On 2024-09-25 at 11:09:08 +0200, Daniel Ranc <daniel.r...@telecom-sudparis.eu> wrote:
> I am experiencing some strangeness with the Adwaita tray icons of > VLC and volumeicon. They disappeared from the tray around this > summer (unfortunately no precise data here) and I needed to > revert to the latest working package > adwaita-icon-theme-41.0-1-any.pkg.tar.zst for those icons to work > again. > > My environment is using stalonetray and a very simple window > manager (no Gnome, no KDE whatsoever). Old school. Me, too. :-) > Are others impacted as well ? Any clue how to get back on track ? > > Interestingly last week some apps suddenly showed completely > black windows: simple-scan and pavucontrol, and i had to revert > to older packages to make them work again. Are those phenomena > related? Another possibility is that your applications are starting to use the Status Notifier Icon API. From my ~/.xinit file: # iwgtk does Status Notifier Icon, but some system trays # (*cough*, tint2, stalonetray, *cough*) don't, so we use # snixembed instead snixembed & sleep $delay So maybe install snixembed from AUR[0]? [0] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/snixembed