Please disregard my previous email. Just found out that this file
isn't related to arch upgrade, it was created by a rogue make script.
My apologies.

On Sun, Oct 13, 2024 at 10:48 PM Tadeas Uhlir <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Today, I noticed that my alias for "ls" is not working as usual. I
> alias "ll" to "LC_COLLATE=C ls -alF" to have a long listing with
> hidden dirs at the top. However, I noticed that the sorting doesn't
> work all of a sudden. After some digging around I found out that this
> is due to "LC_ALL" being set to "en_US.utf8". This variable is being
> set from a file at "/etc/profile.d/".
> Two notes about this:
> 1. For the life of me I cannot figure out which package
> upgrade/install created this file. Just going by a pacman log the file
> creation time corresponds to when "pacman --noconfirm -S autoconf
> libtool m4 automake" ran. But those packages don't seem to have much
> to do with locale. And googling the path of this file doesn't seem to
> yield much, clearly it's not a very common config file across linux
> distros.
> 2. Once I find the culprit, I would love to know what is the rationale
> behind explicitly setting "LC_ALL". Even the archwiki mentions that
> this should only be done during tests:
> . And,
> indeed, seems like a bad idea given that it overrides all LC_ vars.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Tadeáš Uhlíř

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