On 25.03.24 03:04, Guillaume Gardet wrote:

Please note that this mail was generated by a script.
The described changes are computed based on the aarch64 DVD.
The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.

Hi Guillaume,

is it possible that kernel-obs-build is broken on this snapshot? (Maybe also in a previous one, I think the armv7 builds did not progress lately, but I had no time to investigate).

I get this on Packman Buildservice's arm workers:

[   15s] Detected virtio-serial support
[   15s] QEMU 7.1.0 detected: Skipping iothreads because of bsc#1204082
[   18s] booting kvm...
[   18s] ### VM INTERACTION START ###
[   18s] Using virtio-serial support
[ 18s] /usr/bin/qemu-system-aarch64 -nodefaults -no-reboot -nographic -vga none -cpu host -enable-kvm -M virt,accel=kvm,usb=off,gic-versio n=host -sandbox on -object rng-random,filename=/dev/hwrng,id=rng0 -device virtio-rng-device,rng=rng0 -runas qemu -net none -kernel /var/cach e/obs/worker/root_2/.mount/boot/kernel -initrd /var/cache/obs/worker/root_2/.mount/boot/initrd -append root=/dev/disk/by-id/virtio-0 rootfst ype=ext4 rootflags=noatime kvmclock mitigations=off elevator=noop nmi_watchdog=0 rw rd.driver.pre=binfmt_misc oops=panic panic=1 quiet conso le=hvc0 init=/.build/build -m 1750 -drive file=/var/cache/obs/worker/root_2/root,format=raw,if=none,id=disk,cache=unsafe,aio=io_uring -devic e virtio-blk-device,drive=disk,serial=0 -drive file=/var/cache/obs/worker/root_2/swap,format=raw,if=none,id=swap,cache=unsafe,aio=io_uring - device virtio-blk-device,drive=swap,serial=1 -device virtio-serial,max_ports=2 -device virtconsole,chardev=virtiocon0 -chardev stdio,id=virt iocon0 -chardev socket,id=monitor,server=on,wait=off,path=/var/cache/obs/worker/root_2/root.qemu/monitor -mon chardev=monitor,mode=readline
-smp 3
[   21s] [FAILED] Failed to start Virtual Console Setup.
[ 23s] [ 3.467099] dracut-pre-udev[294]: sh: line 1: /usr/lib/module-init-tools/unblacklist: No such file or directory
[   26s] [FAILED] Failed to start Virtual Console Setup.
[   26s] [FAILED] Failed to start Switch Root.
[   27s]
[   27s] Generating "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt"
[   27s]
[   27s]
[   27s] Entering emergency mode. Exit the shell to continue.
[   27s] Type "journalctl" to view system logs.
[ 27s] You might want to save "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt" to a USB stick or /boot
[   27s] after mounting them and attach it to a bug report.
[   27s]
[   27s]
[   27s] Press Enter for maintenance

Unfortunately I have no ready set up aarch64 machine ready to to a "osc build --vm-type=kvm ..." to debug this locally.

Maybe it is also something with the PMBS setup, but I cannot see what that might be :-(

Best regards,
Stefan Seyfried

"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over
 public relations, for nature cannot be fooled." -- Richard Feynman

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