fix global timeout and transcript configuration statements
  + pop3d, imap4d: global tls-mode is used only when the mode to use cannot
    be determined otherwise.
  + pop3d, imap4d: if not set explicitly, derive tls mode from the port used.
  + Improve file safety checking routine.
  + Fix compilation with new gcc versions.
- There is no mu-mailx ... only a mailx from package mailx

==== milou6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda ====
Version update (555.42.06_k6.11.3_2 -> 560.35.03_k6.11.5_1)

- Update to 550.127.05 (boo#1232057)
  * Fixed a bug which could cause applications using GBM to crash
    when running with nvidia-drm.modeset=0.
- cuda-flavor
  provide also nvidia-open-driver-G06-kmp-$flavor = %version to
  workaround broken cuda-drivers

==== ocean-sound-theme6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== openSUSE-release ====
Version update (20241023 -> 20241027)
Subpackages: openSUSE-release-appliance-custom openSUSE-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== orca ====
Version update (47.0 -> 47.1)

- Update to version 47.1:
  + LibreOffice: Fix bug causing navigation in Calc sheets to not
    be presented.
  + Web:
  - Fix presentation of heading role in Google docs.
  - Fix bug in presenting link ancestors
  - Fix several chattiness issues.
  + General:
  - Fix bug causing Orca's help window to not be displayed.
  - Make string-redundancy check slightly more conservative so
    that descriptions are not incorrectly filtered out.
  + Updated translations.

==== pam ====
Version update (1.6.1 -> 1.7.0)

- Update to version 1.7.0
  - build: changed build system from autotools to meson.
  - libpam_misc: use ECHOCTL in the terminal input
  - pam_access: support UID and GID in access.conf
  - pam_env: install environment file in vendordir if vendordir is enabled
  - pam_issue: only count class user if logind support is enabled
  - pam_limits: use systemd-logind instead of utmp if logind support is enabled
  - pam_unix: compare password hashes in constant time
  - Multiple minor bug fixes, build fixes, portability fixes,
    documentation improvements, and translation updates.
- Drop upstream patches:
  - pam-bsc1194818-cursor-escape.patch
  - pam_limits-systemd.patch
  - pam_issue-systemd.patch

==== pam-full-src ====
Version update (1.6.1 -> 1.7.0)
Subpackages: pam-extra pam-manpages

- Update to version 1.7.0
  - build: changed build system from autotools to meson.
  - libpam_misc: use ECHOCTL in the terminal input
  - pam_access: support UID and GID in access.conf
  - pam_env: install environment file in vendordir if vendordir is enabled
  - pam_issue: only count class user if logind support is enabled
  - pam_limits: use systemd-logind instead of utmp if logind support is enabled
  - pam_unix: compare password hashes in constant time
  - Multiple minor bug fixes, build fixes, portability fixes,
    documentation improvements, and translation updates.
- Drop upstream patches:
  - pam-bsc1194818-cursor-escape.patch
  - pam_limits-systemd.patch
  - pam_issue-systemd.patch

==== pam_kwallet6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: pam_kwallet6-common

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== patterns-base ====
Subpackages: patterns-base-apparmor patterns-base-base patterns-base-basesystem 
patterns-base-basic_desktop patterns-base-console patterns-base-enhanced_base 
patterns-base-minimal_base patterns-base-selinux patterns-base-sw_management 
patterns-base-transactional_base patterns-base-x11 patterns-base-x11_enhanced

- Remove openssl 1.0 related fips dependencies: openssl 1.0 is EOL
  and removed from Factory.

==== php8 ====
Version update (8.3.12 -> 8.3.13)
Subpackages: php8-ctype php8-dom php8-iconv php8-openssl php8-pdo php8-sqlite 
php8-tokenizer php8-xmlreader php8-xmlwriter

- version update to 8.3.13
    Fixed GH-16240: jdtounix overflow on argument value.
    Fixed GH-16241: easter_days/easter_date overflow on year argument.
    Fixed GH-16263: jddayofweek overflow.
    Fixed GH-16234: jewishtojd overflow.
    Fixed bug GH-16137: duplicate http headers when set several times by the 
    Fixed bug GH-16054 (Segmentation fault when resizing hash table iterator 
list while adding).
    Fixed bug GH-15905 (Assertion failure for TRACK_VARS_SERVER).
    Fixed bug GH-15907 (Failed assertion when promoting Serialize deprecation 
to exception).
    Fixed bug GH-15851 (Segfault when printing backtrace during cleanup of 
nested generator frame).
    Fixed bug GH-15866 (Core dumped in Zend/zend_generators.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16188 (Assertion failure in Zend/zend_exceptions.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16233 (Observer segfault when calling user function in 
internal function via trampoline).
    Fixed bug GH-16039 (Segmentation fault (access null pointer) in 
    Fixed bug GH-16149 (Null pointer dereference in 
    Fixed bug GH-16151 (Assertion failure in ext/dom/parentnode/tree.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16150 (Use after free in php_dom.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16152 (Memory leak in DOMProcessingInstruction/DOMDocument).
    Fixed bug GH-15168 (stack overflow in json_encode()).
    Fixed bug GH-16232 (bitshift overflow on wbmp file content reading / fix 
backport from upstream).
    Fixed bug GH-12264 (overflow/underflow on imagerotate degrees value) (David 
    Fixed bug GH-16274 (imagescale underflow on RBG channels / fix backport 
from upstream).
    Fixed bug GH-16032 (Various NULL pointer dereferencements in 
    Fixed bug GH-16101 (Segfault in ldap_list(), ldap_read(), and ldap_search() 
when LDAPs array is not a list).
    Fix GH-16132 (php_ldap_do_modify() attempts to free pointer not allocated 
by ZMM.).
    Fix GH-16136 (Memory leak in php_ldap_do_modify() when entry is not a 
proper dictionary).
    Fixed bug GH-16261 (Reference invariant broken in mb_convert_variables()).
    Fixed stub for openssl_csr_new.
    Fixed bug GH-16189 (underflow on offset argument).
    Fixed bug GH-16184 (UBSan address overflowed in ext/pcre/php_pcre.c).
    Fixed bug GH-15901 (phpdbg: Assertion failure on i funcs).
    Fixed bug GH-16181 (phpdbg: exit in exception handler reports fatal error).
    Fixed bug GH-16187 (Assertion failure in ext/reflection/php_reflection.c).
    Fixed bug GH-15395 (php-fpm: zend_mm_heap corrupted with cgi-fcgi request).
    Fixed bug GH-15837 (Segmentation fault in ext/simplexml/simplexml.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16267 (socket_strerror overflow on errno argument).
    Fixed bug #73182 (PHP SOAPClient does not support stream context HTTP 
headers in array form).
    Fixed bug #62900 (Wrong namespace on xsd import error message).
    Fixed bug GH-15711 (SoapClient can't convert BackedEnum to scalar value).
    Fixed bug GH-16237 (Segmentation fault when cloning SoapServer).
    Fix Soap leaking http_msg on error.
    Fixed bug GH-16256 (Assertion failure in ext/soap/php_encoding.c:460).
    Fixed bug GH-16259 (Soap segfault when classmap instantiation fails).
    Fixed bug GH-15918 (Assertion failure in ext/spl/spl_fixedarray.c).
    Fixed bug GH-16053 (Assertion failure in Zend/zend_hash.c).
    Fixed bug GH-15169 (stack overflow when var serialization in 
    Fixed bugs GH-15908 and GH-15026 (leak / assertion failure in streams.c).
    Fixed bug GH-15980 (Signed integer overflow in main/streams/streams.c).
    Prevent closing of unrelated handles.

==== pipewire ====
Version update (1.2.5 -> 1.2.6)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugin-pipewire libpipewire-0_3-0 pipewire-alsa 
pipewire-jack pipewire-libjack-0_3 pipewire-modules-0_3 pipewire-pulseaudio 
pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2 pipewire-spa-tools pipewire-tools

- Update to version 1.2.6:
  + Highlights
  - The filter-chain param changes were not aggregated correctly,
    causing some param changes to be ignored. (#4331)
  - Clear the JACK io ports correctly when stopping to avoid
    crashes. (#4337)
  - Some more small fixes and improvements.
  + PipeWire
  - Stream states are now updated based on the underlying node
  - Exported nodes now have their state change done synchronously
    so that the server can immediately start the driver and avoid
    some initial xruns.
  - Improve stream flush handling and improve the docs.
  - Don't send mix_info to destroyed ports to avoid some errors
    in the JACK clients.
  + Modules
  - The filter-chain param changes were not aggregated correctly,
    causing some param changes to be ignored. (#4331)
  - The filter-chain now correctly optimizes unlinked nodes in
    all cases.
  + SPA
  - ALSA PCM node properties are now no longer overwritten with
    card properties. (#4135)
  - Increase the adapter retry count to avoid xruns in some
    cases. (#4334)
  - Fix potential crash in cleanup of ALSA nodes.
  + Bluetooth
  - Fix a crash with broadcast sinks.
  - Improve compatibility with Phonak hearing aids.
  - Don't exit when DBus goes down.
  + JACK
  - Clear the io ports correctly when stopping to avoid crashes.
  + Docs
  - Backport docs from master.
- Drop patches already included in upstream:
  * 0001-bluez5-fix-crash-with-broadcast-sinks.patch
  * 0002-jack-actually-clear-the-mix-io.patch

==== plasma5support6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: libPlasma5Support6

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-activities ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: libPlasmaActivities6 plasma6-activities-imports

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-activities-stats ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: libPlasmaActivitiesStats1

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-browser-integration ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-desktop ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: plasma6-desktop-emojier

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release
  * Foldermodel: Save item positions when any item gets renamed
  * FolderView: Ignore file-related clicks if rename editor is open and is 
clicked (kde#494558)
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-disks ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-integration ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-nm ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: plasma6-nm-openconnect plasma6-nm-openvpn plasma6-nm-pptp 

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: plasma6-branding-openSUSE plasma6-sddm-theme-openSUSE 

- Update to 6.2.2
- Remove sddmtheme.diff patch and replace it with sed so it can
  find out an available wallpaper from a list and use it since
  Leap 16.0 doesn't have a 1920x1080.png wallpaper.

==== plasma6-pa ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release
  * fix text display for auto_null device (kde#494324)
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-print-manager ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-systemmonitor ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-thunderbolt ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- No code changes since 6.2.1

==== plasma6-workspace ====
Version update ( -> 6.2.2)
Subpackages: plasma6-session plasma6-session-x11 plasma6-workspace-libs 

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since
  * update version for new release
  * shell: disable incremental gc until QTBUG-129241 is resolved
  * applets/devicenotifier: ensure udi is not dangling to fix crash
  * applets/devicemonitor: document when formating a device is removed and 
added back immediately
  * Revert "temporarily revert version number for respin"
  * klipper: Avoid creating lots of native windows in settings dialog 

==== polkit-kde-agent-6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== powerdevil6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== protobuf-c ====

- Modified patch:
  * 711.patch
    + Drop a hunk that was creating problems when the protoc-c
    was called directly and not just as a plugin to protoc
- Added patch:
  * 711.patch
    + Backport the changes from the pull request #711 fixing
    build with protobuf 26.0+

==== pulseaudio-qt6 ====
Version update (1.6.0 -> 1.6.1)

- Update to 1.6.1:
  * context: put event role string into a constexpr
  * context: fix the event streamrestore index
  * context: always synthesize an event streamrestore
  * debug volume setting
  * add extreme verbosity category for object management
  * context: correctly initialize try count
  * context: init all pointers
  * Disconnect items' signals on context destructor
  * Bump version to 1.6.1

==== python-gevent ====
Version update (24.2.1 -> 24.10.3)

- Update to 24.10.3
  * Fix clearing stack frames on Python 3.13. This is invoked when you
    fork after having used the thread pool.
  * Distribute manylinux2014 wheels for x86_64.
  * Stop switching to the hub in the after fork hook in a child process.
    This could lead to strange behaviour, and is different than what all
    other versions of Python do.
- from version 24.10.2
  * Workaround a Cython bug compiling on GCC14.
- Drop gh-2031-cython-workaround.patch, merged upstream
- Update to 24.10.1
  * Update the bundled c-ares to 1.33.1.
  * Add support for Python 3.13.
  - The functions and classes in ``gevent.subprocess`` no longer accept
    ``stdout=STDOUT`` and raise a ``ValueError``.
    Several additions and changes to the ``queue`` module, including:
  - ``Queue.shutdown`` is available on all versions of Python.
  - ``LifoQueue`` is now a joinable queue.
  * gevent.monkey changed from a module to a package. The public API
    remains the same.
    For this release, private APIs (undocumented, marked internal, or
    beginning with an underscore) are also preserved. However, these may
    be changed or removed at any time in the future. If you are using one
    of these APIs and cannot replace it, please contact the gevent team.
  * For platforms that don't have ``socketpair``, upgrade our fallback
    code to avoid a security issue.
    See :issue:`2048`.
  * Remove support for Python 3.8, which has reached the end of its
    support lifecycle.
    See :issue:`remove_py38`.
- Drop gh-113964-fix-tests-3.12.3.patch, fixed upstream
- Renumber patches

==== python-gssapi ====
Version update (1.8.3 -> 1.9.0)

- Update to 1.9.0
  * Bump Python 3.13 test version

==== python-idna ====
Version update (3.8 -> 3.10)

- Update to 3.10
  * Reverted to Unicode 15.1.0 data. Unicode 16 has some significant changes
    to UTS46 processing that will require more work to properly implement.
- from version 3.9
  * Update to Unicode 16.0.0
  * Deprecate setup.cfg in favour of pyproject.toml
  * Use ruff for code formatting

==== python-immutables ====
Version update (0.20 -> 0.21)

- update to 0.21:
  * Drop typing_extensions dependency
  * Replace `_PyLong_Format` with `PyNumber_ToBase`

==== python-numpy ====

- Build with latest gcc for Leap 16.0

==== python-requests ====

- Switch to pyproject macros.

==== qqc2-breeze-style6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== qt6-declarative ====
Subpackages: libQt6LabsAnimation6 libQt6LabsFolderListModel6 
libQt6LabsPlatform6 libQt6LabsQmlModels6 libQt6LabsSettings6 
libQt6LabsSharedImage6 libQt6LabsWavefrontMesh6 libQt6Qml6 libQt6QmlCore6 
libQt6QmlLocalStorage6 libQt6QmlMeta6 libQt6QmlModels6 libQt6QmlNetwork6 
libQt6QmlWorkerScript6 libQt6QmlXmlListModel6 libQt6Quick6 
libQt6QuickControls2-6 libQt6QuickControls2Impl6 libQt6QuickDialogs2-6 
libQt6QuickDialogs2QuickImpl6 libQt6QuickDialogs2Utils6 libQt6QuickEffects6 
libQt6QuickLayouts6 libQt6QuickParticles6 libQt6QuickShapes6 
libQt6QuickTemplates2-6 libQt6QuickTest6 libQt6QuickVectorImage6 
libQt6QuickWidgets6 qt6-declarative-imports

- Add upstream changes:
  * 0001-QQuickItemView-fix-crash-with-zero-size-SwipeView-th.patch
    (QTBUG-129622, kde#493854)
  * 0001-QQuickAccessibleAttached-Let-implicit-names-work-whe.patch

==== restorecond ====

- Fix issue where inotify events are not being handled properly
  * added: 1231512-Set-GLib-IO-channels-to-binary-mode.patch
- Fix issue where restorecond -u is not terminating with SIGTERM (bsc#1231512)
  * added: 1231512-Set-GLib-IO-channels-to-nonblocking.patch

==== rng-tools ====

- Enable build on risc64

==== rubygem-ruby-augeas ====
Version update (0.5.0 -> 0.6.0)

- Update to version 0.6.0 which includes mostly distribution patches
- remove arity-fix.patch as it is included in new release
- remove COPYING.patch as it is included in new release

==== sddm-kcm6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * Fix autologin session value
  * Resolve and de-duplicate theme paths (kde#482484)
  * update version for new release
- Refresh 0001-Support-default.session-symlink.patch

==== subversion ====
Subpackages: libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring-1-0 libsvn_auth_kwallet-1-0 
subversion-bash-completion subversion-perl

- Fix build with Swig 4.3.0 (boo#1231590)
  * subversion-1.14.4-swig-4.3.0-swig-py.patch
  * subversion-1.14.4-swig-4.3.0-swig-rb.patch

==== systemsettings6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release
  * SettingsBase: Make sure we save window state on quit or geometryChange 
  * update version for new release

==== u-boot-rpiarm64 ====
Subpackages: u-boot-rpiarm64-doc

- Add support for orangepi-3b-rk3566

==== usbutils ====
Version update (017 -> 018)

- Update to version 018:
  * Add a manpage for
  * Add a manpage for usbreset
  * usb-devices: fix bashism
  * man: remove version from the manual pages
  * README: add Contributing section
  * mention both usb.ids paths
  * README: fix link, add DCO and SPDX details
  * lsusb: make internal API const-aware
  * lsusb: const annotate most data,
    re-enable -Wdiscarded-qualifiers
  * man: move manual pages in designated sub-folder
  * lsusb: drop the audioterminal hash table
  * lsusb: drop the videoterminal hash table
  * lsusb: drop the genericstrtable hash tables
  * editorconfig: add initial config file
  * lsusb: reformat and add trailing commas for multi-line arrays
  * usb-spec: move the opening curly brackets to end of line
  * Include "negotiated speed" in device dump
  * lsusb: remove autotools checks for iconv
  * lsusb: remove byteswap.h check
  * lsusb: always include config.h
  * usbutils: remove usbutils.pc
  * usbutils: convert build system to use meson
  * usbutils.spdx: update file based on recent file movements
  * lsusb: fix memory leak in libusb
  * lsusb: billboard alternate mode is in little endian format
  * README: update based on build tool changes
  * lsusb: add support to show superspeed++
  * usbhid-dump: clean up a bit
  * usbutils.spdx: update the SPDX file
  * LICENSE: add LGPL-2.1 license text
  * usbutils.spdx: update the data
  * update usbutils.spdx file
  * lsusb-t: get rid of custom list.h logic
  * LICENSES: add CC0 and MIT licenses
  * lsusb-t: fix memory leak
  * justfile: add some more targets
  * usbutils.spdx: update based on file additions
  * usbutils.spdx: update due to new file and checksums
  * usbreset: replace some unbounded strcpy() calls
  * sysfs.c: fix an theoretical issue with snprintf()
  * usbutils.spdx: update checksums
  * usbmisc: fix possible stack-buffer-overflow Running lsusb
    with -D argument and path, which len is more than PATH_MAX + 1,
    cause stack-buffer-overflow because of copy to the buf a string
    without null-terminator Force setting 0 byte to the end of the
    buf fixes this error Fix #190
  * update ccid descriptor dumping to V1.1 spec
  * usb-devices: Fix usb-devices with busybox
  * Do not warn about missing LPM bit when not required
  * lsusb: add VideoControl Endpoint Descriptor
- Switch to meson build system
- Drop usbutils-devel package
  * the only file in there was usbutils.pc
    usbutils.pc was removed by upstream with v018
- Add patch:
  * usbutils-enable-usbreset.patch

==== util-linux ====
Version update (2.40.1 -> 2.40.2)
Subpackages: libblkid1 libfdisk1 libmount1 libsmartcols1 libuuid1

- Disable mountfd API again.
- Update to version 2.40.2:
  * cfdisk: fix possible integer overflow
  * libmount: improving robustness in reading kernel messages,
    add pidfs to pseudo fs list
  * lscpu: New Arm Cortex part numbers
  * lsfd: Refactor the pidfd logic, support pidfs
  * mkswap.8.adoc: update note regarding swapfile creation
  * setpgid: make -f work
  * Many other fixes, improvements and code cleanup. For the
    complete list see
- Enable kernel mountfd API, as it should be already stable
- Move autoreconf back to %build.
- Add devel dependencies.
- Remove util-linux-rpmlintrc. It is no more needed with multibuild.

==== util-linux-systemd ====
Version update (2.40.1 -> 2.40.2)
Subpackages: lastlog2 liblastlog2-2

- Disable mountfd API again.
- Update to version 2.40.2:
  * cfdisk: fix possible integer overflow
  * libmount: improving robustness in reading kernel messages,
    add pidfs to pseudo fs list
  * lscpu: New Arm Cortex part numbers
  * lsfd: Refactor the pidfd logic, support pidfs
  * mkswap.8.adoc: update note regarding swapfile creation
  * setpgid: make -f work
  * Many other fixes, improvements and code cleanup. For the
    complete list see
- Enable kernel mountfd API, as it should be already stable
- Move autoreconf back to %build.
- Add devel dependencies.
- Remove util-linux-rpmlintrc. It is no more needed with multibuild.

==== wacomtablet-kcm6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== wicked ====
Version update (0.6.76 -> 0.6.77)
Subpackages: wicked-service

- Update to version 0.6.77
  - compat-suse: use iftype in sysctl handling (bsc#1230911, 
  - Always generate the ipv4/ipv6 <enabled>true|false</enabled> node
  - Inherit all, default and interface sysctl settings also for loopback,
    except for use_tempaddr and accept_dad.
  - Consider only interface specific accept_redirects sysctl settings.
  - Adopt ifsysctl(5) manual page with wicked specific behavior.
  - route: fix family and destination processing (bsc#1231060)
  - man: improve wicked-config(5) file description (gh#openSUSE/wicked#1039)
  - dhcp4: add ignore-rfc3927-1-6 wicked-config(5) option (jsc#PED-10855, 
  - team: set arp link watcher interval default to 1s (gh#openSUSE/wicked#1037)
  - systemd: use `BindsTo=dbus.service` in favor of `Requisite=` (bsc#1229745)
  - compat-suse: fix use of deprecated `INTERFACETYPE=dummy` (boo#1229555)
  - arp: don't set target broadcast hardware address (gh#openSUSE/wicked#1036)
  - dbus: don't memcpy empty/NULL array value (gh#openSUSE/wicked#1035)
  - ethtool: fix leak and free pause data in ethtool_free 
- Removed patches included in the source archive:
  [- 0001-compat-suse-repair-dummy-interfaces-boo-1229555.patch]
  [- 0002-systemd-use-Bindsto-in-favor-of-Requisite-bsc-1229745.patch]

==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde6 ====
Version update (6.2.1 -> 6.2.2)

- Update to 6.2.2:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.2.1:
  * update version for new release

==== zenity ====
Version update (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3)

- Update to version 4.0.3:
  + progress:
  - Support markup on label update STDIN
  - Properly setup custom ok/cancel labels
  + color: Properly support custom ok/cancel labels
  + test: Add test for custom ok/cancel buttons
  + Updated translations.

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