Hi Friend,
I have an offer to make you.
And if you take me up on this offer... I think it will permanently change your life for the better. Which I realize is a big claim. But I think you'll understand why I stand by it, after you read this 'background' story...
Several years ago I launched my Inner Circle private coaching group. I gathered together 12 people who wanted to be mentored by me... and we all met together every week, and I taught them how to build and quickly scale a personal brand.
Within a few months of launching the group... all 12 of those protégés experienced outstanding success: bestselling books, paid speaking engagements, video courses, successful coaching programs, and more leads and sales than they knew what to do with.
At which point they began begging me to make the circle bigger.
They wanted to invite their friends and family members.
And have these loved ones experience the same life alterations they were experiencing.
But for about a year I resisted. Because?
I was in retirement mode, just doing a little ministry on the side with these 12 proteges, or so I thought...
However, I soon felt the strong nudging of the Holy Spirit to equip more Christian leaders. And at that point I conceded. And opened up the doors to my Inner Circle... and invited a few more people into the group.
Within a year, this new batch of students had ALSO achieved a long list of items on their bucket lists:
They had topped bestseller lists, doubled and tripled their incomes, gotten paid big fees to speak at big conferences, and in general had stepped into radically different lives.
Where they were pursuing their purpose full time. Writing and speaking and coaching and building businesses full time.
Since then I have kept my Inner Circle a small, intimate group. But at the same time I have constantly been on the lookout for my next few protegees.
Men and women filled with FIRE and FAITH. Who badly want to live a "bigger" life... and a "bigger" purpose. But who don't know how to get there.
Normally my Inner Circle is by invite-only.
You cannot just pay a fee and secure a spot.
You have to wait until you get a call or an email from one of my coaches.
But every now and then I run an open "casting call" if you will, where anyone can raise their hand... join my Inner Circle for 30 days... get coached through phase 1 of my "Inner Circle System" (i.e. Getting Clarity)... and at that point my coach makes a decision about whether said person will be invited to stay for the remainder of the year, and finish phases 2-4.
And today, I am excited to announce I am opening up a 4-day open audition for my Inner Circle.
I am looking for a few people who meet the following qualifications:
- You must be able to invest 7 hours a week into building your brand, business and ministry for the rest of this year
- You must be able to invest in your education for the next 12 months, in two senses. First, financially: if you are invited to stay in Inner Circle after your audition, you will be asked to pay a monthly membership fee of $777/mo. But also, you must have the "guts" and stick-to-itness... to work through the frustrating moments you will inevitably face along the way
- You must have “the goods” — by which I mean a message or survivor story you feel called to share, a vision God has given you, communication ability, and an "I WILL take that mountain” mindset
If you meet these 3 qualifications, and think that joining my Inner Circle would change your life if you got in...
(1) You are correct
(2) Start your audition here:
Even if you are not invited to stay, I assure you, the clarity about your purpose you will get from walking through Phase 1 of my Inner Circle System with one of my coaches... that will make the experience worth it, ten times over.
Plus I have a hunch that you will feel inspired in a way you never have before... because the moment you step into the group, you will be surrounded by believers who are on FIRE and doing big things in the world.
And if you get invited to stay...
Treat yourself out to a nice dinner, because your life is about to change forever.
So sign up for an audition, and one of my coaches will reach out to you and let you know next steps.
Please note: auditions close this Friday (Jan 29) at midnight.
I hope to see you inside my Inner Circle very soon.
Coach Tam