Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the aarch64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.
Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug on For more information on filing bugs please see Packages changed: openSUSE-release (20241016 -> 20241017) qt6-base (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-declarative (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-imageformats (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-multimedia (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-networkauth (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-positioning (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-qt5compat (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-quick3d (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-quicktimeline (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-sensors (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-shadertools (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-speech (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-svg (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-tools (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-translations (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-virtualkeyboard (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-wayland (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-webchannel (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-webengine (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) qt6-webview (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) systemd (256.6 -> 256.7) yast2-installation (5.0.12 -> 5.0.14) === Details === ==== openSUSE-release ==== Version update (20241016 -> 20241017) Subpackages: openSUSE-release-appliance-custom openSUSE-release-dvd - automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen ==== qt6-base ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6Concurrent6 libQt6Core6 libQt6DBus6 libQt6Gui6 libQt6Network6 libQt6OpenGL6 libQt6OpenGLWidgets6 libQt6PrintSupport6 libQt6Sql6 libQt6Test6 libQt6Widgets6 libQt6Xml6 qt6-network-tls qt6-networkinformation-glib qt6-networkinformation-nm qt6-platformtheme-gtk3 qt6-printsupport-cups qt6-sql-mysql qt6-sql-sqlite - Update to 6.8.0: * - Add upstream change (needed for kde 493116's bugfix): * 0001-QAbstractItemModelPrivate-add-resetting-member.patch - Drop patch, merged upstream: * 0001-Revert-xcb-handle-XI2-input-button-and-motion-events.patch ==== qt6-declarative ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6LabsAnimation6 libQt6LabsFolderListModel6 libQt6LabsQmlModels6 libQt6LabsSettings6 libQt6LabsSharedImage6 libQt6LabsWavefrontMesh6 libQt6Qml6 libQt6QmlCore6 libQt6QmlLocalStorage6 libQt6QmlModels6 libQt6QmlNetwork6 libQt6QmlWorkerScript6 libQt6QmlXmlListModel6 libQt6Quick6 libQt6QuickControls2-6 libQt6QuickControls2Impl6 libQt6QuickDialogs2-6 libQt6QuickDialogs2QuickImpl6 libQt6QuickDialogs2Utils6 libQt6QuickEffects6 libQt6QuickLayouts6 libQt6QuickParticles6 libQt6QuickShapes6 libQt6QuickTemplates2-6 libQt6QuickTest6 libQt6QuickWidgets6 qt6-declarative-imports - Update memory constraints for s390x and use %limit_build - Update disk constraints - Add upstream change to fix compilation failures (kde#494281, QTBUG-129797) * 0001-Compiler-Wrap-raw-string-literals-in-QStringLiteral-.patch - Update to 6.8.0: * - Add upstream changes: * 0001-Revert-QQmlDelegateModel-fix-delegates-not-being-cre.patch * 0002-QQmlDelegateModel-fix-delegates-not-being-created-in.patch (kde#493116, QTBUG-127340) - Merge some -devel and -private-devel packages that only have private API. ==== qt6-imageformats ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-multimedia ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6Multimedia6 libQt6MultimediaQuick6 libQt6MultimediaWidgets6 libQt6Quick3DSpatialAudio6 libQt6SpatialAudio6 qt6-multimedia-imports - Update to 6.8.0: * - Add patch to fix build on x86: * 0001-Fix-build-on-x86-arch.patch - Add patch to use system Eigen headers * 0001-Build-with-system-eigen-3.patch ==== qt6-networkauth ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-positioning ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6Positioning6 libQt6PositioningQuick6 qt6-positioning-imports - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-qt5compat ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6Core5Compat6 qt6-qt5compat-imports - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-quick3d ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6Quick3D6 libQt6Quick3DAssetImport6 libQt6Quick3DAssetUtils6 libQt6Quick3DEffects6 libQt6Quick3DHelpers6 libQt6Quick3DHelpersImpl6 libQt6Quick3DParticleEffects6 libQt6Quick3DParticles6 libQt6Quick3DRuntimeRender6 libQt6Quick3DUtils6 qt6-quick3d-imports - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-quicktimeline ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-sensors ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6Sensors6 - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-shadertools ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-speech ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6TextToSpeech6 qt6-texttospeech - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-svg ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6Svg6 libQt6SvgWidgets6 - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-tools ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6Designer6 libQt6Help6 libQt6UiTools6 qt6-tools-qdbus - Update to 6.8.0: * - Drop patch, no longer needed: * fix-llvm19-build.patch ==== qt6-translations ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-virtualkeyboard ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6HunspellInputMethod6 libQt6VirtualKeyboard6 qt6-virtualkeyboard-imports - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-wayland ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6WaylandClient6 libQt6WaylandCompositor6 libQt6WaylandEglClientHwIntegration6 libQt6WaylandEglCompositorHwIntegration6 libQt6WlShellIntegration6 - Update to 6.8.0: * - Rebase 0001-update-wayland_xml-to-version-1_23_0.patch ==== qt6-webchannel ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6WebChannel6 libQt6WebChannelQuick6 qt6-webchannel-imports - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== qt6-webengine ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) Subpackages: libQt6WebEngineCore6 libQt6WebEngineQuick6 libQt6WebEngineWidgets6 qt6-webengine-imports - Add patch to avoid a build failure on ARM (QTBUG-129985): * QtWebEngine_6.8_skip_xnnpack.patch - Update to 6.8.0: * - Drop patch: * qtwebengine-ffmpeg-7.patch ==== qt6-webview ==== Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0) - Update to 6.8.0: * ==== systemd ==== Version update (256.6 -> 256.7) Subpackages: libsystemd0 libudev1 systemd-container udev - Import commit c7671762b39ead7f8f9e70064256f5efaccedeca (merge of v256.7) For a complete list of changes, visit: - Clean up some remnants from when homed was in the experimental sub-package (bsc#1231048) ==== yast2-installation ==== Version update (5.0.12 -> 5.0.14) - Fix for previous change which contain typo in class name causing crash in microos installer (gh#yast/yast-installation#1126) - 5.0.14 - Move microos system role dialog from yast2-caasp here to be able to drop yast2-caasp (gh#yast/yast-caasp#49) - 5.0.13